cannot import name apply from dask compatibility

gmpy2==2.0.8 You must supply the number of partitions or chunksize that will be used to generate the dask dataframe. conda-package-handling @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/conda-package-handling_1618262151086/work Introduction Have you ever tried working with a large dataset on a 4GB RAM machine? We can supply an ad-hoc function to run on each partition using the map_partitions method. from dask.distributed import Client client = Client () ImportError: cannot import name 'apply' from 'dask.compatibility'. mpmath==1.1.0 six==1.14.0 cookie , Stack Exchange cookie cookie. By Anaconda, Inc. We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. {add|remove}_worker hooks in order to immediately execute all sync ones (GH#7799) Hendrik Makait, Fix check_idle not returning the correct value if no change to idleness (GH#7781) Jacob Tomlinson, Avoid warning when gilknocker not installed (GH#7808) James Bourbeau, Only set worker/nanny to Status.running if it is in Status.init (GH#7773) Thomas Grainger, Add --cov-config=pyproject.toml so config is always correctly loaded by pytest-cov (GH#7793) Thomas Grainger, gilknocker from conda-forge (GH#7791) James Bourbeau, Bump actions/checkout from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2 (GH#7784), Fix typing now that code is tuple of frame(s) (GH#7778) Nat Tabris. ! APIs AutoSklearn 0.15.0 documentation - GitHub Pages (GH#1038) (GH#1101), Add AioClient asyncio-compatible client API (GH#1029) (GH#1092) Make worker state machine methods private (GH#6564) crusaderky, Yank state machine out of Worker class (GH#6566) crusaderky, Track worker_state_machine.TaskState instances (GH#6525) Hendrik Makait, Trivial tweaks to the Worker State Machine (GH#6586) crusaderky, Replace loop.call_later and loop.add_callback with background tasks added to Server. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Not the answer you're looking for? pkginfo== QDarkStyle==2.8 float64: In the case where the metadata doesnt change, you can also pass in When working with pandas and dask preferable use parquet format. locket==0.2.0 3 : / / sparkmagic @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/sparkmagic_1629201942668/work/sparkmagic Dask Apply of Python Function - Stack Overflow lazy-object-proxy==1.4.3 I haven't created a virtual environment as described in the project, could that be the issue? QGridLayout. requests==2.26.0 to your account, Got this import error You can run this notebook in a live session or view it on Github. This is experimental, undocumented, and may change without notice. intervaltree==3.0.2 sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1 This vulnerability is documented in CVE-2021-42343, and is fixed pycparser==2.19 widgetsnbextension==3.5.1 Before starting to migrate, read the behaviors guide. meta is recommended. thrift @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/thrift_1614851254062/work So, what exactly do I need to add to PATH variable? Updated minimum supported version of Dask to 2020.12.0. {0 or index, 1 or columns}, default 0, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, dict, iterable, tuple, optional. ipython_genutils==0.2.0 Copyright 2016, Anaconda, Inc.. test_close_async_task_handles_cancellation, test_rechunk_with_{fully|partially}_unknown_dimension,, test_failing_worker_with_additional_replicas_on_cluster, test_(do_not_)steal_communication_heavy_tasks, test_do_not_steal_communication_heavy_tasks, test_steal_reschedule_reset_in_flight_occupancy, distributed/tests/, test_worker_who_has_clears_after_failed_connection, test_async_task_group_call_later_executes_delayed_task_in_background, test_cancelled_resumed_after_flight_with_dependencies,, test_dump_cluster_unresponsive_remote_worker, test_drop_with_paused_workers_with_running_tasks_3_4, pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetComputeRunningProcesses, distributed/tests/, test_worker_reconnects_mid_compute_multiple_states_on_scheduler. These optional dependencies and their minimum supported versions are listed below. We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. Dask installation can happen in a few different ways. (GH#3883) Matthias Bussonnier, Allow dictionaries in security= keywords (GH#3874) Matthew Rocklin, Use pickle protocol 5 with NumPy object arrays (GH#3871) jakirkham, Cast any frame to uint8 (same type as bytes) (GH#3870) jakirkham, Use Enum for worker, scheduler and nanny status. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. to raise if the versions dont match on client, scheduler & workers (GH#664), Future.add_done_callback executes in separate thread (GH#656), Support serialization of Tornado v4.5 coroutines (GH#673), Use CPickle instead of Pickle in Python 2 (GH#684), Use Forkserver rather than Fork on Unix in Python 3 (GH#687), Support abstract resources for per-task constraints (GH#694) (GH#720) (GH#737), Add embedded Bokeh server to workers (GH#709) (GH#713) (GH#738), Add embedded Bokeh server to scheduler (GH#724) (GH#736) (GH#738), Add more precise timers for Windows (GH#713), Support inter-client channels (GH#729) (GH#749), Scheduler Performance improvements (GH#740) (GH#760), Improve load balancing and work stealing (GH#747) (GH#754) (GH#757), Avoid slow sizeof call on Pandas dataframes (GH#758), Remove custom Bokeh export tool that implicitly relied