haslett high school yearbook

The districts School of Choice window opens in May of each school year. ACADEMIC RECOGNITIONa) Honor Roll: At the end of each marking period, students who have achieved a GPA of 3.0 or above will be included in the honor roll.b) Honors Night: All students who have maintained a 3.5 GPA or higher are honored at an awards program.c) Senior Recognition: The senior class will be honored for their many accomplishments in academics, citizenship, and other areas. Possession of WeaponsPossession, use of or threatened use of any type of object designed or intended to inflict harm to another student(s) or staff member will result in immediate disciplinary action. Toggle navigation HighSchoolNetwork. or on rooftops will be considered trespassing. I have read the Technology Acceptable Use Policy and understand that I may be held financially responsible for damages or unauthorized expenses incurred as a result of inappropriate technology use by this student. 4). They are: 1. Parents and students are responsible for knowing about emergency closings and delays. In-School SuspensionA student may be assigned to the in-school suspension program. Level II - ViolationsLevel two violations include, but are not limited to, the following: Possession, distribution, use and/or theft of test materials, answer sheets, teacher materials, computer files, grading programs, and/or altering of teacher records. Intimidation or coercion of others to commit academic integrity violations Persistent level one violationsLevel II - Consequences Level two consequences include, but are not limited to, the following:o Level one consequences with the following additions: Notation on student transcript of academic integrity violation:1 school semester or 1 calendar school year Suspension of student for 1-10 days (adThis is what we did at the start of class. Thestudent will be allowed to compete in practice forconditioning purposes during the suspension (suspension tobe computed from the time of the violation). Consequences for 12 Days of AbsenteeismStudents who are absent for a total of 12 days (combination of excused and unexcused) of any semester will become ineligible for credit. Meet with your counselor to review the process for dual enrollment.b. Depending on the seriousness of the incident, a student may be expelled. A student shall be verbally informed of any charges brought againstthem.b. If you wish additional information, please see the Haslett Public Schools website. This is the disclaimer text. It is designed to serve students who want to accelerate or go beyond the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) requirements and students who need to individualize learning requirements to meet the MMC requirements. Specific instructions on how to proceed will be provided to students by their teachers who will be responsible for safe, prompt, and orderly evacuation of the building. Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy online at Classmates.com. Standardized test scores, grades, credits, health information, attendance and grade point average are information included in each students file. 5. No swearing, offensive language, or obscene gestures.o Be safe. No dangerous or boisterous behavior (like pushing, shoving, or passing students). No throwing objects at others (spectators, band members, cheerleaders, officials, players, etc.) Students are expected to follow their schedules. 3. InsuranceStudent insurance is available in the district office. The police may becontacted. When a squad reduction becomes a necessity, the process will include three important elements. Coaches will discuss specific alternative possibilities for continued participation in the sport, or in other areas of participation within the athletic program with the athletes. Toggle navigation HighSchoolNetwork. (See Serious Violations - under Non-Criminal Acts)d. Students who accumulate four unexcused absences will become ineligible for credit for the class(es) in which the absences occurred. Learning skills for participation4. Do not in any way detract from the performance.o Show good sportsmanship. Patoka High School Alumni Class List. Enroll in a special program as approved by the Haslett High School principal. Level I - ConsequencesLevel one consequences include, but are not limited to, the following: Disciplinary documentation in Skyward and administrator notification National Honor Society notification Parent notification by teacher depending on the severity and/or in the instance of persistent level one violationso Persistent: more than one violation per year in one or more classes Consequences in class, which may include, but are not limited to the following:o Disciplinary actiono A zero or reduced score or grade for the assignment or courseo Required retake of a separate test, resubmission of work and/or completion of additional work that may or may not receive credit Teachers will consider a students disciplinary history prior to writing letters of recommendation. If the violation occurs during a standardized test sponsored by an agency outside Haslett High School (SAT, PSAT, etc. The school's professional staff has the authority to remove or isolate a student who has been ill or has been exposed to a communicable disease or highly-transient pest, suchas lice. 1963 Haslett High School Yearbook Haslett Michigan The Dixit - WorthPoint Smoking is prohibited in all school district facilities or on any portion of school district property by any individual. The rules outlined in this handbook are not designed solely to describe punishment; rather, they are intended as a guide to successful participation. This policy protects all students from bullying/aggressive behavior regardless of the subject matter or motivation for such impermissible behavior. would like to know how i can get year books all the way back to first grade up to 6th when i moved away thanks very much Jessica Smith. Students who are riding to and from school on transportation provided by the school are required to follow all basic safety rules. Parents will be contacted. ThisAthletic Code applies to candidates, members, and managers of all athleticteams.A. PreambleRepresenting Haslett High School in interscholastic athletic competition is regarded as aprivilege and