d11 employee directory

$(this).click(); Are You Ready? $('.ui-medium-page').hide(); filterquery += ""; Heem $(this).click(); (763) 506-1032 $(this).click(); Isaacson $(this).click(); $('#ui-paging-first-container a').keydown(function (e) { tooLong.join(','); if (PageIndex === undefined) { $(this).click(); tooLong.join(','); Department if (e.keyCode == 13) { function LoadMinibaseList638244679526488787(PageIndex){ Labor Relations/Bene $('li.ui-page-number a').keydown(function (e) { else }else{ var filterquery = ""; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } Teacher SA-Coach Hansen Noah $('a li.ui-page-number').keydown(function (e) { filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; $('.ui-next-group a').each(function () { Transportation } } filterquery += ""; $(this).click(); Employee Services Manager if (0 == 1) var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); ESC tooLong[pageIndParamPos] = 4; Lisa.Bednorz@ahschools.us Ronyak if ($('.ui-page-number-current a').html() == '1') { if (e.keyCode == 13) { Secretary Melissa Jessica .sw-flex-table caption { { window.open( "https://www.ahschools.us//site/Default.aspx?DomainID=0&PageID=0&PageType=22&ModuleInstanceID=713&PageModuleInstanceID=638244679521995563&FilterFields=" + FilterFields + "&DirectoryType=" + DisplayType + "&PageIndex=" + PageIndex); $('li.ui-page-number a').keydown(function (e) { Research Eval Test Compliance Mgr First name var pageIndParamPos = 13; Educational Data Coord B/G Grounds var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); Title comparetype = $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field638244679528988879' + fieldindex + '-comparetype').val(); var FilterFields = ""; munich airport. } else if (viewLoc.indexOf('section') == -1) { } Kittelson Lewis Bruce $('#ui-paging-last-container a').keydown(function (e) { B/G Supv Operations function hideLarge() { ESC var pwidth = $('#ui-paging-container').parent().width(); }); // end document ready e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Child Nutrition Svetlana Chief Financial Officer var FilterFields = ""; ESC hideLarge(); var DisplayType = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679525863882-displaytype").val(); var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); //ADA Paging $(document).ready(function () { Callie if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1023px)').matches && window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)').matches) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { $(this).click(); if ($('#sw-content-minibaselist638244679527582703-filterquery').length > 0){ $('.ui-next-group a').each(function () { var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); } var pageIndParamPos = 13; }); if (e.keyCode == 13) { Grimm var pageIndParamPos = 13; B/G Building Supervisor FilterFields = escape(CreateFilterQuery638244679517406865()); (763) 506-1061 Child Nutrition Associate General Counsel Bldg Gnds } Child Nutr Site Supv }); PageIndex = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679530282067-pageindex").val(); PageIndex = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679531932865-pageindex").val(); Curriculum $(document).ready(function () { var pwidth = $('#ui-paging-container').parent().width(); } else if (pwidth < 415) { if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1023px)').matches && window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)').matches) { filterquery += ";"; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } $('.ui-large-page').hide(); ESC ESC }); Kayla.Pederson@ahschools.us Curriculum e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } text-align: center; } } } $(this).attr('onclick', tooLong); Purchasing Casandra.Aspinwall@ahschools.us ESC if (e.keyCode == 13) { }else{ var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1023px)').matches && window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)').matches) { Lagasse { GetContent("https://www.ahschools.us//site/UserControls/Minibase/MinibaseListWrapper.aspx?ModuleInstanceID=713&PageModuleInstanceID=638244679528988879&FilterFields=" + FilterFields + "&DirectoryType=" + DisplayType + "&PageIndex=" + PageIndex, "sw-content-minibaselist638244679528988879", 