on nodejs (GH#655), Support more numpy dtypes in custom serialization, (GH#627), (GH#630), (GH#636), Improve spill to disk heuristics (GH#633), Reverse frame order in loads for very many frames (GH#651), Add timeout when waiting on write (GH#653), Add Client.get_versions() function to return software and package Rather than restructure or build from scratch Plus, all new Python development should use Python3, Probably should have taken that route. (GH#4487) jakirkham, Attempt to get client from worker in Queue and Variable (GH#4490) James Bourbeau, Use main branch for zict (GH#4499) jakirkham, Use a callback to close TCP Comms, rather than check every time (GH#4453) Matthew Rocklin, Bump minimum Dask to 2021.02.0 (GH#4486) James Bourbeau, Update TaskState documentation about dependents attribute (GH#4440) Florian Jetter, DOC: Autoreformat all functions docstrings (GH#4475) Matthias Bussonnier, Use cached version of is_coroutine_function in stream handling to (GH#4481) Ian Rose, Create (GH#4476) Ray Bell, DOC: typo, directives ends with 2 colons :: (GH#4472) Matthias Bussonnier, DOC: Proper numpydoc syntax for distributed/protocol/*.py (GH#4473) Matthias Bussonnier, Update pytest.skip usage in test_server_listen (GH#4467) James Bourbeau, Added worker resources from config (GH#4456) Tom Augspurger, Fix var name in worker validation func (GH#4457) Gil Forsyth, Refactor task_groups & task_prefixes (GH#4452) jakirkham, Use parent._tasks in heartbeat (GH#4450) jakirkham, Refactor SchedulerState from Scheduler (GH#4365) jakirkham, Make system monitor interval configurable (GH#4447) Matthew Rocklin, Add uvloop config value (GH#4448) Matthew Rocklin, Additional optimizations to stealing (GH#4445) jakirkham, Give clusters names (GH#4426) Jacob Tomlinson, Use worker comm pool in Semaphore (GH#4195) Florian Jetter, Set runspec on all new tasks to avoid deadlocks (GH#4432) Florian Jetter, Support TaskState objects in story methods (GH#4434) Matthew Rocklin, Support missing event loop in Client.asynchronous (GH#4436) Matthew Rocklin, Dont require network to inspect tests (GH#4433) Matthew Rocklin, Add time started to scheduler info (GH#4425) Jacob Tomlinson, Log adaptive error (GH#4422) Jacob Tomlinson, Xfail normalization tests (GH#4411) Jacob Tomlinson, Use dumps_msgpack and loads_msgpack when packing high level graphs (GH#4409) Mads R. B. Kristensen, Add nprocs auto option to dask-worker CLI (GH#4377) Jacob Tomlinson, Type annotation of _reevaluate_occupancy_worker (GH#4398) jakirkham, Type TaskGroup in active_states (GH#4408) jakirkham, Fix test_as_current_is_thread_local (GH#4402) jakirkham, Use list comprehensions to bind TaskGroup type (GH#4401) jakirkham, Make tests pass after 2028 (GH#4403) Bernhard M. Wiedemann, Fix compilation warnings, decide_worker now a C func, stealing improvements (GH#4375) jakirkham, Drop custom __eq__ from Status (GH#4270) jakirkham, test_performance_report: skip without bokeh (GH#4388) Bruno Pagani, Nanny now respects dask settings from ctx mgr (GH#4378) Florian Jetter, Better task duration estimates for outliers (GH#4213) selshowk, Dask internal inherit config (GH#4364) Jacob Tomlinson, Provide option to profile Cython code (GH#4362) jakirkham, Optimizations of *State and Task* objects and stealing (GH#4358) jakirkham, Cast SortedDict s to dict s in a few key places & other minor changes (GH#4355) jakirkham, Use task annotation priorities for user-level priorities (GH#4354) James Bourbeau, Added docs to highlevelgraph pack/unpack (GH#4352) Mads R. B. Kristensen, Optimizations in notable functions used by transitions (GH#4351) jakirkham, Silence exception when releasing futures on process shutdown (GH#4309) Benjamin Zaitlen. networkx==2.4 (GH#6603) Thomas Grainger, Support for neater WorkerState tests (GH#6609) crusaderky, Limit TCP writes with Tornado to 2GB (GH#6557) hhuuggoo, Enable no_implicit_optional for scheduler (GH#6622) Thomas Grainger, Partial revert of compute-task message format (GH#6626) Florian Jetter, Restore log message about received signals in CLI (GH#6618) Florian Jetter, Handle empty memoryviews of bytearrays when (de)serializing (GH#6576) Benjamin Zaitlen, Ensure steal requests from same-IP but distinct workers are rejected (GH#6585) Florian Jetter, Fix tls_(min|max)_ version having no effect on openssl 1.1.0g or lower (GH#6562) Thomas Grainger, Fix idle_timeout and unxfail test (GH#6563) Matthew Rocklin, Fix crashing debug statement in _purge_state (GH#6589) crusaderky, Abort connections on CancelledError (GH#6574) Thomas Grainger, Fix Active Memory Manager ignores nbytes thresholds (GH#6583) crusaderky, Deprecate WorkerState accessors (GH#6579) crusaderky, Mypy enforce --no-implicit-optional (GH#6606) crusaderky, Update versioneer: change from using SafeConfigParser to ConfigParser (GH#6605) Thomas A Caswell, Warn unreachable for (GH#6611) Florian Jetter, Refactor wait_for_state() (GH#6581) crusaderky, Hardcode wait_for_signals signal list (GH#6619) Thomas Grainger, Always pick an open port when running tests (GH#6591) Florian Jetter, Log popen stdout/err when subprocess times out (GH#6567) Gabe Joseph, Fix test_error_during_startup (GH#6608) Florian Jetter, Make test_idle_timeout_no_workers more robust (GH#6602) Florian Jetter, Mypy enforce --disallow-incomplete-defs (GH#6601) crusaderky, Do not log during signal handler (GH#6590) Florian Jetter, Dont initialize mp_context