how is iago responsible for othello's downfall

Iago has Roderigo tell Brabantio that Othello is not good enough for Desdemona. Jealousy plays a main theme throughout Shakespeare's play, Othello. Stating, I hate the Moor (Act 1, Scene 3, 367-368), Iago shows that he is ripe with anger. Behind his faade as a dependable ensign and companion, Iago is a multilayered, tricky and manipulative scalawag, coming up with disarray and bringing about setbacks toother characters for requital. He tells Cassio that in order to regain his title and reputation, he must speak to Desdemona, because she is the only one who can change Othellos mind. Iago manages to influence Roderigo mainly by his use of language, something that he does with other characters as well. During the Elizabethan Era, drama began to flourish in Western Europe. Iago who is known for always being true and honest towards others has easily earned the trust of everyone around him, thus giving himself an advantage on his schemes. He manages to convince Roderigo to provoke Cassio into a fight when he is drunk; something Roderigo was reluctant to do beforehand. How is Iago able to manipulate Othello? Meaning, how does Iago bring never did Offend you in my life; never loved Cassio however, he still didn 't believe her. Othellos outsider status and ethnic difference is an important factor in Iagos manipulation as it encourages Othellos insecurities and is thus a flaw which Iago uses in his manipulation. Othello represents the incompatibility of marriage that comes with some due to the complete fault of one, The Tragic Downfall Of Iago In Shakespeare's Othello. Distinctive writing strategies corresponding to the theme, motifs, symbols and characters contently allow the scripter to plot the flaws dominating the descent of the advocate. Iago is able to get Othello to fully trust him and manipulates Othello to believe in false claims which eventually brings both of them to their downfall. See . Farewell the plumd troops and the big wars. He does this by repeating that the soldiers would like to relax and that they deserve it, insisting that Cassio join the celebrations. Shakespeare's Othello - The Downfall of Othello and Cassio O, farewell,Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump,The spirit-stirring drum, thear piercing fife,The royal banner, and all quality,Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war! (III.iii.353359). "How is Iago able to manipulate Othello? How Does Othello's Pride Lead to His Downfall As he continued to stir up trouble with his fellow peers, he went to Othello to plant evidence of Cassio infidelity. This is the case in Shakespeares Othello. In the first act, we find out how Othello perceives Iago when he says he is, "A manof honesty and trust. 2010, Iago preys on Othello's insecurities by giving him lies and half truths about the fidelity of Desdemona. He places more value on the opinions of this man as opposed to honest women, which ends up working out fatally for him. The fact that he starts by asking are you hurt Lieutenant? [II iii 239] shows concern, however false we know it to be, once again increasing Cassios trust in him. Not affiliated with Harvard College. In Shakespeare 's play Othello, the character Iago is the same as those tricky people. Particularly his imagery associated with subjects Othello can relate to such as newlywed couples. Race critics and Iago critics agree that Iago wanted to alienate Othello to believe that Desdemona was having an affair. However, Shakespeare has chosen to alter this in the case of Iago, which also helps to reflect his manipulative nature, as he is able to speak in both ways in order to use different people according to their characters. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Have You Not Read of Some Such Thing? All of this manipulation results in Desdemonas death. How does Iago convince Othello that Desdemona is cheating? Similarly, both characters originated from a meager past which they were forced to struggle to achieve a position where they. ): Desperate to cling to the security of his former identity as a soldier while his current identity as a lover crumbles, Othello begins to confuse the one with the other. Not once but two times this happens showing how strongly his irrational emotions are influencing his actions and behavior . A character can also possess a flaw in which another may exploit and manipulate; such is the case in Shakespeares, Othello allows himself to be poisoned and muddled by Iagos fallacious words (Anand, 77). In two scenes where Emilia expresses her true feelings, Iago snaps at her by first stating, "You are a fool, go to", and then later orders, "Go to, charm your tongue" (4.2. To theorize, Iago is a weak and insecure man that is motivated by his own insecurities and inadequacies., Iagos jealousy leads to the death of Desdemona and other characters. An additional contributing factor to Othellos tragic downfall is highlighted in placing all his trust in Iago, because he does not have enough confidence in himself (Anand, 77). This is when Iagos revenge starts taking