Most Cows are still in good shape depending on pasture type and grazing strategy. It seemed like it rained a whole lot more than it did at my house. Most folks are wisely taking their time putting in Sudan and Haygrazers this year. Go visit and check out the new and very much improved website It was getting pretty dry, and this wasnt much to improve the dry conditions but it will help some, if only mentally. A good start to the new year! Check it out, Youre the Boss! Some, I should say most, years we have to start feeding hay in July or August. Thank goodness we had plenty of Ozarka bottled water (5 gal kind) since the water tasted horrible and the well dont work without electricity. The market on stockers was a little softer today with feeders remaining steady. What cattle I saw this morning look pretty good for the most part. Steer calves sold steady to $lower under 600 lbs but Steers weighing more than 600 lbs. This rain will be perfect on it. Wheat pastures and fields are looking a whole lot better now with this moisture. In the Cattle Market as of 10-30-21 Slaughter Cattle, up $2 at $126. feeder steers/heifers steady compared to last week. At least it is alive for the most part, after many were worried about the arctic storm and extreme temperatures damaging bermuda pastures and thinning or killing stands. 750 lb Feeder steers down $2 at $156 and 550 lb Stockers up $1 at $174. One thing is for sure we must eat. We lost most all Ash trees as they can only stand down to 0 degrees in our neck of the woods. Texas drought: Ranchers rush to sell cattle Wait, we had cows and feedlots back then too but maybe we didnt have the means to measure it, or maybe, we just didnt care. We were getting high and dry here in Wise County, but yesterday and last nights rain was a welcomed sight! Stocker pastures are maxed out with calves that are doing pretty good so far. Our annual Fall Roundup Special Replacement Sale is going to be October 23. Aug Live Cattle up $2 at $125. Keep scounting your pastures because they could become a problem again from now until frost in November. They need some leaf area to get an effective kill rate. All our grass is going south for the winter and growth is all but come to a halt. Feedyard Closeouts were $124 in the red, Feb Live Cattle at $115. Its a little chilly this morning as a cool front blew in and brought more rain last night. Its still dry as a bone in far South and West Texas though. High selling bred heifers were $1400-$1775, bred cows $1300-$1650, Pairs $1550-$2150 and Bulls $1900-$2500. That is why I preach about testing your hay so you know what you have as far as crude protein and energy (TDN), and therefore know how to supplement, or if its needed at all. As for our cattle its that time of year for working our spring calves and some have, and some havent. It sure was a good rain and will help tremendously. Good cattle! Aug Feeder Futures up $5 at $160. Then there are those that were not so lucky and will need to do a second application as they missed a lot of weeds. Groesbeck Auction & Livestock Co. LLC 10/3/2020. Cows and calves are in really good shape but a few ranchers have weaned their calves in order to avoid any slowdown in weight gain, and also to avoid the cows from being sucked down, especially from the dry conditions before the rain. We have lots of grass in the pastures and hayfields. We received several showers last week but you had to be lucky and right under the cloud to get any significant amounts. Never turn out a young bull with an old bull as the young one will likely get hurt, at least that has been what I have seen over the years. Marty Morgan, Wise County Ag Agent for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service or call 940-627-3341. The pasture conditions will not improve much because of how dry it was but we may see a little green up depending on location and grass type. The wheat in the northern part of the county shows more leaf burn, mainly tips, than that in the southern part, but no yellowing, which is good. Choosing the right product for certain weeds is also a big player in control. All the moisture as caused pretty much every seed laying out there to sprout. This would be an ideal year to try and do it. Grazing wheat for the most part has played out, but I did notice some folks with cattle still on some trying to get all they can out of it. Yes, we have had our second hatch of Fall Armyworms in the last 10 days or so, and thousands of them looking to wipe out what grass we have left. Cows & Bulls. Feedyard Closeouts were $182 in the red, Feb Live Cattle at $117. I talked to my Mom Sunday night, and she had received about 3.5 inches Saturday night and Sunday in Rising Star. Decatur Livestock Market Consignments from January 4, 2021, were 1650 head including: 40 Bulls, 323 Cows, 26 Calves, 145 Longhorns, 403 Stocker Heifers, 328 Stocker Bulls/Steers, 123 Feeder Heifers, 262 Feeder Bulls/Steers. The annual Fall Roundup Special Replacement Sale is going to be October 23. I dont see much rain in the near future according to weather reports, but I think we are in good shape for the time being. I dont really feel that old, although I look it! Grasshoppers were about to take us over for a while now this and the grasshoppers. Cattle still look good but gains on calves have slowed due to the hot weather and lack of moisture which are drying grazing pastures out. Thats why I like products with the active ingredient Aminopyralid, like Chaparral-62%, Milestone-40%, GrazonNext-8% and Pasturall has a little at 2%. Totals are predicted to be around an inch when all said and done. The weather has been a little strange so far this year, really for the last couple decades or more, but whos counting. Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. It has not been an ideal year for wheat farmers and winter pastures of any kind with getting a lot of it in the ground late, lack of rainfall and some cold weather. Weaning time will all depend on each individual operations management goals and when the cows will start calving next year. 750 lb Feeder steers steady at $160 and 550 lb Stockers steady at $174. It all started as the arctic front moved into North Texas and brought us a record daily snow of 4 inches by Valentines Day. Additional USDA Reports. You either love it or hate it depending on your pasture management strategies. Yes, If you only have one bull then youll need to buy, borrow or rent you another one to replace him. Most pastures are getting low on available forage, but I havent seen anyone putting out hay bales just yet. We will be talking about Soils, Fertilizers, Herbicides, Grass Establishment and Care, and lots of information on Weed Control and what herbicides work best on certain weeds or grassy weeds. Feeder heifers under 400 lbs sold 2.00-8.00 lower, over 400 lbs sold 2.00-10.00 higher. Money? Decatur Livestock Market as of 3-8-21 The supply of weaned calves diminished this week compared to last week which resulted in average prices being $4-$8/cwt lower on most classes. I believe it pays to background/precondition, if not in price/cwt it will in weight gained. If they drained well the yields increased. Bred cows averaged $50/hd higher with a good selection of take home cows. April Feeder Futures down at $140. Feedyard Closeouts at $51 in the red. Cattle are looking a lot better now with a little grazing available in most areas. Consignments are open to consign your cattle, call 940-627-5599 or I have seen all kinds of weather in 61 years and hope to see 20 plus more years of it, Lord willing! Check out my Toolbox for answers! Grazing wheat is really looking good now and stocker operators will be looking to buy calves to put on it soon. Report totals this morning range from half an inch to well over 4 inches. We received about a half inch on Sunday and then on Tuesday night and all day Wednesday we received a very nice rain of from 2.5-3.5 inches over the entire county! Stocker calves are doing good too on some pretty good mixed grass pastures, and forage sorghum. I have a lot of good information on pasture management and weed control our website under my ANR Tab so check it out. Well thank the Lord we got some more rain on Friday! April Feeder Futures at $144. However, I was on a site visit about 6 miles southwest of Paradise on Friday and their pastures are burning up and have received little to no rainfall this last go around. Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. With the high prices they may just shredd the weeds or bale it up with the first cutting especially if using for cow hay only. In the Cattle Market as of 8-27-21 Slaughter Cattle up $1 at $122. Dont wait on the lame bull to get better unless you dont mind your calf crop being spread out. We can all live with the 10 percent because the difference being, we dont eat cars, but we do need Agriculture to eat. You dont want them out there on bad wheels or shooting blanks. Knowing what is in your hay will help you not to short your cattle on crude protein and energy they need to maintain the correct body condition and perform well. If you kept good records, I would like to hear how much total rain you have received in your neck of the woods this year, along with how many cuttings you were able to get rolled up. Itll cost you an extra 3-4/acre but with the price of Fertilizers so high we want to make sure our Nitrogen stays put. There were no weekly calf and feeder cattle price summaries from the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) last week. We had to move cattle around so they would have water. 750 lb Feeder steers steady at $138 and 550 lb Stockers down at $164. Urea (46-0) is at $500/ton and if you use this, I would recommend adding a Nitrogen Stablizer to it to reduce volitization. Decatur Livestock Market as of 4-19-21 Overall the market was a little cheaper mainly due to inconsistent quality this week compared to last week. If we dont break some records on calf weights it will surprise me! Last weeks winter storm of the century was rough on everyone but especially our farmers and ranchers and their animals. 750 lb Feeder steers up $1 at $150 and 550 lb Stockers up $6 at $174. Search (800)-Tell-TDA 835-5832. 