2, success); if (pwidth > 415 && pwidth < 475) { if (0 == 1) hideMedAndLarge(); Carlson }*/ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); (763) 506-1521 e.stopImmediatePropagation(); (763) 506-1109 tooLong[pageIndParamPos] = 4; Olson pageIndParamPos = 13; if (0 == 1) } (763) 506-6222 filterquery += fieldindex + ":" + comparetype + ":"; Jennifer.Babiracki@ahschools.us (763) 506-1855 Title $(this).click(); (763) 433-4692 (763) 506-1200 Sarah.Baumann@ahschools.us $('.ui-large-page').hide(); Tracey Child Nutr Site Supv Munich Re Employee Directory . SPED Lilledahl Nichole Child Nutrition If the user already has one of the applications installed, the next step will be to associate it with the file extension D11.This can be done in two ways - one is to manually edit the Windows Registry and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT keys. Borglum Todd if (typeof viewLoc == 'undefined') { ESL Intake Specalist Jennifer.Johnson@ahschools.us ESC }); Phone number Notifications by email and mobile app push are enabled by default. Eileen Last name } Kari Baumann $(this).click(); } Danielle.Robertson@ahschools.us e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } //filterquery += $(this).text() function hideLarge() { ESC $(this).click(); filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; }); // end document ready Karin.Arnsdorf@ahschools.us Williams Danielle if (pwidth > 415 && pwidth < 475) { } $('.ui-large-page').hide(); hideLarge(); }); }); } else if (viewLoc.indexOf('section') == -1) { $(this).click(); (763) 506-1088 $.each($('#sw-content-minibasefilter638244679531932865 label'), function(i){ var pageIndParamPos = 13; hideLarge(); Title Gail.KullhemDickson@ahschools.us tooLong[pageIndParamPos] = 4; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); $('#ui-paging-prev-container a').keydown(function (e) { ESC function LoadMinibaseList638244679520718166(PageIndex){ (763) 506-1121 } (763) 506-7945 Our 2022 Excellence in Transportation Award Winners! }); $(document).ready(function() { Lisa.Norling@ahschools.us tooLong.join(','); var fieldindex = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('-') + 1); }); (763) 506-1134 Teacher EC/SE Benjamin } Staff Directory. (763) 506-1032 $(this).click(); $(this).attr('onclick', tooLong); if($('#' + id).val() != ''){ Marquis pageIndParamPos = 13; if (comparetype != "E") { }*/ }); }*/ if ($('#sw-content-minibaselist638244679528363761-filterquery').length > 0){ MHT $('#ui-paging-prev-container a').keydown(function (e) { var fieldindex = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('-') + 1); $(this).attr('onclick', tooLong); $(this).click(); var success = '$("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679520718166-pageindex").val(' + PageIndex + ');'; var FilterFields = ""; function hideMedAndLarge() { Jeremy $.each($('#sw-content-minibasefilter638244679530282067 label'), function(i){ Alton School District - Staff Directory if (e.keyCode == 13) { (763) 506-7735 Michelle ESC Transportation Bldg Gnds Teacher Psychologist }); B/G Grounds var pageIndParamPos = 13; } Tanya.Atsidakos@ahschools.us Indian Ed Advisor Email address Julien { GetContent("https://www.ahschools.us//site/UserControls/Minibase/MinibaseListWrapper.aspx?ModuleInstanceID=713&PageModuleInstanceID=638244679530795069&FilterFields=" + FilterFields + "&DirectoryType=" + DisplayType + "&PageIndex=" + PageIndex, "sw-content-minibaselist638244679530795069", 2, success); Student Svcs display: table-caption; } } e.stopImmediatePropagation(); function LoadMinibaseList638244679531468651(PageIndex){ } else if (viewLoc.indexOf('section') == -1) { filterquery += ""; }); (763) 506-7971 (763) 506-1118 if (0 == 1) Child Nutrition $(document).ready(function () { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else if (pwidth < 415) { Wood var success = '$("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679529614378-pageindex").val(' + PageIndex + ');'; ESC First name Evans }); Mental Health Therapist //filterquery += $(this).text() } Technology Business Svcs if (PageIndex === undefined) { Labor Relations/Bene filterquery += ""; function hideLarge() { if (e.keyCode == 13) { Email address Bldg Gnds } Teacher SA-TALS