effect. Othello seizes on this, and Iago works at building up his suspicions. When Iago informs certain characters that he knows have fallen into his trap, the characters will not doubt what he has to say. After he kills Desdemona, Othello explains his reasoning to Iagos wife, Emilia, justifying that Cassio did top her, ask thy husband else (Shakespeare 1360), meaning that he killed his wife because according to Iago, Cassio and. Iago plays on Othello's insecurities about Desdemona, and gets Othello to believe, through insinuation, that there is something going on between Desdemona and Cassio. He accomplishes this by altering and adopting situations to fit his purposes in deceiving Othello. Already a member? At one point in the play Othello is so overcome with his own jealousy and plots of revenge he goes into a fit and seizes. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Therefore, iago will prey upon his jealous preoccupation with the handkerchief as a symbol of his control over. Othello tells Iago to go get some poison to kill Desdemona, but Iago refuses and just tells him to strangle her in her bed (IV. The general is commanded to go to Cyprus to fight invading Turks. Iago is the mastermind behind all of the mayhem in this play, and it all starts in act one when Othello made Michael Cassio the lieutenant over him. This act scarred the two sons of Duncan so they fled the country and Macbeth was crowned. Without Desdemona in Cyprus, there would be no need for Roderigo and he plays a major role in Iagos entire plot. Although Iago does play a role in his downfall, the manipulation of other characters such as Othello, Roderigo and even Emilia to some extent due to her involvement in the handkerchief incident), is what eventually brings about Cassios near murder, and of course the element of chance plays a much more significant role that in Roderigos case. All of this manipulation results in Desdemonas death, As a scheming villain, Iago begins to ensnare Othello into his trap of vengeance by echoing in Othellos mind prospect of an affair between Cassio and Desdemona. Iago is primarily responsible for Othello 's downfall because he carefully plans and executes a malevolent scheme to make Othello jealous, which influences the esteemed general to. Soon, Othello begins to doubt his wife, as Iago lets his insinuations . Iago deceived each characters perception by pinpointing their weakness of desire, prominence, and, In the very end, Othello tragically dies alongside his wife. Boose further explains this, writing that Iago makes use of the token of love to create falsity as he first puts the object in an erotic context and transforms the motif of marital consummation into an evidence of adultery, Iago: The Main Cause Of Downfall In Shakespeare's Othello. The soliloquies enhance Iagos villainous characteristics by giving him moments to, Society defines a hero as someone of exceptional courage, strength, or outstanding achievements. Iago begins his insinuations by reminding Othello that Cassio served as their go-between during their courtship through a rhetorical. He eventually has another plan to bring Othello down by approaching Othello and saying that Cassio and Desdemona has been hooking up and that she is cheating on him. I like not that [III ii 34]. [he] know not ift be true, /But for mere suspicion in that kind, /Will do as if for surety (I, iii, 324-327) to give another reason for his hatred. Othellos tragic flaw destroys him and transforms Othello from the eloquent general to an irrational beast., Adelman raises the question about what Iagos true intentions were with Desdemonas love life. Iago constantly uses his innocence to make Othello jealous and start to assume that it is true. 182). To everyone he is known as Othello or the Moor. He is angry with Othello for promoting Michael Cassio, an officer with no real battle experience, to lieutenant over him. After succeeding in securing Cassios trust, Iago then goes about putting the next phase of his plan into action. He starts by painting a negative picture of Cassio; a slipper and subtle knave, a finder out of occasions a devilish knave [II i 229-230]. Iago, a master of how the human mind functions, realises this and so insists that Cassio have a drink, which he eventually does, leading to his demotion from Lieutenant. 223-229). Act 1 Scene 1 begins abruptly with an ongoing argument between Roderigo and Iago. Iagos language once again is a major factor in the downfall of the plays protagonist. In the novel Othello by William Shakespeare, Iago demonstrates the character of an insecure man who encounters insecurities that come in the forms of jealousy, personal/sexuality, and identity. He comes up with a very good plan to get each other to turn against one another. Iago convinces himself that with Othellos fondness of him and a little help from the devil himself the. In Shakespeare 's play Othello, the character Iago is the same as those tricky people. Iago gradually drove Othello to the edge, he convinced him of the affair between the two and so he felt the need to kill her. Iago and Othello are kind of similar, they both are jealous of something in life that makes them do irrational things, no matter what the cost is. His expression of his jealousy quickly devolves from the conventionalFarewell the tranquil mindto the absurd: Farewell the plumd troops and the big warsThat make ambition virtue! However, How can one be consistently honest over long periods of time? Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Iago also manipulates Othello with jealousy. Iago is wanting Brabantio to think negatively of Othello. William Shakespeares Othello involves a man named Iago who wants to get revenge on Othello who is known as the Moor of Venice. Through Iago's cunning manipulation and Shakespeare's crafting of language, this passage is constructed as a pivotal point of the play, marking the transition of Othello's personality and revealing his deepest insecurities that eventually lead to his downfall and tragic ending. Iago wants revenge on Othello, because Othello overlooks Iago and his abilities, so Iago manipulates these three characters to get back at Othello in the long run. Iago is a unique and complicated character. Make after him, poison has delight (68). This human trait is apparent in Shakespeares Othello, which brilliantly mirrors life. Iago plans his scheme based on, [Othello] has done my office, I know not ift be true/ But I, for mere suspicion in that kind/ Will do as if for surety (I. III. Latest answer posted February 06, 2021 at 2:05:38 PM. He places more value on the opinions of this man as opposed to honest women, which ends up working out fatally for him. Once again, by his use of language in particular, Iago has managed to complete another part of his plan, and even though these interactions serve more to ensure the downfall of Othello, they do play a role in Cassios downfall as well. By Shakespeare showing Iagos other feelings towards Othello it causes the audience to believe Iagos other. Iago continues to exact revenge on Othello and other people are being affected negatively as they fall with Othello. Even at the end of the play we see that Othello realizes the fatal misjudgment he has made. To Othello, Iago is more reputable now causing Iago is, at this point, reputable, meaning Othello will to believe anything that Iago says even if it is a lie. Comparing the two matters, both Jay Gatsby and Othello face similar character flaws that play a significant role in leading to their. Iagos psychopathic manipulations of Cassio then ultimately cause his downfall once Othello discovers that Iago has been dishonest, his punishment of torture and imprisonment at the end of the play is his downfall. I believe Othellos downfall was proceeded by his own character, although I feel that Iago had a part in it too., When Othello is introduced in the play, Iago informs him that Desdemonas father, Brabantio, has found out about their marriage and is speaking ill of him. He does this throughout the play, allowing Othello to form his own conclusion, with a little help from Iago. Driven by jealousy and hatred, Iago plots against Othello to destroy his character and reputation. As a result, Cassios death is ordered, and Othello vows to murder Desdemona. This contrasts Cassios language completely, who speaks highly of Desdemona calling her a most exquisite lady [II iii 17]. In total he talks about money in his short speech eight times, most likely in order to make his message quite clear. To What Extent Is Iago Responsible for Othello's Downfall Othello expresses his inadequacy in. In the first act, we find out how Othello perceives Iago when he says he is, "A manof honesty and trust. The notion of jealousy that lies inside Othello is something that Iago uses to bring down the mighty warrior. When Othello asks who initiated the quarrel, Iago is quick to respond by saying; I do not knowin quarter and in terms like bride and groom [II iii 160-161], knowing that this kind of language is going to go down well with Othello. Each of these male characters have different personalities and knowing them can be useful to Iago in his hope of completely fooling them in thus ruining their names and making everyone turn on each other. The fact that Iago is so easily able to manipulate Othello points us towards his real tragic flawOthello is naive in a way that suggests he suffers from insecurity. His tragic downfall is his own doing, but it would have never happened if Iago did not seek to ruin to his, In most literature, a characters flaws come into play and often pertain to one with a major role. Iago reveals Othellos insecurities, and prior to Iagos interference, Othello could control any situation. As Iago and Roderigo are fighting, Iago steps aside and says: Now, whether he kill Cassio,/or Cassio him, or each do kill the other,/ Every way makes my gain. Iago contradicts his own supposed beliefs in. Iago plants the seed in Othellos mind about the possibility that Desdemona gave her handkerchief to Cassio, then proceeds to give him some sort of proof that it is true. Othello demands that Iago truthfully tell him how the fight started and what