6-7 weight steers and heifers were steady to $2/cwt higher this week. With the wheat growing like it is, the market on stocker steers and heifers continued the upward trend that started last week Feeder steers and heifers were steady to a little cheaper. March Feeder Futures at $135. It is important to know what type, blend and how much fertilizer to apply. There is some late planted Milo that will be ready to go before long and it looks half decent. All livestock included in this report are graded and reported according to official USDA live animal standards or guidelines. Wow, talking about exponential growth! Only exception is fertilizing using Pre-Emergent herbicides and the window is closing fast on that now. Milo is the same and very uneven with some just booting and some headed out. Decatur Livestock Market as of 11-1-21. We had damage last year during flowering after a late freeze. Cattle will be available for viewing on Saturday, April 10, and Sunday, April 11. Local 600 lb Steers ranged from $1.22 to $1.47 while 600 lb heifers ranged from $1.17 to $1.22, both depending on quality, kind, and fill. The New Gainesville Livestock Auction Had a good selection of bred cows and pairs this week. Most of our cattle are looking a lot better now although there are some that were overstocked, or stay overstocked, fed sorry hay, didnt supplement enough, or something, and they look a little rough. Some are very useful, some not. Good hay will have some color to it, from light green to dark green, even last years hay may be bleached out from exposure on the outside, but on the inside should still have some green color to it. Yields were 0 to 60 bushels, with average at 30-40 bushels, and weights were 54-56 pounds. August Feeder Futures are at $150. With all the rain and windy conditions this spring some folks just rolled the dice and ended up with a decent kill while others did not fair as well. A temperature at or below freezing is not absolutely necessary to get ground frost or hoar frost (from the Bible); they can form even if air temperature is marginally above freezing point if the sky is clear. Local 600 lb Steers ranged from $1.38 to $1.58 while 600 lb heifers ranged from $1.25 to $1.40, both depending on quality, kind, and fill. Bred cows and pairs were steady to $125 higher. Totals last week ranged from half to one inch over the county. Decatur Livestock Market as of 3-15-21A good run and 3 weeks in a row with prices being steady to higher on each weight class. We still have some good chances of more rain this week. With all the good rain and abundance of grass we had before this dry spell the calves should weigh heavy come weaning time. Reports from our neighbors in Cooke County right north of us, a farmer said that yields are all over the place from the 70s, to some spots making in the 180s and test weights are average. It was tough getting the fertilize and weed killer put out, along with getting it cut and baled from the numerous rains we had throughout the spring and summer seasons, and the test results I have seen show it. It can sure get the young plants with their tender new leaves, and they often give up the ghost when temperatures dip to 32-33F. Still high demand for weaned steers/heifers to fill orders for grass grazing. It has downgraded us to Moderate Drought status. Pastures are good where it has rained a little in the last week or two but there are places that didnt get much precipitation and its starting to go south. Several young bred cows and pairs came to town driving prices higher. Needless to say, we used a lot of hay bales and feed keeping the cattle in decent shape and from freezing to death. Steer and heifer calves sold mostly steady on limited sales. I have heard several say they are fertilizing this week hoping to beat the possible rain, but if you have a weed problem be sure to let your weeds get up about 4-6 inches tall before you spray your herbicide. Newly sprigged and established Coastal are both slow in coming on this time and could use some warmer days and nights to help it get along better. To be included in this segment, cattle must be weaned a minimum of 45 days and arrive at DLM yards by the Saturday prior to the sale. Depending on the weather weaning could be delayed a little, that is if we get a rain soon and grass takes off again. April Feeder Futures at $145. Decatur Livestock Market as of 11-1-21. As for cattle, cow/calf producers have weaning calves on their mind. Their Fall Roundup Special Replacement Sale had 409 head. Some got lucky and hit it just right and got a near 100 percent kill. Well back on the farm I think its dried out enough to get a combine in the field this week in places, although making ruts will be common. The west side received up to a little over an inch of the good stuff! Warm Season grasses are still sitting there waiting on some warmer nights and a little warmer soil temp, to explode. All cattle are in good shape and have been the entire year. The major one being you will have a uniform calf crop and buyers like calves to be close to the same age, size and painted the same color. I havent heard any reports on Midge so hopefully spraying for the Headworms will help with the Midge too and we can skip that bad boy this time. Advertise a Livestock Auction. Yields are all over the place and one farmer I talked to said he was averaging 2500 to 4000 pounds and test weights were near average on early planted crops. Decatur Livestock Market as of 9-20-21-With the fall temperature ups and downs, demand for weaned