on import (GH#6580) Lawrence Mitchell, Test retire workers deadlock (GH#6240) Gabe Joseph, Rework some tests related to gather_dep (GH#6472) crusaderky, Minor cosmetic review of scheduler_story and worker_story (GH#6442) crusaderky, Force __future__.annotations with isort (GH#6621) Thomas Grainger, Make disk access in system monitor configurable (GH#6537) Matthew Rocklin, Log and except errors on preload start (GH#6553) Matthew Rocklin, Fix Scheduler.restart logic (GH#6504) Gabe Joseph, Dont heartbeat while Worker is closing (GH#6543) Gabe Joseph, No longer retry LocalCluster on errno.EADDRINUSE (GH#6369) Thomas Grainger, Dont invoke log_event from state machine (GH#6512) crusaderky, Add config option to disable profiling and disable it in many tests per default (GH#6490) Hendrik Makait, Encapsulate Worker.batched_stream.send() (GH#6475) crusaderky, refresh-who-has can break the worker state machine (GH#6529) crusaderky, Restart worker if its unrecognized by scheduler (GH#6505) Gabe Joseph, Fix import error when distributed.rmm.pool-size is set (GH#6482) KoyamaSohei, Restore signature compatibility for dask-gateway (GH#6561) Tom Augspurger, Deprecate the io_loop and loop kwarg to Server, Worker, and Nanny (GH#6473) Thomas Grainger, Deprecate the loop kwarg to Scheduler (GH#6443) Thomas Grainger, Fix typo in .nthreads() docstring example (GH#6545) Pavithra Eswaramoorthy, Update docs theme for rebranding (GH#6495) Sarah Charlotte Johnson, Fix flaky test_gather_dep_one_worker_always_busy (GH#6554) crusaderky, Remove missing-data message (GH#6546) crusaderky, Port test_local.LocalTest to pytest tests to allow use of loop fixture (GH#6523) Thomas Grainger, Fix test_quiet_client_close (GH#6541) Gabe Joseph, Use default_initializer in WorkerProcess (GH#6534) jakirkham, Avoid deadlocks in tests that use popen (GH#6483) Gabe Joseph, Revert Fix CLI Scheduler Tests (GH#6502) (GH#6547) Gabe Joseph, Update test report URL in summary message (GH#6532) Gabe Joseph, Update test report url (GH#6531) Ian Rose, Assert AsyncProcess.set_exit_callback is not called with a coroutine function (GH#6526) Thomas Grainger, Typing and docstring for Worker.close (GH#6518) Hendrik Makait, Fix CLI Scheduler Tests (GH#6502) Benjamin Zaitlen, Collect assertions in test_as_current_is_thread_local (GH#6520) Thomas Grainger, Link test report from test results comment (GH#6524) Hendrik Makait, Ignore the return value of signal.signal (GH#6519) Thomas Grainger, Refactor all event handlers (GH#6410) crusaderky, Fix dashboard favicon background (GH#6514) Jacob Tomlinson, Update dashboard logo (GH#6513) Jacob Tomlinson, Fix test_stress_scatter_death (GH#6404) Florian Jetter, Remove CrossFilter widget (GH#6484) crusaderky, data_needed exclusively contains tasks in fetch state (GH#6481) crusaderky, Assert possible previous states (GH#6488) Florian Jetter, @fail_hard can kill the whole test suite; hide errors (GH#6474) crusaderky, Assert that a fetch->cancelled->resumed->fetch cycle is impossible (GH#6460) crusaderky, Refactor busy workers reinsertion (GH#6379) crusaderky, Refactor find_missing and refresh_who_has (GH#6348) crusaderky, Rename to (GH#6486) crusaderky, update_who_has can remove workers (GH#6342) crusaderky, Restructure test_watch_requires_lock_to_run to avoid flakes (GH#6469) Hendrik Makait, Fix intermittent test_profile_plot failure (GH#6456) Matthew Rocklin, Use to run gen_cluster, gen_test and cluster (GH#6231) Thomas Grainger, Improve tests that watch for subprocess logs (GH#6461) Gabe Joseph, Add a lock to distributed.profile for better concurrency control (GH#6421) Hendrik Makait, Send SIGKILL after SIGTERM when passing 95% memory (GH#6419) crusaderky, Log rather than raise exceptions in preload.teardown() (GH#6458) Matthew Rocklin, Handle failing plugin.close() calls during scheduler shutdown (GH#6450) Matthew Rocklin, Fix slicing bug in ensure_memoryview (GH#6449) jakirkham, Generalize UCX errors on connect() and correct pytest fixtures (GH#6434) Peter Andreas Entschev, Run cluster widget periodic callbacks on the correct event loop (GH#6444) Thomas Grainger, Disable pytest-asyncio if installed (GH#6436) Jacob Tomlinson, Close client in sync test_actor tests (GH#6459) Thomas Grainger, Ignore ServerSession.with_document_locked unawaited (GH#6447) Thomas Grainger, Remove coverage pin from Python 3.10 environment (GH#6439) Thomas Grainger, Annotate remove_worker (GH#6441) crusaderky, Update gpuCI RAPIDS_VER to 22.08 (GH#6428), Add HTTP API to scheduler (GH#6270) Matthew Murray, Shuffle Service with Scheduler Logic (GH#6007) Matthew Rocklin, Follow-up on removing report and safe from Worker.close (GH#6423) Gabe Joseph, Server close faster (GH#6415) Florian Jetter, Disable HTTP API by default (GH#6420) Jacob Tomlinson, Remove report and safe from Worker.close (GH#6363) Florian Jetter, Allow deserialized plugins in register_scheduler_plugin (GH#6401) Matthew Rocklin, WorkerState are different for different addresses (GH#6398) Florian Jetter, Do not filter tasks before gathering data (GH#6371) crusaderky, Remove worker reconnect (GH#6361) Gabe Joseph, Add SchedulerPlugin.log_event handler (GH#6381) Matthew Rocklin, Ensure occupancy tracking works as expected for long running tasks (GH#6351) Florian Jetter, stimulus_id for all Instructions (GH#6347) crusaderky, Refactor missing-data command (GH#6332) crusaderky, Add idempotent to register_scheduler_plugin