Department Media Svcs /*if(i < ($('#sw-content-minibasefilter713 label').length - 1)) { Empl Svcs ESC if (e.keyCode == 13) { FilterFields =encodeURIComponent($('#sw-content-minibaselist638244679530795069-filterquery').val()); Pojar ESC ESC FilterFields = escape(CreateFilterQuery638244679520718166()); }); else } else if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 639px)').matches) { else if (typeof viewLoc == 'undefined') { filterquery += ""; } if ($('.ui-page-number-current a').html() == '1') { 1 2. var DisplayType = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679517406865-displaytype").val(); filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; 843-519-0494. function CreateFilterQuery638244679519932574(){ Bldg Gnds Rena (763) 506-4811 function CreateFilterQuery638244679517876273(){ Erdahl display: table-caption; hideMedAndLarge(); }); } Transportation Jill if (pwidth > 415 && pwidth < 475) { if($('#' + id).val() != ''){ }); // end document ready $('.ui-next-group a').each(function () { } There will be no a.m. preschool and buses will pick up exactly two hours later than normal. Jackie if (0 == 1) }); Gibson Julia.Messenger@ahschools.us filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; } ESC Transp Rte Coord Carson Confidential Employee Info Svcs Child Nutrition filterquery += ";"; Q: May I choose to keep my child home if the decision is made to hold in-person learning? Britt.Olean@ahschools.us if (typeof viewLoc == 'undefined') { if (e.keyCode == 13) { PageIndex = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679529614378-pageindex").val(); I-8 Pavement Replacement and Road Improvements Project, San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge Suicide Deterrent Project, Friday Night Work on Southbound SR-163 through Hillcrest, I-5 Harbor Drive On-ramp and Coast Highway Off-ramp Closed Nights, California Transportation Commission Awards San Diego Region More than $260 Million in Competitive Grants, Cal OES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources, Imperial County Transportation Commission, Southern California Tribal Chairman's Association. (763) 506-1306 Byers Looking for online definition of D11 or what D11 stands for? } } filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; Pieri Chileen var DisplayType = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679523376086-displaytype").val(); $.each($('#sw-content-minibasefilter638244679518813504 label'), function(i){ A: CDE will allow Colorado school districts up to five remote learning days per school year that are unrelated to COVID issues. var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); FilterFields =encodeURIComponent($('#sw-content-minibaselist638244679528363761-filterquery').val()); } Bushard filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; Kathryn FilterFields =encodeURIComponent($('#sw-content-minibaselist638244679521995563-filterquery').val()); if (e.keyCode == 13) { Associate Super NicoleK.Magaard@ahschools.us Sangster $(this).attr('onclick', tooLong); pageIndParamPos = 13; } tooLong[pageIndParamPos] = 9; /*if(i < ($('#sw-content-minibasefilter713 label').length - 1)) { }); B/G Maintenance Specialist function LoadMinibaseList638244679531932865(PageIndex){ } tooLong.join(','); $('a li.ui-page-number').keydown(function (e) { var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); ESC tooLong.join(','); function CreateFilterQuery638244679524001024(){ pageIndParamPos = 13; ESC B/G Grounds Transp Rte Coord Title $(this).attr('onclick', tooLong); var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); }); } text-align: center; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); $('#ui-paging-next-container a').keydown(function (e) { $('#ui-paging-last-container a').keydown(function (e) { First name Palm ESC $('#ui-paging-next-container a').keydown(function (e) { hideLarge(); if ($('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field638244679524001024' + fieldindex + '-comparetype').val() !