cattle exceeded supply we had 282 in the weaned segment with several other consignments throughout the day. Have you driven in the metroplex lately? Yields where wheat has not been freeze damaged, sprouting or lodged, are real good, at least that is what I am hearing at 80 plus bushels/acre. Well ole Jack Frost paid most of us a visit last Wednesday morning as temperatures hovered near or below freezing. Packer prices steady. From what I hear corn is all eared and dented and almost there, it should be as it is August already, but delayed planting stretched it out. There are some green spots here and there in the lowlands but for the most part the green is just about gone. But our winter pastures are looking better by the day with all this moisture and especially grazing wheat. Six weight Steer and heifer calves $6-8 higher. The key is having good help and I was blessed in that department and it always went smoothly for the most part. Our agency has several mobile apps such as Grazing and Pond Calculators, Farm Pond mgmt., Aquaculture, Quail, Feral Hogs and more. MARKET REPORT Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Head Sold: 1358 Cows/Bulls: 407 Calves/Yearlings: 951 Sellers: 142 Buyers: 41 The market on calves & yearlings was steady. Our native and introduced grasses should be taking off after this rain event if we can keep the soil and nighttime temps above 65 and 60 degrees, respectively. Old habits die hard! We need both to be a little warmer at the moment for some sustained growth. Today, there are over 7.8 billion people on earth, up from just under 2 billion in 1920. Stocker calves are looking great too and really been putting the weight on here lately but without moisture they will run out of grass soon enough and it will be time to ship. Active bidding for good, take home bred cows and pairs. Cattle receiving the proper nutrition are in good shape but there are some cows out there that dont look very good and those producers should reevaluate their winter-feeding strategies to meet their cattles requirements. Demand still strong for good, young bred cows and pairs, just not many offered today. 750 lb Feeder steers down $2 at $156 and 550 lb Stockers up $1 at $174. 750 lb Feeder steers up $3 at $139 and 550 lb Stockers up $2 at $164. As one rancher said, finding a new place to stack your excess hay is a great problem to have, yep, I agree sir! Stocker Calves at $161. The rains have sure greened up the grass and landscape throughout the county, but the summer grass is slow in coming with the cooler night temperatures we have had lately, and soil temperatures ranging from 65-67 degrees. Texas Livestock Auctions / MARKET REPORT - DECATUR LIVESTOCK MARKET Aug Live Cattle up $1 at $121.50. In the Cattle Market as of 3-27-21 Slaughter Cattle traded at $117 Feedyard Closeouts were $100 bill in the red, April Live Cattle at $120. Big, fancy cows sold $100-$150/hd higher than last week and that continued to drive the prices up during the regular sale. Grass-fed feeder cattle will usually gain 1.5lb of weight a day. This is for all you landowners both big and small, so get signed up on Eventbrite. We received anywhere from 24.5 inches all total depending on your location, at least according to individual reports, my weather apps, and our Agencys Texas Weather Connection. You can register at Please register and join us! Quality was inconsistent with quite a few crossbred calves this week. On the corn I will have to take a look and see how its doing or maybe I can get a hold of one our producers soon. Report-Oklahoma Weekly Cattle Auction Summary | MMN I know the sweet corn is just about ready. Oct Live Cattle at $120. Best grade Slaughter cows steady $2-5 higher. Jan Feeder Futures at $137. Here it is almost June and by now we would normally already have our first cutting rolled up and growing the second. I will email you a Zoom Link to join the meeting the day before each session. Well it rained everyday but Wednesday and Thursday last week. Decatur Livestock Market as of 10-12-21. If you used a good pre-emergent you might be ok, but if using a post-emergent then who knows. Wise County Crop and Cattle Report for May 4, 2022 It's a little chilly this morning as a cool front blew in and brought more rain last night. To me the corn doesnt look great, but its about ready to harvest, and the milo wont be far behind. Some producers were busy this past week over seeding some coastal pastures for winter grazing using no till drills. This is who we are and This is what we do! One can do without a shower for days on end too, and It made both of us appreciative and grateful for electricity when it finally came back on! Oct Feeder cattle off $2 at $155. As for the Armyworms they done some damage in some fields and pastures but kind of played out when it got hot. The blasted lightning woke me up during Sunday night as storms rolled through in the early morning hours. The wheat and winter pastures have perked up a little but with it trying to head out, grazing is coming to an end. So there are pockets here and there that are hurting for moisture but overall the rain was good and sure perked up the grass. Cattle are in great shape with cows and calves mud fat, and they have been all