Mourning Past. Print subscriptions available in U.S., Canada and Europe, Article URL:, If Your Right Eye Causes You to Sin, Pluck It Out. Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? (Romans 7:24 NLT). It moves us outside of Gods grace with His mercy hidden behind a self-made cloud of doubt. God does not answer Jobs questions but instead only reveals more of His power and nature. When Satan tempts, he tells you that youre going to gain; youre going to be like God, knowing good and evil; youre going to save your life; youre going to have this ministry for God. David has the loss of Absalom when he flees the country and goes to stay with relatives. I put these under a broad category when I say, Do the righteous mourn for this? and, Do the prophets mourn for the things that we are mourning for? There are a lot of instances of that. I normally dont watch the late night talk shows, but Ive got to tell you, from what little Ive seen passing by, theres a whole lot of laughing going on about things that we shouldnt be laughing about. He just rototilled the whole back garden because he needed some way to let it out. 4 Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned, And done what is evil in Thy sight, So that Thou art justified when Thou dost speak, And blameless when Thou dost judge. It is also seen in Job, a man who was described as blameless, upright, fearing God, and turning away from evil (Job 1:1). Godly sorrow leads to repentance, and repentance leads to forgiveness, and forgiveness is Gods comfort. . 13:5, Mourning over personal sin leads to ______________- and to greater intimacy with God, Mourn over the ____________________ Matthew 23:37, A sinful society can ______________you to sin, and compassion for those that cause problems is easily lost, To be like Jesus, we are to _____our enemies and pray for those that persecute us they are the mission field, Mourn over ___________________ and its consequences John 11, Romans 8:21-23, creation and we who believe will _____________ as we await our final redemption. and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, BECAUSE YOU DID NOT KNOW THE TIME OF YOUR VISITATION. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn - Life, Hope and Truth 1:3), in His promises (Romans 5), through His Spirit (John 14). Are you entertained by the perversity in our society? The Book of Genesis is filled with death; we would not then be surprised that it is filled with mourning because of that death. When Jesus says, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4), He is talking about certain people and certain kinds of mourning. He has most after he has given most away and has least when he possesses most., He may be and often is highest when he feels lowest and most sinless when he is most conscious of sin. "Blessed" really means "happy." Happy are those who mourn. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ( 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.). Matthew 5:1-10, Part 3 in a 14-part series of studies I call The Christian Character as described by Jesus to a crowd of people on a Galilean hillside as he delivered what is more familiarly known as the Sermon on the Mount. In this part we examine the beatitude, Blessed are those who mourn., Sermon on the Mount I should have answered the man by inviting him to tell. I was thinking of Ham in Genesis 9. Blessed are those who mourn is not the way of our society. But there is the other side of the coin. Our Lord begins with what we know as the beatitudes, which shows us some important things about faith: a. The second step is to mourn over our sin. The Sermon on the Mount is taught in the beginning of Jesus public ministry. Remember, Joab has to literally come along and slap, if you would, his king on the side of the head. Holiness, This is a sermon on the second beatitude. When you look at the mourning thats going to come in the Sermon on the Mount, what do the Scribes and the Pharisees do with mourning? read more, Scripture: David feels that loss deeply. All of these tragedies because of the pursuit of a few fleeting moments of pleasure. The word poor there means destitute, impoverished, begging poor. These are people that realize their utter spiritual bankruptcy. Jesus then raised Lazarus from the dead (verses 43-44). Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. The two key texts are Isaiah 61 and Isaiah 40. This includes their pursuit of entertainment and their choices of amusements, and I am not talking about going to amusement parks. The Christian life is one of great paradox. Independent/Bible. Jesus is seeing the effect that death is having on these friends of His and He mourns over the pain that it causes. Now, if you think Im fishing a little bit, remember in the Gospel of Luke when Jesus comes to Nazareth and presents Himself there in the synagogue, He takes the scroll, and He reads these verses (Luke 4:18,19). Two critical texts are key to understanding Matthew 5:4. Talk with your parents about what it means to mourn over sin and Gods comfort for those that do. Concentrates on the second beatitude with brief comment on teh first. INTRODUCTION: Matthew 5:4: Blessed are they who mourn A. It's bad enough realizing that the world is a sad place. c. read more, Denomination: Bob was born and raised in a Christian home i More. No! There are several ways in which the world tries to bring comfort. Series: Matthew. However, that is not the end of mourning over our own sin. They feel it would have been better for you had all of them died and Absalom lived. Blessed means more than happy. Happiness is an emotion that is dependent on how well things are going. It usage now means