client (GH#6328) Alex Ford, Add option to specify a scheduler address for workers to use (GH#5944) Enric Tejedor, Remove stray breakpoint (GH#6417) Thomas Grainger, Fix API JSON MIME type (GH#6397) Jacob Tomlinson, Remove wrong assert in handle compute (GH#6370) Florian Jetter, Ensure multiple clients can cancel their key without interference (GH#6016) Florian Jetter, Fix Nanny shutdown assertion (GH#6357) Gabe Joseph, Fix fail_hard for sync functions (GH#6269) Gabe Joseph, Prevent infinite transition loops; more aggressive validate_state() (GH#6318) crusaderky, Ensure cleanup of many GBs of spilled data on terminate (GH#6280) crusaderky, Fix WORKER_ANY_RUNNING regression (GH#6297) Florian Jetter, Race conditions from fetch to compute while AMM requests replica (GH#6248) Florian Jetter, Ensure resumed tasks are not accidentally forgotten (GH#6217) Florian Jetter, Do not allow closing workers to be awaited again (GH#5910) Florian Jetter, Move wait_for_signals to private module and deprecate distributed.cli.utils (GH#6367) Hendrik Makait, Fix typos and whitespace in (GH#6326) Hendrik Makait, Fix link to memory trimming documentation (GH#6317) Marco Wolsza, Make gen_test show up in VSCode test discovery (GH#6424) Gabe Joseph, WSMR / deserialize_task (GH#6411) crusaderky, Restore signal handlers after wait for signals is done (GH#6400) Thomas Grainger, fail_hard should reraise (GH#6399) crusaderky, Revisit tests mocking gather_dep (GH#6385) crusaderky, Fix flaky test_in_flight_lost_after_resumed (GH#6372) Florian Jetter, Restore install_signal_handlers due to downstream dependencies (GH#6366) Hendrik Makait, Improve catch_unhandled_exceptions (GH#6358) Gabe Joseph, Remove all invocations of IOLoop.run_sync from CLI (GH#6205) Hendrik Makait, Remove transition-counter-max from config (GH#6349) crusaderky, Use list comprehension in pickle_loads (GH#6343) jakirkham, Improve ensure_memoryview test coverage & make minor fixes (GH#6333) jakirkham, Remove leaking reference to workers from gen_cluster (GH#6337) Hendrik Makait, Partial annotations for (GH#6338) crusaderky, Validate and debug state machine on handle_compute_task (GH#6327) crusaderky, Bump pyupgrade and clean up # type: ignore (GH#6293) crusaderky, gen_cluster to write to /tmp (GH#6335) crusaderky, Transition table as a ClassVar (GH#6331) crusaderky, Simplify ensure_memoryview test with array (GH#6322) jakirkham, Refactor ensure_communicating (GH#6165) crusaderky, Review scheduler annotations, part 2 (GH#6253) crusaderky, Use w for writeable branch in pickle_loads (GH#6314) jakirkham, Simplify frame handling in ws (GH#6294) jakirkham, Use ensure_bytes from dask.utils (GH#6295) jakirkham, Use ensure_memoryview in array deserialization (GH#6300) jakirkham, Escape < > when generating Junit report (GH#6306) crusaderky, Use codecs.decode to deserialize errors (GH#6274) jakirkham, Minimize copying in maybe_compress & byte_sample (GH#6273) jakirkham, Skip test_release_evloop_while_spilling on OSX (GH#6291) Florian Jetter, Simplify logic in get_default_compression (GH#6260) jakirkham, Cleanup old compression workarounds (GH#6259) jakirkham, Re-enable NVML monitoring for WSL (GH#6119) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Handle writeable in buffer_callback (GH#6238) jakirkham, Use .data with NumPy array allocation (GH#6242) jakirkham, Close executor in event loop if interpreter is closing (GH#6256) Matthew Rocklin, Unblock event loop while waiting for ThreadpoolExecutor to shut down (GH#6091) Florian Jetter, RetireWorker policy is done if removed (GH#6234) Gabe Joseph, Pause to disable dependency gathering (GH#6195) crusaderky, Add EOFError to nanny multiprocessing.queue except list (GH#6213) Matthew Rocklin, Re-interpret error in lost worker scenario (GH#6193) Matthew Rocklin, Add Stimulus IDs to Scheduler (GH#6161) Florian Jetter, Set a five minute TTL for Dask workers (GH#6200) Matthew Rocklin, Add distributed.metrics.monotonic (GH#6181) crusaderky, Send worker validation errors to scheduler and err on test completion (GH#6192) Matthew Rocklin, Redesign worker exponential backoff on busy-gather (GH#6173) crusaderky, Log all invalid worker transitions to scheduler (GH#6134) Matthew Rocklin, Make Graph dashboard plot have invisible axes (GH#6149) Matthew Rocklin, Remove Nanny auto_restart state (GH#6138) Matthew Rocklin, Ensure scheduler events do not hold on to TaskState objects (GH#6226) Florian Jetter, Allow pausing and choke event loop while spilling (GH#6189) crusaderky, Do not use UUID in stealing (GH#6179) Florian Jetter, Handle int worker names in info page (GH#6158) Brett Naul, Fix psutil dio counters none (GH#6093) ungarj, Join Nanny watch thread (GH#6146) Matthew Rocklin, Improve logging when closing workers (GH#6129) Matthew Rocklin, Avoid stack overflow in profiling (GH#6141) Matthew Rocklin, Clean up SSHCluster if failure to start (GH#6130) Matthew Rocklin, Deprecate rpc synchronous context manager (GH#6171) Thomas Grainger, Update actors.rst (GH#6167) Scott Sievert, Add fail_hard decorator for worker methods (GH#6210) Matthew Rocklin, Do not require pytest_timeout (GH#6224) Florian Jetter, Remove remaining run_sync calls from tests (GH#6196) Thomas Grainger, Increase test timeout if debugger is running (GH#6218) Florian Jetter, Do not list closes keyword in list of bullet points (GH#6219) Florian Jetter, Harmonize (GH#6161) and (GH#6173) (GH#6207) crusaderky, Xfail test_worker_death_timeout (GH#6186) Matthew Rocklin, Use random port in (GH#6187) Matthew Rocklin, Mark all websocket tests as flaky (GH#6188) Matthew Rocklin, Fix flaky test_dont_steal_long_running_tasks (GH#6197) crusaderky, Cleanup names in stealing (GH#6185) Matthew Rocklin, log_errors decorator (GH#6184) crusaderky, Pass mypy validation on Windows (GH#6180) crusaderky, Add locket as a dependency instead of vendoring (GH#6166) Michael Adkins, Remove unittestmock for gather_dep and get_data_from_worker (GH#6172) Florian Jetter, Avoid easy deprecated calls to asyncio.get_event_loop() (GH#6170) Thomas Grainger, Fix flaky test_cancel_fire_and_forget (GH#6099) crusaderky, Remove deprecated code (GH#6144) Matthew Rocklin, Update link of test badge (GH#6154) Florian Jetter, Remove legacy state mappings (GH#6145) Matthew Rocklin, Fix test_worker_waits_for_scheduler (GH#6155) Matthew Rocklin, Disallow leaked threads on windows (GH#6152) Thomas Grainger, Review annotations and docstrings in, part 1 (GH#6132) crusaderky, Relax (GH#6150) Matthew Rocklin, Drop cast ing which is effectively a no-op (GH#6101) jakirkham, Mark tests that use a specific port as flaky (GH#6139) Matthew Rocklin, AMM Suggestion namedtuples (GH#6108) crusaderky, Add KillWorker Plugin (GH#6126) Matthew Rocklin, Sort worker list in info pages (GH#6135) Matthew Rocklin, Add back Worker.transition_fetch_missing (GH#6112) Matthew Rocklin, Log state machine events (GH#6092) crusaderky, Migrate ensure_executing transitions to new WorkerState event mechanism - part 1 (GH#6003) crusaderky, Migrate ensure_executing transitions to new WorkerState event mechanism - part 2 (GH#6062) crusaderky, Annotate worker transitions to error (GH#6012) crusaderky, Avoid transitioning from memory/released to missing in worker (GH#6123) Matthew Rocklin, Dont try to reconnect client on interpreter shutdown (GH#6120) Matthew Rocklin, Wrap UCX init warnings in importable functions (GH#6121) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Cancel asyncio tasks on worker close (GH#6098) crusaderky, Avoid port collisions when defining port ranges (GH#6054) crusaderky, Avoid intermittent failure in test_cancel_fire_and_forget (GH#6131) Matthew Rocklin, Ignore bokeh warning in pytest (GH#6127) Matthew Rocklin, Start uncythonization (GH#6104) Martin Durant, Avoid redundant cleanup fixture in gen_test tests (GH#6118) Thomas Grainger, Move comm.close to finally in test_comms (GH#6109) Florian Jetter, Use async with Server in (GH#6100) Matthew Rocklin, Elevate warnings to errors in the test suite (GH#6094) Thomas Grainger, Add urllib3 to nightly conda builds (GH#6102) James Bourbeau, Robust test_get_returns_early (GH#6090) Florian Jetter, Overhaul (GH#6077) crusaderky, Remove pytest-asyncio (GH#6063) Thomas Grainger, Clean up usage around plain rpc (GH#6082) Florian Jetter, Drop OSX builds for Python 3.9 (GH#6073) Florian Jetter, Bump periods in utils_test.wait_for (GH#6081) Florian Jetter, Check for ucx-py nightlies when updating gpuCI (GH#6006) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Type annotations for (GH#6067) crusaderky, Fix flaky test_worker_time_to_live (GH#6061) crusaderky, Fix flaky test_as_completed_async_for_cancel (GH#6072) crusaderky, Fix regression in test_weakref_cache (GH#6033) crusaderky, Trivial fix to test_nanny_worker_port_range (GH#6070) crusaderky, Drop deprecated tornado.netutil.ExecutorResolver (GH#6031) Thomas Grainger, Delete (GH#6066) Thomas Grainger, Tweak conda environment files (GH#6037) crusaderky, Harden test_abort_execution_to_fetch and more (GH#6026) crusaderky, Fix test_as_completed_with_results_no_raise and name comm (GH#6042) Matthew Rocklin, Use more robust limits in test_worker_memory (GH#6055) Florian Jetter, This is the first release with support for Python 3.10, Add Python 3.10 support (GH#5952) Thomas Grainger, New cluster dump utilities (GH#5920) Simon Perkins, New ClusterDump SchedulerPlugin for dumping cluster state on close (GH#5983) Simon Perkins, Track Event Loop intervals in dashboard plot (GH#5964) Matthew Rocklin, ToPickle - Unpickle on the Scheduler (GH#5728) Mads R. B. Kristensen, Retry on transient error codes in preload (GH#5982) Matthew Rocklin, More idiomatic mypy configuration (GH#6022) crusaderky, Name extensions and enable extension heartbeats (GH#5957) Matthew Rocklin, Better error message on misspelled executor annotation (GH#6009) crusaderky, Clarify that SchedulerPlugin must be subclassed (GH#6008) crusaderky, Remove duplication from stealing (GH#5787) Duncan McGregor, Remove cache in iscoroutinefunction to avoid holding on to refs (GH#5985) Florian Jetter, Add title to individual plots (GH#5967) Matthew Rocklin, Specify average in timeseries titles (GH#5974) Matthew Rocklin, Do not catch CancelledError in CommPool (GH#6005) Florian Jetter, Remove distributed._ipython_utils and dependents (GH#6036) Thomas Grainger, Remove support for PyPy (GH#6029) James Bourbeau, Drop runtime dependency to setuptools (GH#6017) crusaderky, Remove heartbeats from events (GH#5989) Matthew Rocklin, Mention default value of Clients timeout (GH#5933) Eric Engestrom, Update celery and other outdated 3rd party URLs (GH#5988) Thomas Grainger, Improve test_hardware test (GH#6039) Matthew Rocklin, Short variant of test_report.html (GH#6034) crusaderky, Make test_reconnect async (GH#6000) Matthew Rocklin, Update