god is energy bible verse

Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you. The moment you become capable of deep love, life becomes god. In fact, the collective energy field of presence can be very helpful when people come together. The flashes of light, like stars in motion against a night sky, were going in many directions at once. The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. Ziad Masri, We should be thankful and loving because everything we interact with is ultimately interconnected as One Mind or One Spirit, being illusory projections of the One energy that many people label as God. Ziad Masri. If God is energy for life then God is in everything. Think of your physical body as a sock puppet. Kendrick Lamar, Grace is God himself, his loving energy at work within his church and within our souls. Energy is the essence of life. Is God a form of energy? - Reimagining Education Light was the source of enlightenment and salvation; darkness connoted ignorance and condemnation. The energy of God, as life, is within each of us. I cry out for help. The universe, God and souls are pure, positive energy of Light and Love. Theodore Levitt, Energy is that amazing feeling that comes to life inside of you when youre happy and believe in yourself. John Ruskin, If you want to say that God is energy, then you can find God in a lump of coal. We do know that the effects of light provide illumination as well as heat. Walter Russell. One I have already discussed is light. Light is dynamic. I learned that I could control my life. When the bulb hears about this undying electricity, it may say, Yes, but when this wiring inside me nally gives out, the light disappears and that will be the end of me. If this lamp would see that the light originates in the electricity and not in its wiring, it would recognize this as its true nature; That which enlivens it and That which is not affected by the end of the lamp. Jaggi Vasudev. This metaphor for the divine might also breed a type of ethical passivity. When we feel our life force, our vitality, we are feeling the subtle energies of our interpenetrating, nonlocal two-dimensional energy bodies. the universal energy. The Spirit is one of the persons of the Trinity in Christianity and has traditionally been understood as the dynamic power of connection and relationship. Leo Hartong. What is atomic fission? Energy forms into matter. They perceive the energy body as a multicolored aura that surrounds and suffuses the physical body. Change is fundamental to reality. Fundamentally, God as energy is force of life. Guide may be the key word here. How can God as indeterminate, dynamic energy guide us when we are looking for answers and for direction? He just is. Bharati Mukherjee, Every volcano is a powerful illustration of Gods character. Silence is Golden; it has divine power and immense energy. The BEST representation of Source Energy that you will ever find in your physical format is inexpressible. Where attention goes, energy flows and results show. It requires you to get regular exercise and move every joint of your body daily. Ann Fields. M.H. People think God has got ears, nose, teeth and he rises daily in the morning, brushes his teeth and washes his mouth. 11 Bible Verses about Energy? - BiblePortal Even if god is energy there is no way of proving that energy has agency, let alone cares about humans, what they eat on what days, what they wear, what they say, who they sleep with and in what position. Peter Atkins, I believe God is a name we give to the mystery of the world that is beyond our capacity to understand. There are many people who say its not God, or a personal God, but its an energy, its a force, its a unifying conceptualization of the universe. Godsey chooses to think of this combination of energy as spiritual, and the connections between them as a constant state of God. Rather than seeking to do Gods will, it is more fitting to speak of connecting with the power of God as energy and strength for life. God is not one thing or another, rather God flows between and through all things. Physicists actually confirm that what we perceive as dead matter is not dead at all. To know that you are God is another way of saying that you feel completely with this universe. That space is real. No form in the universe is really solid. Robert Browning, Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. It is dynamism. Count of St. Germain, We become what we think about. I seem to be a brief light that flashes but once in all the aeons of timea rare, complicated, and all-too-delicate organism on the fringe of biological evolution, where the wave of life bursts into individual, sparkling, and multicolored drops that gleam for a moment only to vanish forever. And when one incarnates, an aspect comes with that incarnation, thats called the soul. 13 That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure. Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. Joseph Selbie, God is infinite; and the laws of nature, like nature itself, are finite. Ziad Masri, Mass is a form of energy and energy a form of mass in what is now the best known equation in the history of the world: E=mc2. Its a Light that shines in the human being. Sathya Sai Baba, People think God is a man. . And God said, Let there be light and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected. Its all One. Frederick Lenz. Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. Our nonlocal, intelligent consciousness shapes our nonlocal, two-dimensional holographic energy template. Joseph Selbie. One of the energies that comes from that spark is Love. Although scientists have argued that light is a wave or a particle, most have come to view it as neither. But in the process, there is no loss, only change. Christian Quotes About Courage. God is energy, love is energy. "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. Today healing energy constantly flows through every organ, joint and cell in my body. Never lose touch with it. Robert Moss. So, it is essential to bring more consciousness into your life in ordinary situations when everything is going relatively smoothly. God is the energy of and for life. Since life is still abstract, there are a number of metaphorical ways to image life, such as water or air or breath. . Prayer and worship involve paying attention to that energy in a way we do not in every moment of our lives. What follows then is that the really real is ultimately indeterminate. If we open the right avenues within, this peace can be felt here and now. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, A related concern would be the non-directionality of divine action. When energy is converted from passive to active energy, it is transmuted to other materials or changed to other forms. It doesnt matter the size or shape of the lamp; it only matters that the lamp is plugged in. Frederick Lenz. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, As an individual learns and practices higher meditation techniques, a tremendous volume of energy and creativity flows through them. The river simply is being a river, its own power, dynamism, and nature in interaction with the atmosphere and weather and other factors of terrain and environment. The spiritual energy is an emanation of Self. Change is also constant. Would we call the gently flowing river good? In this world, classical concepts like elementary particle, material substance or isolated object, have lost their meaning; the whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns. This God metaphor likens the divine to neither person nor concrete thing. The impersonal energy animating the human apparatus also generates the thoughts with which this apparatus thinks of itself as the responsible source of its activity. If were willing to clear our energy fields of the ancestral energies we dont want, then we are ready to do something really interesting and beautiful which is to claim a connection with the wisdom of the kinds of ancestors we do want to be in contact with. I took control and went to my space. It may even be a form of pantheism since everything and everyone is fundamentally energy. 40:2831). In that sense the Spirit can be imagined as laboring and giving birth. It can be used to modify awareness. Use them well to serve one another. Creation began with energy. She is unstoppable. The energy that moves life is the force of the Feminine. 21 He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. Though divine energy is life producing, it does not direct life in any given way or toward a given end. Gods voiced judgment was an aesthetic one, a comment of appreciation, even of enjoyment. We have the power to allow the current to flow through us and thus to generate the light of the world: JESUS or to refuse to be used and, thus, allow the darkness to spread. Kathie Lee Gifford, When the Spirit of God comes into us, He wants to be Himself in us. Bill Hicks, Matter Is the intelligent organization of energy. We feel separated because of our physical bodies; we think we ARE the body and are therefore physical, yet we know that God is Spirit. 4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his . The divine itself is changing and so not determined or given. Reversing this ever increasing tendency toward disorder requires the input of energy. A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, Prana to every body cell.The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the Universal life energy. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you" (John: 14:16-17). Frederick Lenz. And then, for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire. Defying entropy, defying probability, God is, in the words of Samuel Longfellow, the Life that maketh all things new. When I recognize the presence of God working through me, I live with a sense of high adventure and eternal significance. Or some kind of energy or antigravity. I have already hinted that many rituals are fundamentally about connecting with the power of God. The divine is present not only in us, but in all that is alive, the whole universe and all that is in it. What most people perceive as energy is really strength of spirit. Energy is the dynamic, driving force within all that exists. 9 Bible Verses about Light As A Symbol Of God - Online Bible Thus, all that is made is made of energy individualized as spirit. Then the everyday becomes transformative. A teacher will instruct you in how to stabilize your energy field, increase it, and decrease the loss of energy in your life and how to be balanced, wise, and funny. If it were true that God is energy, what of it? These connote freedom as well as strength. In the lightbulb it shows as light, in the fan it creates gusts of air, in the fridge it makes things cold, in the CD player, it plays music. Verse Concepts. Sacred energy comes from our connection to the divine inside us. . Perhaps the most personified image of God as energy is spirit. Leviticus 11:44 Verse Concepts For I am the Lord your God. When it runs through a toaster or a fan, the device would then mistakenly identify itself as being the primary source and not realize that it is only an outlet unit. When I talk about God, Im not necessarily talking about religion. Raymond Moody, I can tell you that anything that happens in the physical body will happen in the pattern of the energy fields first. According to our current understanding of physics, every region of space is awash with different kinds of fields composed of waves of varying lengths. It is a transfiguration of the same energy. The body then becomes a doorway, so to speak, into a deeper sense of aliveness underneath the fluctuating emotions and underneath your thinking. EHV In fact, it is God who is working in you, both to will and to work, for the sake of his good pleasure. At our most elemental, we are not a chemical reaction, but an energetic charge. The delight that accompanies it counter-balances all the pains and hardships that confront men. Joseph Selbie, Modern science has discovered that the various material elements are nothing more than differently vibrating atoms. Berean Standard Bible Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. Spiritual energy flows in and produces effects, psychological or material, within the phenomenal world. Ultimately, the narratives and dramatic actions of any ritual are simply expressions of the desire to connect. Nothing but a particular rate of vibration of Gods cosmic energy. Its about cosmic energy, a little spark of which is inside every individual as the soul. It is the energy that powers this whole manifestation. The general term for spiritual power is kundalini. In what sense can we talk about energy as moral or even good? Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Wilhelm Reich, I think God is a giant vibrator in the sky a pulsating force of incredible energy. Where intention goes, energy flows. Coincidentally, light is a common metaphor for the divine. . I. Gurdjieff. Any other understanding of God means that God is not God. Dear Theophilus: Can God Be Energy? | GCU Blog - Grand Canyon University When scientists study energy or try to measure energy, what they perceive and observe are its effects or interactions. Defining the concept of God as energy - Stellar House Publishing Everything is energy and thats all there is to it. All the energy that currently exists in the universe is all that ever has been and all that ever will be. . Sri Yukteswar, We already inhabit our energy-body. there is no searching of his understanding. Harv Eker, Attention is like energy in that without it no work can be done, and in doing work is dissipated. Rob Brezsny. Energy is attention. Juanes. Stephen Hawkins. There are several traditional images of God that approximate the characteristics of God as energy. We create ourselves by how we use this energy. The energy of the universe flows through your mind, your body, and your life. God can be perceived to be energy or electricity, God as energy is life, love, light and creativity, God as energy is everywhere and everything and therefore one with all, The energy that is God is available to us, Ways to connect to the energy that is God, https://wisdomtrove.com/wp-content/uploads/logo-test-300x37.png, The power of using metaphors to explore what God means to us, We need to expand our conception of God beyond God of the Gaps, God as overseer of the universe and manager of our lives, God as an employer using our talents to serve the world, God as an interconnected web of relationships, God as spirits in the natural world (animism), God as ultimate reality and absolute truth, God as unlimited potentiality being made actual, God as the ocean and us as waves or water drops, God as the Unified Field and us as localised experience fields, God as the singularity (Artificial intelligence), How we can use spiritual narratives to explore the nature and purpose of existence. Feel the energy of the emotion. God is perfect and pure energy. I know that what you call God really exists, but not in the form you think; God is primal cosmic energy, the love in your body, your integrity, and your perception of the nature in you and outside of you. Beyond the deception of perception, we are like waves in the ocean of humanity, all connected as One basic energy. The visible world is the invisible organization of energy. The inflow of Divine energy is a consequence of karmic propensities, along with Grace, spiritual choice, and the assent of the Will as exemplified by worship, spiritual commitment, prayer, supplication, selfless service, mercy, and love. What seemed most real in this universe was energy, ever in motion. Just as we now know matter and energy are in relationship and fundamentally united, immanence and transcendence are perhaps best understood in relation. . I would say no. Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint (Isa. To maintain a powerful life force, forget yourself, forget about living and dying, and bring your full attention into this moment. This universe of energy is what makes life happen. Their effect on an individual is for many, many, many, many, many, many lifetimes. Ann Fields. When physicists calculate the minimum amount of energy a wave can possess, they find that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known universe! 39 Bible Verses about Strength - NKJV - DailyVerses.net Occasionally, even the most mundane of activities is experienced in an immensely powerful or deeply moving way. When you tap into that space, divine flow, that universal energy, you become untouchable in what you are called to do. Leo Hartong, This Primal You is not the personal character which identies itself as a body/mind organism. Verse Concepts and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, Proverbs 16:24 Verse Concepts Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Wikipedia. Your life either takes your energy or gives you energy. Joseph Selbie, Our local, three-dimensional physical bodies are the holographic projections of our nonlocal, two-dimensional holographic energy bodies. The dynamism of energy is powerful. And God is everything in between. Michele Cassou, Life always delivers the creative energy you need to change into the new thing you must become. Nothing is fixed. Our two-dimensional energy bodies are the source of most of what we experience as ourselvesour awareness, feelings, motivations, memories, and life-energy. Some physicists refuse to take this calculation seriously and believe it must somehow be in error. Lynne McTaggart. Henry Sloane Coffin. Frederick Lenz. We dont really, in Hindu tradition, have a father figure of a God. They would find the emphasis on power, especially as it is redefined, theologically and ethically problematic. The difference between matter and Spirit is in the rate of vibrationa difference of degree, not of kind. It is good that creation exists, just as it is good to be alive. What Does the Bible Say About Energy? - OpenBible.info The Spirit itself has traditional images associated with it, such as a bird/dove or wind or fire. In this way, a permanent energy field of a pure and high frequency will arise between you. James Freeman Clarke. When you set a one-pointed intention and absolutely refuse to allow obstacles to dissipate the focused quality of your attention, you engage the infinite organizing power of the universe. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Joseph Selbie, Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. As we become more aware of our subtle energy body we feel our selves to be less material and more energetic; less defined and more connected; less matter and more Light. In this way, you grow in presence power. That which is truly alive in the living being is this energy of spirit, and this is never born and never dies. Rather God is the energy that configures or not in such a way that healing is enabled. Simply stated, this equation reveals that energy (E) = matter (m, mass) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c2).

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god is energy bible verse