not a right. Letter Grade Percentage (%)A+ 97.50-100.00+A 92.50-97.49A- 89.50-92.49B+ 86.50-89.49B 82.50-86.49B- 79.50-82.49C+ 76.50-79.49C 72.50-76.49C- 69.50-72.49D+ 66.50-69.49D 62.50-66.49D- 59.50-62.49E 0.00-59.49. a contest has been scheduled the following day,and/or3. Dropping out of a sport without a valid reason is always considereda serious matter. A written record shall be kept of the hearing.h. Note: It shall not be a violation of the Athletic Code for an athlete to use orpossess a prescription or patent drug when taken pursuant to a legalprescription issued by a licensed practitioner for which permission touse in school has been granted pursuant to Board Policy. Find Alumni in Haslett, Michigan > Click on the yearbooks below to view a scanned copy online at Classmates.com. The first time a student tries out for any athletic team, he/she willbe presented with the Athletic Policy handbook containing all the information forparticipating in athletics at Haslett High School.A. First Violation - Suspension of 25% of the current seasonscontests. GovernanceA. A second offense will result in a minimum of a five day suspension. The NHS strives to recognize the total student, one who excels in all of these areas.After students become members of the National Honor Society, they are reviewed periodically by the faculty council and must maintain the high standards of the Society: character, leadership, service (30 service hours per year and participation in two annual projects are required) and a minimum of a 3.5 cumulative grade point average. An exception to this could occur if a scheduling conflict, which is beyond the students control, exists.f. The MME is made up of the national SAT and WorkKeys tests in mathematics, plus additional assessments in the areas of science and social studies. Haslett High School Class of 1971 Clicking one of your friends will give you locations that you can get back in touch with the fellow graduate. Students eighteen years or older and NOT living at home,having notified an administrator of their living arrangements, mayexcuse themselves.c. This self-disclosure exemption is available to anathlete only once during his/her high school career.1. Consequences for Unexcused Absencea. The superintendent and the police department will be notified. Not more than one non-academic class may be taken per semester in any one subject area.Exceptions will be made only if the subject is directly related to the students career plan in their EDP and with administrative approval. A feeling of being a part of the group cannot bedeveloped without cooperation in this area. presents a clear and present likelihood that, either because of its content or manner of distribution or display, it causes or is likely to cause a material and substantial disruption of school or school activities, a violation of school regulations, or the commission of an unlawful act. All items must meet the following school guidelines:Material cannot be displayed if it: a. is obscene to minors, libelous, indecent and pervasively or vulgar,b. I agree to be responsible for and abide by all rules and regulations of this agreement. Control of Noncasual-Contact Communicable DiseasesIn the case of noncasual-contact, communicable-diseases, the school still has the obligation to protect the safety of the staff and students. 8. 5. I. IntroductionsA. VIII. The applicant must verify that the activity is being initiated by students, that attendance is voluntary, that no school staff person is actively involved in the event, that the event will not interfere with school activities, and that nonschool persons do not play a regular role in the event. c. Enroll in a special program as approved by the Haslett High School principal. Reconnect with friends from Haslett High School, find reunions, view yearbook photos and more. It is the policy of the District to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment for all of its students. LUNCH Students are responsible for remaining ON CAMPUS and in the cafeteria for lunch. Steroids, human growth hormones or otherperformance-enhancing drugs;5. SHOP Yearbooks. Haslett High equestrians share love of riding | WKAR Public Media For the Staff Directory: press 1. Haslett High School expects that all students will create and maintain a community of truth and honesty in learning. sponsored sports,a symbolic or merchandise award, which does not have a value over$25.Banquets, luncheons, dinners, trips and admissions to camps orevents, are permitted if accepted in kind. Awards in the form of cash,merchandise, certificates, or any other negotiable document are neverallowed.Note: Consult the M.H.S.A.A. Payment Policy for Dual EnrollmentThe 1997-98 Michigan School Aid Act contains a provision that directs school districts to assist students in paying tuition and fees for a class at a public or private college or university if all of the following conditions are met:a. A student may neither attend tryouts nor practice with a teamuntil he/she has submitted a signed acknowledgment form agreeing to abide bythe Athletic Code (this is done on the front page of the physical form). All final appeals may be made to the Haslett Board ofEducation within ten days of the decision of thesuperintendent of schools. Some students are eligible for free or reduced-cost lunches. All athletes will observe the Guidelines for Athletic Transportation setdown by the school district regarding behavior on a school bus.III. Conduct Offenses: Violation of Conduct Standards C-F above and thevenue is off the athletic field or court. Students register for classes in the spring of the next school year. Practice commitment if they make the team (including possible holiday conflicts and/or commitments)E. Game/Season commitments. Applications for individual instruction shall be made by a physician licensed to practice in the state of Michigan, parent, student, or other caregiver. Specific diseases include; diphtheria, scarlet fever, strep infections, whooping cough, mumps, measles, rubella, and other conditions indicated by the Local and State Health Departments.Any removal will only be for the contagious period as specified in the school's administrative guidelines.

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haslett high school yearbook