gpuCI RAPIDS_VER to 22.06 (GH#5962), Add tiny test for ToPickle (GH#6021) Matthew Rocklin, Remove check_python_3 (broken with click>=8.1.0) (GH#6018) Thomas Grainger, Add a hardware benchmark to test memory, disk, and network bandwidths (GH#5966) Matthew Rocklin, Relax variable test_race (GH#5993) Matthew Rocklin, Skip dask-ssh tests without paramiko (GH#5907) Elliott Sales de Andrade, Remove test_restart_sync_no_center (GH#5994) Matthew Rocklin, Set lower tick frequency in tests (GH#5977) Matthew Rocklin, Catch NotADirectoryError in SafeTemporaryDirectory (GH#5984) Florian Jetter, Fix flaky test_weakref_cache (GH#5978) crusaderky, Fixup test_worker_doesnt_await_task_completion (GH#5979) Matthew Rocklin, Use broader range in test_nanny_worker_port_range (GH#5980) Matthew Rocklin, Use tempfile directory in cluster fixture (GH#5825) Florian Jetter, Drop setuptools from distributed recipe (GH#5963) jakirkham, Support dumping cluster state to URL (GH#5863) Gabe Joseph, Prevent data duplication on unspill (GH#5936) crusaderky, Encapsulate spill buffer and memory_monitor (GH#5904) crusaderky, Drop pkg_resources in favour of importlib.metadata (GH#5923) Thomas Grainger, Worker State Machine refactor: redesign TaskState and scheduler messages (GH#5922) crusaderky, Tidying of OpenSSL 1.0.2/Python 3.9 (and earlier) handling (GH#5854) jakirkham, zict type annotations (GH#5905) crusaderky, Add key to compute failed message (GH#5928) Florian Jetter, Change default log format to include timestamp (GH#5897) Florian Jetter, Improve type annotations in (GH#5814) crusaderky, Fix progress_stream teardown (GH#5823) Thomas Grainger, Handle concurrent or failing handshakes in InProcListener (GH#5903) Thomas Grainger, Make log_event threadsafe (GH#5946) Gabe Joseph, Fixes to documentation regarding plugins (GH#5940) crendoncoiled, Some updates to scheduling policies docs (GH#5911) Gabe Joseph, Fix test_nanny_worker_port_range hangs on Windows (GH#5956) crusaderky, (REVERTED) Unblock event loop while waiting for ThreadpoolExecutor to shut down (GH#5883) Florian Jetter, Invert event_name check in test-report job (GH#5959) jakirkham, Only run gh-pages workflow on dask/distributed (GH#5942) jakirkham, absolufy-imports - No relative imports - PEP8 (GH#5924) Florian Jetter, Fix track_features for distributed pre-releases (GH#5927) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Xfail test_submit_different_names (GH#5916) Florian Jetter, Fix distributed pre-releases distributed-impl constraint (GH#5867) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Mock process memory readings in (v2) (GH#5878) crusaderky, Drop unused _round_robin global variable (GH#5881) jakirkham, Add GitHub URL for PyPi (GH#5886) Andrii Oriekhov, Mark xfail COMPILED tests skipif instead (GH#5884) Florian Jetter, Add the ability for Client to run preload code (GH#5773) Bryan W. Weber, Optionally use NumPy to allocate buffers (GH#5750) jakirkham, Add git hash to distributed-impl version (GH#5865) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Immediately raise exception when trying to connect to a closed cluster (GH#5855) Florian Jetter, Lazily get dask version information (GH#5822) Thomas Grainger, Remove the requirements to add comm to every handler (GH#5820) Florian Jetter, Raise on unclosed comms in check_instances (GH#5836) Florian Jetter, Python 3.8 f-strings (GH#5828) crusaderky, Constrained spill (GH#5543) Naty Clementi, Measure actual spilled bytes, not output of sizeof() (GH#5805) crusaderky, Remove redundant str() conversions (GH#5810) crusaderky, Cluster dump now excludes run_spec by default (GH#5803) Florian Jetter, Dump more objects with dump_cluster_state (GH#5806) crusaderky, Do not connect to any sockets on import (GH#5808) Florian Jetter, Avoid deadlock when two tasks are concurrently waiting for an unresolved ActorFuture (GH#5709) Thomas Grainger, Remove support for UCX < 1.11.1 (GH#5859) Peter Andreas Entschev, Fix typo in memory types documentation relative links (GH#5845) James Bourbeau, Document and test spill->target hysteresis cycle (GH#5813) crusaderky, Fix flaky test_remove_replicas_while_computing (GH#5860) crusaderky, Fix time based test_assert_worker_story_malformed_story parameterize (GH#5856) Thomas Grainger, Remove xfail from test_no_unnecessary_imports_on_worker (GH#5862) crusaderky, Start building pre-releases with cythonized scheduler (GH#5831) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Do not mark tests xfail if they dont come up in time (GH#5824) Florian Jetter, Use gen_cluster where possible in (GH#5842) Florian Jetter, Generate junit report when pytest-timeout kills pytest (GH#5832) crusaderky, Decrease timeout-minutes for GHA jobs (GH#5837) Florian Jetter, Fix some timeouts (GH#5647) Florian Jetter, Bump pre-release version to be greater than stable releases (GH#5816) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Do not run schedule jobs on forks (GH#5821) Florian Jetter, Remove pillow<9 pin in CI (GH#5775) Thomas Grainger, Show scheduled test runs in report (GH#5812) Ian Rose, Add obvious exclusions with pragma statement (GH#5801) Sarah Charlotte Johnson, Add coverage exclusions for cli files (GH#5800) Sarah Charlotte Johnson, Add pragma statements (GH#5749) Sarah Charlotte Johnson, Remove pragma: no cover from distributed.cli.dask_ssh (GH#5809) Thomas Grainger, Add pragma -,, (GH#5827) Sarah Charlotte Johnson, Relax