to pass or cause to pass the time pleasantly, To entertain or occupy in a light, playful, or pleasant manner. Our society has a great preference for amusement because it is a diversion from the pain that can be caused by deep thought. Introduction: Paul describes it in 2 Corinthians 7:9-10, I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to [the point of] repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to [the will of] God, in order that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. A close relationship with God can yield more joy than some think possible (Psalm 16:11; 1 Peter 1:8). Somethings wrong with that; mourning ought to be an ongoing part of life, as Paul says in Roman 8. All you have to do is to read the Scriptures to see this. A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Try, What Small Groups Do Bestand What They Don't, The Power Of Choosing To Be A Touchable Leader. Let's look at why it matters that this character quality must be present in every person standing redeemed before God. You dont make the fashion section of the paper when you are mourning because when you are mourning, you are not trying to look good; you are humbling yourself in your grief. There are countless examples, and there is a transition in the Scriptures from the beginning in Genesis, where the mourning is focused on the loss of one who is loved (mourning that comes as a result of death), to mourning that has a more direct relationship to sin and its consequences. When he looks at the cross he is a pessimist, for he knows that the same judgement that fell on the Lord of glory condemns in that one act all nature and all the world of men. "Happy are those who mourn." It isnt always the loss of someones life or fellowship, although it may well be; that is the most obvious mourning. Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Theres an imaginary line because thats where in Luke 4:19 Jesus stops, but lets read on. We are to be grieved by the things that grieves the Lord, to mourn over sin and the effects of sin in our lives and in our world today. The original meaning of amusement still applies and our society is deceived. ", Scriptures: "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." Blessed Are Those Who Mourn This sermon is on the second beatitude, "Blessed are those who mourn." It looks at the process of mourning and how we can experience God's comfort during these times, such as realizing God's with us, our need to release the hurt, and more. "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn" - Meaning of Matthew 5:4 Explained It involves our emotions, not just our intellect, and I would say it involves intense emotion. The Greek word here translated as comforted (parakale;w / parakaleo) means to cause to be encouraged or consoled, either by verbal or non-verbal means. The Oxford dictionary defines comfort as 1) a state of ease and freedom from pain or constraint. However, self-righteous works will not get you into the kingdom. However, that sin is participated in vicariously if not actually when we laugh at the crude and immoral amusements the world laughs at. Proverbs 14:9: Fools mock at sin. Now mockery may include more than that, but it seems to me its often there. They were not at all ashamed; nor did they know how to blush. Considering all this, we can see why Jesus said, Blessed are those who mourn (Matthew 5:4). In heaviness he manages to rejoice and keeps his heart glad even in sorrow., He believes that he is saved now, nevertheless he expects to be saved later and looks forward joyfully to future salvation. Keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE Teacher preparation: Funeral Service for | Mrs. Mojirola Julianan Adewusi | Friday 16th June 2023 | 10am So, surely when Jesus is talking here, we can safely say it is a part of what He is about and what He says. Revelation 18:11,15 ______________, 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 Godly sorrow that results in __________________ and salvation, Psalm 51:3-4___________________________________Job______________________________________, Being poor in spirit results in ________________the kingdom and mourning over sin brings Gods comfort, ___________is a missing element in the lives of too many Christians who live the same was as unbelievers. We are to mourn at the presence and the consequences of sin, but we laugh at it. When I say a word, just tell me what comes to your mind. God has also given us the sure promise of the future redemption of all things. Having trouble logging into your account? Many Christian parents are in grief over the rebellion of their children. It is a little difficult to see Jesus totally overwhelmed in sorrow; it may almost be better to say, See how Jesus loves Mary and Martha, sisters of Lazarus. Hes saying that in this circumstance of mourning, comfort will be brought to bearnot necessarily that you will escape the things for which you mourn, but rather that you will find Gods comfort. We have come to the place where those who really care about human life have become the enemies of society. Let me give you another example: Mrs. Doubtfire. Blessed are Those Who Mourn - Matthew 5:4 | Grace Bible Church There are multiple aspects of that plan that serve to comfort followers of Christ even now as they go through mourning. The Beatitudes #2 They practice it in public, and theyre proud of it. He is wisest when he knows that he knows not and knows least when he has acquired the greatest amount of knowledge. Memorial Day is a day of mourning: 2) Falling into despair rather than mourning. We have no recorded instances where Jesus laughed. Luke 6:25, 1) Laughter turned to sorrow in present life when _________________ of sinful pursuits catch up, 2) Laughter turned to sorrow in eternity when God _______________sin and pronounces condemnation, Mourning (pevnqoV / penthos): strong sorrow / ________of the heart usually expressed in weeping & laments, Genesis 37:34_____________. For the days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side. Mark 16:10 _________________. 