year. $92/CWT. We broke other records as well like record lows and highs on February 14,15 and 16. Go. We dont see a year like this year very often as far as weather and growing conditions go! Amarillo TX, 79114. Some have already pulled the trigger, some are thinking about it, and some are taking advantage of forage left and grazing out what is left. I tell you it has been a pretty dang good year for 2021 with the exception of the Winter storm that kicked our behinds back in February. Since 1935 our cattle numbers have doubled in our nation from 42 million plus to a little over 94 million head. Decatur Livestock Market as of 1-25-21With not as many cattle making it to town due to the weather the past weekend, its hard to compare this weeks market to last weeks. Where damage was the worst farmers tried to cut and bale for hay but mother nature didnt want to cooperate as far as rainfall is concerned on many days. Marty Morgan, Wise County Ag Agent or call 940-627-3341. On the west side of Paradise, the lightning struck a house down the road from me and a few miles away hit a big old mesquite tree and disintegrated it blowing chunks and limbs everywhere! Its almost to the point of getting to stop feeding hay soon. The majority of the wheat crop has headed out but sure is short and thin from lack of rain most of the winter when it needed it the most. Shrubs on the other hand I recommend trimming out the dead and letting them come back from the base and they should be fine in most cases. Thank the Good Lord I think so!!! 750 lb Feeder steers up $1 at $157 and 550 lb Stockers off $1 at $166. Weed control is hit and miss this year as some are up and some are not. Oct Feeder Futures down $2 at $157. 750 lb Feeder steers at $153 and 550 lb Stockers up $2 at $166. Our cattle look pretty decent right now as folks move them around to top off the winter pastures before they play plumb out. One of my ranchers called it a million-dollar rain, and I agree. We have several publications, and a couple of articles I wrote, on our website that well help you, so take a look at them. More is in the forecast as a cool front blows in on Wednesday. Pastures and hayfields are green as a gourd and grasses are starting to take off now. This rain may bring on another hatch so continue to scout for them. Between the futures market being down all week, the large number of fresh, unweaned calves and the price of grain on the rise, not many active orders on calves. Reading A Cattle Market Report: The Basics You Need To Know Fingers crossed we didnt suffer any winter kill on our Bermuda grass pastures when the temps dropped below 10 degrees, even down to 6 below zero that one night. Well it came a frog strangler last Monday as we received another 1-2 inches that morning and then a few scattered showers again on Friday. I poured out exactly an inch at the house just west of Paradise. Six weight Steer and heifer calves steady to hair lower. And a lot of folks fertilized their Coastal last week and are happy about the rain as well. There are some weeds, but most are winter weeds so far. While It was 31 degrees in Amarillo, it was in the 60s here in north Texas. Oct Live Cattle at $123. I just looked at a hay field and garden north of town that had lots of tiny armyworms covering the ground. $86/CWT. I havent heard any reports on yields yet. In the Cattle Market as of 9-23-21 Slaughter Cattle at $124. It was a welcomed sight as it was becoming rather dry and worrisome for producers. Skip to contents. Some places it slowed down some hay baling for a half a day or so, but most places kept rolling after it dried a few hours to a half a day. Grass has some strength to it now so calves are still making good gains and the cooler than normal temps are sure helping out too. Grazing wheat with stockers on it is struggling and numbers are still low. Its will sure hog up all your nitrogen if you fertilize your Bermuda fields to early. But there are some folks patently waiting for a warmup and some more growth to put out fertilize and weedkiller. Totals for the two days ranged from 4-8 inches, with a few spots near the ten-inch mark. 750 lb Feeder steers up $3 at $156 and 550 lb Stockers up $1 at $167. Aug Live Cattle steady at $123. I have experienced it both ways. If that happens it will become feed wheat and not nearly as profitable for them. Packer prices also continued the upward trend that began last week. Weekly Reports Arkansas Cattle Auction LLC - Cattle Auction - Searcy, AR (Tue) (pdf) Ash Flat Livestock - Cattle Auction - Ash Flat, AR (Fri) (pdf) Benton County Sale Barn - Cattle Auction - Siloam Springs, AR (Thu) (pdf) Cattlemen's Livestock Exchange - Cattle Auction - Cord, AR (Thursday) (pdf) It is taking off growing now and getting some dark green color back in it. March Feeder Futures at $135. In most cases having enough hay was not an issue, but quality may have been. How To Read A Cattle Market Report: The Must-Know Basics - CowCaretaker Consignments are open to consign your cattle, call 940-627-5599 or email them at The only bad thing about the rain here in North Texas is that a lot of wheat farmers were trying to salvage their ruined crop by cutting and baling it for hay.
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