happened. Meaning, how does Iago bring him down in Othello?" His trusting nature combined with his jealous, self-doubting personality no doubt played a key role in his downfall, and it could be disputed that Iago merely encouraged this. As he plots the downfall of many of the characters including Othello and Cassio, he lies to Roderigo telling him that Desdemona will soon tire of the moor and that he should go to Cyprus in order to be there when it happens. Iago is of such little power and relevance within societal ranking that if he were to have intentions to sabotage anyone, which he does, are not considered, thus making him easily trustworthy to those of greater dominance. Instead of choosing the more obvious route i.e. In the last act Othello was trying to act as Desdemona's defender, and Iago was the accuser; ironically, they seem to have switched places here, and Iago seems to be defending Desdemona, all while producing more "evidence" to condemn her. These actions eventually lead to a tragic event. More often than not, lies are spoken as frequently as truths. To be exact, Iago is a puppeteer who sets up scenes to deceive the credulous foolsOthello, Cassio and Desdemona (4.1.45). The entire time, Othello is oblivious of Iago's revenge against him. Many characters fall into Iago 's web of deception throughout the book. Iagos manipulation has not only lead Othello to believe the rumor is true, but has lead him to kill his own wife as well. Othellos many accomplishments as commander and a soldier in the battle shows that is determined to accomplish many things . Othello's downfall began when he wholeheartedly trusted the wrong person, Iago. Once Othello's trust is gain, Othello confides in Iago about Desdemona. For instance, Cassio and Desdemona were having a friendly conversation, laughing and hugging, which iago went and twisted the story. This, as Iago knows, evokes hatred and jealousy towards Cassio in Roderigo, although he is still hesitant about initiating a brawl with him. Therefore, it could be said that Cassio and Desdemonas downfall are caused by the handkerchief, but Othellos actual death/downfall doesnt come later, until he realises that his wife was innocent. He often calls Iago honest and can only see the good in people. One being him wanting to defend his honor . When Iago spins his lies of Desdemonas adulterous actions with Cassio, Othello decides instead of consulting Desdemona or Cassio directly, he allows time for Iago to show him evidence of Desdemonas unfaithfulness. So in the end he ends up getting what he wanted, revenge. As Alvin, This was shown especially, when Rodrigos fantasy of being with Desdemona was exploited, which took advantage of love. Iagos use of repetition in his language is also a key feature in his manipulation of Roderigo. Othello written by William Shakespeare revolves around this protagonist who is depicted as strong and powerful. Iago also manipulates Othello with jealousy. Shakespeare crafts Iago's evil characteristic through the way he manipulates others in order to carry out his plans and his unfit motivation for his maliciousness. Othello turns from calm to a raging cauldron of jealousy. In the book Othello, Iago is a very manipulating man, throughout the book he manages to manipulate three main people, Roderigo, Cassio, and Othello. Othellos confidence for a loyal man to maintain honesty and morals are contradicted through Iagos actions: in a man thats just / They are close dilations, working from the heart, / That passion cannot rule (3.3.123). Due to everyone trusting in him he is able to know their feebleness and specifically their personalities. Who Is Responsible For Othello's Downfall Who Is Responsible For Othello's Downfall Othello is characterized as a great military general, who a compassionate love for his soldiers but an even more compassionate love for his beloved wife Desdemona, a woman that Othello views as perfect. When Othello is gone at war, Iago tells him that Cassio and Desdemona were getting too close. Nonetheless, few of them can compare to the top villains created by Shakespeare. He also wants to ensure that Roderigo travels to Cyprus with the Army, because Iago needs him in order to carry out his plan for Cassio and Othellos downfall. Iago Is Responsible For Othello's Downfall Essay | 123 Help Me To what extent do you think is Iago responsible for Othello's undoing Othello trust Iago to much and totally relies on Iago therefore making him really vulnerable to Iagos evil schemes. Iagos manipulation has driven Othello insane, leading to Iagos plans on his last night. Understanding that this might be due to the fact that Othello is an outsider, of a different religion, and of a different ethnicity, Iago is able to identify that Othello, for all his greatness, is extremely scared and insecure about losing everything. This only gives Othello more reason to kill Desdemona and get jealous. Because Cassio is distraught from the sequences that occurred earlier, he confides to Iago for advice. After the drunken fight between the soldiers in Cyprus, when Othello questions the men in