distributed / dask-core dependencies for pre-releases (GH#5802) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Remove test_ucx_config_w_env_var flaky condition (GH#5765) Peter Andreas Entschev, This is the last release with support for Python 3.7, Update client.scheduler_info in wait_for_workers (GH#5785) Matthew Rocklin, Increase robustness to TimeoutError during connect (GH#5096) Florian Jetter, Respect KeyboardInterrupt in sync (GH#5758) Thomas Grainger, Add workflow / recipe to generate Dask/distributed pre-releases (GH#5636) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Review Scheduler / Worker display repr (GH#5746) crusaderky, AMM: Graceful Worker Retirement (GH#5381) crusaderky, AMM: tentatively stabilize flaky tests around worker pause (GH#5735) crusaderky, AMM: speed up and stabilize test_memory (GH#5737) crusaderky, Defer pandas import on worker in P2P shuffle (GH#5695) Gabe Joseph, Fix for and spill=0.7 (GH#5788) crusaderky, Transition flight to missing if no who_has (GH#5653) Florian Jetter, Remove deprecated ncores (GH#5780) crusaderky, Deprecate registering plugins by class (GH#5699) Thomas Grainger, Deprecate --nprocs option for dask-worker CLI (GH#5641) Bryan W. Weber, Fix imbalanced backticks (GH#5784) Matthias Bussonnier, xfail test_worker_reconnects_mid_compute (GH#5797) crusaderky, Fix linting CI build (GH#5794) James Bourbeau, Update pre-commit versions (GH#5782) James Bourbeau, Reactivate pytest_resourceleaks (GH#5771) crusaderky, Set test assumption for test_client_timeout (GH#5790) Florian Jetter, Remove client timeout from test_ucx_config_w_env_var (GH#5792) Florian Jetter, Remove test_failed_worker_without_warning (GH#5789) Florian Jetter, Fix longitudinal report (GH#5783) Ian Rose, Fix flaky test_robust_to_bad_sizeof_estimates (GH#5753) crusaderky, Revert Pin coverage to 6.2 (GH#5716) (GH#5770) Thomas Grainger, Trigger test runs periodically to increases failure statistics (GH#5769) Florian Jetter, More fault tolerant test report (GH#5732) Ian Rose, Pin pillow<9 to work around torch incompatibility (GH#5755) Thomas Grainger, Overhaul check_process_leak (GH#5739) crusaderky, Fix flaky test_exit_callback test (GH#5713) Jim Crist-Harif, Generate tests summary (GH#5710) crusaderky, Upload different architectured pre-releases separately (GH#5741) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Ignore non-test directories (GH#5720) Gabe Joseph, Bump gpuCI PYTHON_VER to 3.9 (GH#5738) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Regression: threads noted down before they start (GH#5796) crusaderky, P2P shuffle skeleton (GH#5520) Gabe Joseph, Fix (GH#5721) Thomas Grainger, Add config (GH#5693) Jim Crist-Harif, Avoid Client._handle_report cancelling itself on Client._close (GH#5672) Thomas Grainger, Paused workers shouldnt steal tasks (GH#5665) crusaderky, Add option for timestamps from output of Node.get_logs (GH#4932) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Dont use time.time() or IOLoop.time() (GH#5661) crusaderky, Raise plugin exceptions on Worker.start() (GH#4298) Peter Andreas Entschev, Fixing docstrings (GH#5696) Julia Signell, Fix typo in docstring (GH#5687) Thomas Grainger, Update docstrings (GH#5670) Tim Harris, Skip shuffle tests if pandas / dask.dataframe not installed (GH#5730) James Bourbeau, Improve test coverage (GH#5655) Sarah Charlotte Johnson, Test report improvements (GH#5714) Ian Rose, P2P shuffle: ignore row order in tests (GH#5706) Gabe Joseph, Fix flaky test_no_reconnect[--no-nanny] (GH#5686) Thomas Grainger, Pin coverage to 6.2 (GH#5716) Thomas Grainger, Check for new name of timeouts artifact and be more fault tolerant (GH#5707) Ian Rose, Revisit rebalance unit tests (GH#5697) crusaderky, Update comment in rearrange_by_column_p2p (GH#5701) James Bourbeau, Update gpuCI RAPIDS_VER to 22.04 (GH#5676), Fix groupby test after meta requirements got stricter in Dask PR#8563 (GH#5694) Julia Signell, Fix flaky test_close_gracefully and test_lifetime (GH#5677) crusaderky, Fix flaky test_workspace_concurrency (GH#5690) crusaderky, Fix flaky (GH#5689) Gabe Joseph, Fix flaky test_dump_cluster_unresponsive_remote_worker (GH#5679) crusaderky, Dump cluster state on all test failures (GH#5674) crusaderky, Update license format (GH#5652) James Bourbeau, Fix flaky test_drop_with_paused_workers_with_running_tasks_3_4 (GH#5673) crusaderky, Do not raise an exception if the GitHub token cannot be found (GH#5668) Florian Jetter, Task group stacked area chart (GH#5320) Ian Rose, Support configuring TLS min/max version (GH#5594) Jim Crist-Harif, Use asyncio for TCP/TLS comms (GH#5450) Jim Crist-Harif, Close comm on CancelledError (GH#5656) crusaderky, Dont drop from the only running worker (GH#5626) crusaderky, Add RPC call for getting task prefixes (GH#5617) Benjamin Zaitlen, Long running occupancy (GH#5395) Florian Jetter, Handle errors on individual workers in run/broadcast (GH#5590) crusaderky, Allow work stealing in case there are heterogeneous resources for thief and victim (GH#5573) Florian Jetter, Disable NVML monitoring on WSL (GH#5568) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Ensure uniqueness of steal stimulus ID (GH#5620) Florian Jetter, Fix KeyError: 'startstops' in performance report (GH#5608) Gabe Joseph, Story timestamps can be slightly in the future (GH#5612) crusaderky, Prevent RecursionError in Worker._to_dict (GH#5591) crusaderky, Ensure