4) Procrastination is the final hindrance to mourning over sin that I want to mention today. Ill grant you, He stops because it talks about the Day of Judgment, and He doesnt go all the way down and emphasize the mourning element, but the reality is that this is a part of the text Jesus chose as a pointer to Himself. I dont think that you can withdraw one segment of the Beatitudes and say that all mourners are comforted. Sorrow is better than laughter, For when a face is sad a heart may be happy. In Luke 19:41-44, Jesus approaches the city of Jerusalem and weeps over it. He weeps over it because He has presented Himself to Israel as the Messiah, and they have rejected Him, and that city and those people are going to be destroyed and devastated. Anyone anywhere in the world with an Internet connection will be able to use and print out the NET Bible without cost for personal study. Should I Use Bible Software In My Sermon Prep. This morning we will be looking at one of the many paradoxes in the Christian life. Lets make an effort to come to some kind of definition by looking at some of the essential elements of mourning. But what is the mourning that Jesus is talking about here in Matthew 5:4? Matthew 5:4, Denomination: The faithful mourn. Cf. 2) We should also say that mourning is not always good; that is, every expression of mourning is not necessarily proper. We become accustomed. James says something similar to this in James 4:8-10. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Sermon by Scott Kircher - SermonCentral Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears. (Acts 20:31 NKJV), Scriptures: He said, "Where have you laid him?" They said to him, "Lord, come and see." Jesus began to weep. To the world this seems like foolishness and shear stupidity. Absaloms death was the salvation of the kingdom, so get it together, David. . What will prompt you to mourn over sin and draw near to God? 2 Thessalonians 2:12 speaks of the judgement that God will bring on those who took pleasure in wickedness.. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth (Ecclesiastes 7:2-4). Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : What Small Groups Do Bestand What They Don't, The Power Of Choosing To Be A Touchable Leader. a garment symbolizing praise, instead of discouragement. Romans 8:21 & 23 speak of Creation itself and we who believe groaning as we await the redemption of the physical world from the corruption of sin. (Cf. I am worn out from sobbing. When we look, for example, at the news pictures in the Middle East and see people mourning the death of their families in a bombing or tragedy, we see a very external, emotional expression of grief in their mourning. Why this is crazy! Living in a society such as ours can easily desensitize you to sin because it becomes overwhelming. This second Bible Study on the blessings from God during difficult and trying circumstances is on the phrase - Blessed [are] they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Inappropriate mourning is sensing a loss where we should feel a gain. The beginning of faith. It seems that he was about the only one who literally wept over the persistent sin and the coming destruction because of that sin. Charles Colson who was put into jail for his part in the Watergate scandal in America so many years ago now, subsequently found Jesus in prison and today he heads up an international ministry to people in Let me ask a few questions that are tests for pious mourning. 3) There is not universal comfort for all mourners. I still recall attempting to introduce levity into that event because I couldnt handle the grief. Yet he is calmly, restfully optimistic. Though poor he has the power to make others rich, but when he becomes rich his ability to enrich others vanishes. What is mourning in Matthew 5:4? But feeling the effects of that worldexperiencing grief, sorrow and mourningcan be devastating. Many biblical heroes cried, the most notable of whom was Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53:3; John 11:35). If the cross condemns the world, the resurrection of Christ guarantees the ultimate triumph of good throughout the universe. The interesting thing about 1 Samuel 16, when God tells him to go and anoint David, is that Samuels first response is, Hell kill me. 1 Thessalonians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 10:5, 2 Corinthians 1:3, 2 Corinthians 1:4, Acts 20:31, Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 4:16, Isaiah 43:18, Isaiah 53, James 4:9, Job 13:27, John 16:33, John 16:7, Matthew 5:4, Nahum 1:7, Proverbs 14:13, Psalm 119:52, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 56:8, Psalm 6:6, Romans 12:19, Romans 15:13, Romans 4:18, Romans 7:24, Sermon Topics: For us, in our rather subdued culture and society, that is not quite as self-evident as it may be in some other cultures. Sermon | Blessed Are They Who Mourn - The Preacher's Files - For example, when Absalom is responsible for murder and flees from Israel to escape any possible consequences, David mourns his absence. Maintaining an Enduring Ministry of Faithful Service (2 Timothy 3:10-15) April 2 2023. There are three areas in which we should mourn over sin. The unrepentant and presumptuous are neither poor in spirit nor do they mourn, consequently, they do not receive the blessings of being in Gods kingdom or receiving His comfort. I believed that Jesus was saying this was what he wanted his followers to That burden is lifted and taken away by Jesus forgiveness and cleansing. Here are some questions for serious consideration. What Jesus says here is in contrast to what the world believes. Matthew 5:2-11, THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT June 21 2020. Just as mourning is the appropriate response to sin, so worship is the appropriate response to the perfections of God. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. It may be loss of benefits, for example, as Israel mourns at Kadesh-Barnea the fact that they will not enter into the land. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. No matter what the problem, there is some product out there being sold to try to replace your sadness with happiness. As Jesus begins the sermon, he makes a series of statements which we call the Beatitudes. This is not a list of the things you must do to enter the kingdom or even to become righteous. The Holy Spirit has been sent to convict us of sin, righteousness and judgement (John 16:9). Reading: Matthew 5v4 Yet I cried when my uncle stepped on them and broke them. Lets play a word association game for a minute. Instead, the joy comes from knowing God and His way of life. blessed are those who mourn, is When we look at this section of the Beatitudes, we are talking about those who mourn, and we are also talking about those who are poor in spirit, those who are meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. 159 This is the edited manuscript of Lesson 11 in the Studies in the Gospel of Matthew series prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh on May 4, 2003. If he refuses to go down he is already down, but when he starts down he is on his way up., He is strongest when he is weakest and weakest when he is strong. I want to close by briefly examining four major reasons that keep people mourning and receiving Gods comfort. We repent from that, ask for Gods forgiveness, and on the basis of His mercy and grace alone, He wonderfully saves us from sin through faith in Jesus Christ and changes us so that we are born again to a new life. What Is the Narrow Gate Jesus Talked About? Most of life today is spent avoiding sorrow and pain. Title: The Blessed Mourner It is an emotional reaction based on outward circumstances. read more, Scripture: It would be wrong to experience and confront sin and not mourn, but it is just as wrong to come face to face with the perfections of God and not worship. My grandparents lived right past a huge cemetery, and I found it possible not to see that cemetery every time we went to visit them. Because those laughing had amused themselves and were deceived about the harsh realities of life. He wants to give us eternal life without any more mourning. This is a cheap faith believing in cheap grace. Matthew 5:3 - 7:27 Im going down this path because Luke opens the door and says we have to beware of levity when it comes in relationship to mourning. The Beatitudes reveal the best keys to happiness. It speaks to The two are contradictory opposite of each other. That is why many people must always have some sort of media playing radio, music, TV, Ipod, etc. And sometimes those eyes will be filled with tears. Notice in verse 33 that Jesus is moved by Mary and the others weeping. When one looks in the face of death, should he not see the connection between that death and sin that produced it in the ultimate sense? Put on a happy face. Last week we looked at the foundational characteristic of the kingdom citizen of being poor in spirit. By the way, every true Christian is a kingdom citizen. Neither of these beatitudes is a blessing in themselves, but they result in blessing. But if this was Messiah, when would He establish His kingdom? Foursquare. Somehow Ham shows up, and it seems as though Canaan may be involved in that (because the curse falls upon him). Incredible Christian!. Dutchess County Denomination: In Psalm 119:136, you find the psalmist mourning over the sins of Gods people. I believe Jesus wept over the general sin that is in the world that causes men to die. However it is the first step in becoming a blessed person. The word mourn here (pevnqoV / penthos) is a strong word for sorrow and grief. We see mourning throughout the Bible on the occasion of death, but not only death. According to Wikipedia: no less than 1,354,664 died for America in war. The second sorrow comes after physical death, because unless the sinner repents and turns to Jesus Christ in this life, they will spend eternity in hell where there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:42,50). Mourning is hateful and irksome to the human nature. It is what precedes repentance. Is our mourning something for which we find the righteous in the Bible mourning? There are many ways that such grief grips our souls. Jesus wept over a lost city. I think we therefore must say, Not all mourners will be comforted. Is that not valid? It is upon this foundation that we come to the next statement of Jesus in this sermon in Matthew 5:4, Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.. As we get older we experience the loss of our health and we worry about the future, Weve experienced the loss of a relationship, like a divorce, and its eating our hearts out, or. It was used to describe Jacobs grief when he thought Joseph had been killed by wild animals (LXX Genesis 37:34). What demonstrates it? Blessed Are Those Who Mourn - Sermon Illustration Ideas
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