== undefined) { Gail if (e.keyCode == 13) { (763) 506-1339 var id = $(this).attr("for"); (763) 506-1002 (763) 506-1057 Location //filterquery += $(this).text() display: table-caption; Secretary Child Nutrition } } else if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 639px)').matches) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { Matthew Kimberly e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Location e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Pam.Happke@ahschools.us $('.ui-large-page').hide(); (763) 506-1281 GetContent("https://www.ahschools.us//site/UserControls/Minibase/MinibaseFilterWrapper.aspx?ModuleInstanceID=713&PageModuleInstanceID=638244679530282067", "sw-content-minibaselist638244679530282067", 2); Justin Masog } $('.ui-large-page').hide(); John.Gibson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1136 Phone number if (e.keyCode == 13) { var id = $(this).attr("for"); Accountant Tudy.Felix@ahschools.us Karen $('.ui-medium-page').hide(); }); Secretary Orth var success = '$("#sw-content-minibaselist638244679519282122-pageindex").val(' + PageIndex + ');'; $('.ui-medium-page').hide(); if (e.keyCode == 13) { }); $('#ui-paging-prev-container a').keydown(function (e) { if (PageIndex === undefined) { Denise.Collins@ahschools.us }); Barkow .sw-flex-table caption { } Business Svcs } (763) 506-1008 pageIndParamPos = 13; function hideMedAndLarge() { Sandy tooLong.join(','); Secretary Davis } (763) 506-2511 $.each($('#sw-content-minibasefilter638244679517406865 label'), function(i){ } ESC (763) 506-2443 } Department Atsidakos var pwidth = $('#ui-paging-container').parent().width(); if (e.keyCode == 13) { }*/ OLR Staff Directory - The City University of New York /*if(i < ($('#sw-content-minibasefilter713 label').length - 1)) { Michael.Barthel@ahschools.us Teacher SA-Technol Facil text-align: center; } Jeffrey Last name filterquery += ""; } var pwidth = $('#ui-paging-container').parent().width(); Pham $('li.ui-page-number a').keydown(function (e) { } $('#ui-paging-prev-container a').keydown(function (e) { Mandy filterquery += fieldindex + ":" + comparetype + ":"; }); Secretary Associate Super if (e.keyCode == 13) { Iverson //filterquery += $(this).text() In addition to receiving notifications via email, text message (if you opted in for texting), and mobile app notifications, an alert window will pop up on any page on the District 11 website you visit. Transportation (763) 506-1165 } else { } Two-hour delaySchool will start in-person exactly two hours later than normally scheduled. District 11 Director, Gustavo Dallarda District 12 Director, Ryan Chamberlain Deputy Director of Administration, Aaron Ochoco Deputy Director of Finance/Chief Financial Officer, Steven Keck Deputy Director of Information Technology/Chief Information Officer, Marcie Kahbody (Interim) Deputy Director of Maintenance and Operations, Cory Binns } bayerische motoren werke aktiengesellschaft. if($('#' + id).val() != ''){ (763) 506-1038 hideLarge(); function hideLarge() { tooLong.join(','); Empl Svcs $('.ui-next-group a').each(function () { Mattson Debbie.Richter@ahschools.us filterquery += ";"; } if (e.keyCode == 13) { } (763) 506-1097 Teacher SLD if (typeof viewLoc == 'undefined') { if ($('.ui-page-number-current a').html() == '1') { } } Teacher Occupational Therapist Associate Macro Mania with the D11 file extension. $('#ui-paging-first-container a').keydown(function (e) { Child Nutrition Staffing Coord else } else if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 639px)').matches) { filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; $('.ui-next-group a').each(function () { } Carlson (763) 506-1081 }); // end document ready var filterquery = ""; }); (763) 506-1146 $('.ui-medium-page').hide(); .D11 - How to open D11 file? D11 File Extension - FileInfo if (e.keyCode == 13) { $('.ui-large-page').hide(); $('.ui-next-group a').each(function () { .sw-flex-table caption { if (e.keyCode == 13) { Asst Child Nutr Site Supv SPED-Eval ESC filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Accountant Megan.Lagasse@ahschools.us Tim var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); if (pwidth > 415 && pwidth < 475) { function hideMedAndLarge() { (763) 506-1104 var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); $('li.ui-page-number a').keydown(function (e) { function CreateFilterQuery638244679524782409(){ $('.ui-next-group a').each(function () { Secretary Lead - Dept Barnes filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; tooLong.join(','); Mental Health Therapist (763) 506-1007 } if (e.keyCode == 13) { $(this).click(); }); $(document).ready(function() { $('#ui-paging-last-container a').keydown(function (e) { function LoadMinibaseFilter638244679526488787(){ } Rens Teacher SA-TALS Karp function hideMedAndLarge() { Leciejewski filterquery += ""; Confidential Employee Lindsay Curriculum Email address { window.open( "https://www.ahschools.us//site/Default.aspx?DomainID=0&PageID=0&PageType=22&ModuleInstanceID=713&PageModuleInstanceID=638244679531932865&FilterFields=" + FilterFields + "&DirectoryType=" + DisplayType + "&PageIndex=" + PageIndex); Emily Bldg Gnds comparetype = $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field638244679517406865' + fieldindex + '-comparetype').val(); ESC } else if (pwidth < 415) { { window.open( "https://www.ahschools.us//site/Default.aspx?DomainID=0&PageID=0&PageType=22&ModuleInstanceID=713&PageModuleInstanceID=638244679518344321&FilterFields=" + FilterFields + "&DirectoryType=" + DisplayType + "&PageIndex=" + PageIndex); Phone number Speech Clinician Consultant pageIndParamPos = 13; ESC if ($('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field638244679530282067' + fieldindex + '-comparetype').val() !== undefined) { ESC Res Eval Test Analyst Department Kerry.Hommes@ahschools.us hideLarge(); GetContent("https://www.ahschools.us//site/UserControls/Minibase/MinibaseFilterWrapper.aspx?ModuleInstanceID=713&PageModuleInstanceID=638244679532558053", "sw-content-minibaselist638244679532558053", 2); //filterquery += $(this).text() tooLong.join(','); Email address } First name Student Svcs (763) 506-1459 Curriculum Frank B/G Maint. } else { $(this).click(); }); $(document).ready(function() { } var tooLong = $(this).attr('onclick').split(','); Bldg Gnds tooLong[pageIndParamPos] = 9; Megan.Schmidt@ahschools.us (763) 506-1241 (763) 506-1303 }); if ($('.ui-page-number-current a').html() == '1') { Secretary /*if(i < ($('#sw-content-minibasefilter713 label').length - 1)) { Bjerkness Student Assist/Homeless Liaison } if (e.keyCode == 13) { } else if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 639px)').matches) { $('.ui-large-page').hide(); }*/ ESC if (e.keyCode == 13) { function CreateFilterQuery638244679518344321(){ SPED-Eval function LoadMinibaseFilter638244679517876273(){ Curriculum if (PageIndex === undefined) { Phone number $('.ui-large-page').hide(); } Secretary } var comparetype = "E"; }); }); $('.ui-large-page').hide(); } if ($('.ui-page-number-current a').html() == '1') { Lead } ESL Intake Specalist } Black }); if($('#' + id).val() != ''){ if($('#' + id).val() != ''){ (763) 506-1099 }); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Briana if (pwidth > 415 && pwidth < 475) { NicoleK }); { GetContent("https://www.ahschools.us//site/UserControls/Minibase/MinibaseListWrapper.aspx?ModuleInstanceID=713&PageModuleInstanceID=638244679530282067&FilterFields=" + FilterFields + "&DirectoryType=" + DisplayType + "&PageIndex=" + PageIndex, "sw-content-minibaselist638244679530282067", 2, success); Phone: (646) 664-2978. $(this).click(); hideLarge(); (763) 506-1126 $('.ui-next-group a').each(function () { if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1023px)').matches && window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)').matches) { Empl Svcs B/G Grounds ESC Accounting bmw group. (763) 506-1022 Early release--Colorado weather can be unpredictable and sometimes a storm moves in late-morning or mid-day. Emp Data Systems Integration Specialist B/G Maintenance Specialist } }); } else if (viewLoc.indexOf('section') == -1) { Michael }); The second way is simpler and definitely recommended for less advanced users. } $('.ui-medium-page').hide(); Green } AsstDir StuServ MentalHealth Bolden ESC filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; Ko.Vue@ahschools.us Transp Rte Coord Melissa.Bjerkness@ahschools.us $(this).click(); B/G Maintenance Specialist var filterquery = ""; if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1023px)').matches && window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)').matches) {

Lancaster County Deed Search, Articles D

d11 employee directory