distributed can be imported in thread (GH#5593) Jim Crist-Harif, Fix changelog section hyperlinks (GH#5638) Aneesh Nema, Fix typo in unpublish_dataset example invocation (GH#5615) Deepyaman Datta, Fix typo in test report badge in README (GH#5586) James Bourbeau, Cosmetic changes to distributed.comm (GH#5657) crusaderky, Consolidate broken comm testing utilities (GH#5654) James Bourbeau, Fix concurrency assumptions for test_worker_reconnects_mid_compute (GH#5623) Florian Jetter, Handle Bokeh 3.0 CDSView change (GH#5643) Bryan Van de Ven, Use packaging rather than distutils to get version (GH#5624) Julia Signell, XFAIL tls explicit comm close test on py3.7 (GH#5639) Jim Crist-Harif, Mark some additional ucx-py tests for GPU (GH#5603) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Rename ensure_default_get and add test (GH#5609) Naty Clementi, Remove render_mode kwarg from boekh LabelSets (GH#5616) Garry ODonnell, Add lambda support to assert_worker_story (GH#5618) crusaderky, Ignore file not found warning for timeout artifact (GH#5619) Florian Jetter, Improved cluster state dump in @gen_cluster (GH#5592) crusaderky, Work around SSL failures on MacOS CI (GH#5606) crusaderky, Bump gpuCI CUDA_VER to 11.5 (GH#5604) Charles Blackmon-Luca, distributed.versions code refresh (GH#5600) crusaderky, Updates to gpuCI and test_ucx_config_w_env_var (GH#5595) James Bourbeau, Replace blacklist/whitelist with blocklist/allowlist (GH#5589) crusaderky, Distributed test report (GH#5583) Ian Rose, AMM: cosmetic tweaks (GH#5584) crusaderky, Support pytest fixures and parametrize with gen_test (GH#5532) Fbio Rosado, Allow idempotent scheduler plugins to be registered via the RPC (GH#5545) Jacob Tomlinson, Raise error if asyncssh isnt installed when using SSHCluster (GH#5535) Fbio Rosado, Allow None in UCX configuration schema (GH#5534) Fbio Rosado, Add distributed.comm.ucx.create-cuda-context config (GH#5526) Peter Andreas Entschev, Allow unknown tasks to be stolen (GH#5572) Florian Jetter, Further RecursionError fixes in recursive_to_repr (GH#5579) crusaderky, Revisit recursive_to_dict (GH#5557) crusaderky, Handle UCXUnreachable exception (GH#5556) Peter Andreas Entschev, Separate Coordination section in API docs (GH#5412) Gabe Joseph, Improved documentation for processing state and paused workers (GH#4985) Maximilian Roos, Fix typo in TaskGroupGraph.update_layout comment (GH#5536) Hristo Georgiev, Update documentation for register_worker_plugin (GH#5533) crusaderky, Mark test_gpu_monitoring_recent as flaky (GH#5540) Peter Andreas Entschev, Await worker arrival in SSH test_nprocs (GH#5575) James Bourbeau, AMM: Test that acquire-replicas of a task already in flight is a no-op (GH#5566) crusaderky, Make sure artifacts are tagged with CI partition so they dont race and overwrite each other (GH#5571) Ian Rose, Minor refactoring and commentary in worker state machine (GH#5563) Florian Jetter, Fix test_ucx_unreachable on UCX < 1.12 (GH#5562) Peter Andreas Entschev, Bump Bokeh min version to 2.1.1 (GH#5548) Bryan Van de Ven, Update gen_test tests to be more robust (GH#5551) James Bourbeau, Skip test_ucx_unreachable if UCXUnreachable is unavailable (GH#5560) Peter Andreas Entschev, Update gpuCI RAPIDS_VER to 22.02 (GH#5544), Add workflow to automate gpuCI updates (GH#5541) Charles Blackmon-Luca, Actually support uvloop in distributed (GH#5531) Jim Crist-Harif, Standardize UCX config separator to - (GH#5539) Peter Andreas Entschev, Ensure cancelled error transition can properly release a key (GH#5528) Florian Jetter, Refactor release key (GH#5507) Florian Jetter, Fix deadlock caused by an erred task (executing->cancelled->error) (GH#5503) Florian Jetter, Resolve KeyError-related deadlock (GH#5525) Florian Jetter, Remove extra quotation in worker failure docs (GH#5518) James Bourbeau, Ensure safe_sizeof warning is accurate (GH#5519) James Bourbeau, Visualize cluster-wide memory usage over time (GH#5477) crusaderky, AMM: redesign start/stop methods (GH#5476) crusaderky, Preserve contextvars during comm offload (GH#5486) Gabe Joseph, Deserialization: zero-copy merge subframes when possible (GH#5208) Gabe Joseph, Add support for multiple workers per SSH connection (GH#5506) Jacob Tomlinson, Client method to dump cluster state (GH#5470) Florian Jetter, Revert Avoid multiple blocking calls by gathering UCX frames (GH#5505) Peter Andreas Entschev, Fix cluster_info sync handling (GH#5488) Jim Crist-Harif, Serialization family to preserve headers of the underlying dumps functions (GH#5380) Mads R. B. Kristensen, Point users to Discourse (GH#5489) James Bourbeau, Avoid multiple blocking calls by gathering UCX frames (GH#5487) Peter Andreas Entschev, Update all UCX tests to use asyncio marker (GH#5484) Peter Andreas Entschev, Register UCX close callback (GH#5474) Peter Andreas Entschev, Use older version of pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetComputeRunningProcesses (GH#5469) Jacob Tomlinson, Check for Futures from the wrong Client in gather (GH#5468) Gabe Joseph, Fix performance_report when used with %%time or %%timeit magic (GH#5463) Erik Welch, Scatter and replicate to avoid paused workers (GH#5441) crusaderky, AMM to avoid paused workers (GH#5440) crusaderky, Update changelog with LocalCluster host security note (GH#5462) Jim Crist-Harif.

Canobie Lake Park Accidents, Articles C

cannot import name apply from dask compatibility