order to reveal what happened, another of Iagos manipulative techniques come to light. In the tragic play, Othello, William Shakespeare creates the true wickedness of the character, Iago, through his devious plans created to cause the demise of Othello. How did iago makes othello suspicious | Othello Questions | Q & A "To what extent is desdemona responsible for othellos downfall" Essays As stated by McCloskey, Wounded pride, a feeling of personal injustice, and jealous suspicion coalesce into his master- passion of hate for Othello the Moor (25). The main character, Othello, has a tendency to make mistakes that ultimately lead to his demise. There are several characters that I consider to play a part in Othello's downfall, one of which is Desdemona. Othello is, How many lies have been told today? Iagos manipulation has not only lead Othello to believe the rumor is true, but has lead him to kill his own wife as well. Therefore Iago has used imagery in two ways to manipulate Othello; to give him something to relate to, making the image more clear and vivid in his head, and also as a weapon against him, to make him feel insecure and isolated from the people around him. As Alvin Kernan states in his source , Oblivious to Iagos scheming and the transparent innocence of his wife and lieutenant, Othello is ultimately a victim of his own naivete and implacable ignorance ( Kernan) He is so caught up in the drama and scheming of iagos plot he fails to see the logic of the situation resulting in catastrophic results. It could be argued that if the handkerchief did not have such a history, perhaps the whole plot involving it would be ineffective because of a lack of value to Othello. How did iago makes othello suspicious. Although his lies are sometimes subtle it affects the, Kolin observes that Iago stands out among Shakespearean villains since he is the only one to survive his own monstrous acts (25). He is angry with Othello for promoting Michael Cassio, an officer with no real battle experience, to lieutenant over him. The fact that Desdemona and Cassio get on so well together could be another factor in the assistance of Iagos plot, and perhaps even the fact that she ended up in Cyprus, just as in the case of Roderigo. Read More "..that these worthy people who are so successful and popular and stupid are mere puppets in his hands but living puppets who at the motion of his finger must contort themselves in a. Iago utilizes his deft and shrewd key demonstrations of control to undermine each characters shortcomings. Iago represents vice; Desdemona represents virtue, and Othello is easily tempted by the vice of, A cowardly man will always find spineless reasons behind his actions that may result in a series of disastrous events. When Othello ask for proof that Desdemona has been disloyal, Iago tells him about the intimate dream Casio supposedly had one night while laying together. Does Othello create his own downfall? The fact that Othello is so Iago plans his scheme based on, [Othello] has done my office, I know not ift be true/ But I, for mere suspicion in that kind/ Will do as if for surety (I. III. In the play "Othello" Shakespeare's character Iago deceives many of the other characters in the play for the sole purpose of revenge based on his speculation alone. He was extremely well spoken at the beginning, but jealousy and hatred, along with the influence of Iago, have managed to alter his language into sexist, negative and sometimes incomprehensible. It is human nature that if someone insists and wants us to do something, we almost always give in and agree. The downfall of Othello is a story by William Shakespeare which is a romantic tragedy involving some themes such as jealousy, revenge, greed, reality versus appearance which all play a role in bringing the play into a tragic end. The concept of lying has become second nature to the majority of society; in addition individuals tend to lie to themselves more often than to others. The Shakespearean character Iago is the trusted friend and advisor of the General Othello, who plots the downfall of several characters within the play, due to a number of reasons including jealousy and a search for revenge. He then compares his actions to that of what would be expected from Satan, and shows how far he is willing to go towards acting out his revenge; telling of how even devils put on heavenly faces before committing their biggest sins. Iago says, Call up her father, Rouse him. 147, 5.2. Othello still clings to his belief in Iago's truth and Desdemona's guilt, mentioning the handkerchief and Cassio's "confession." When Othello mentions the handkerchief, Emilia erupts, and Iago, no longer certain that he can keep his plots hidden, attempts to silence her with his sword. The main reason for Iago's success was based on the social differences between the two. 431-433). First, Iago seeks out Othello to give him false news of Desdemona having an affair with Cassio. Analyzes how desdemona falls in love with the great warrior that he is from all the stories of triumph. After recommending him to talk to Desdemona and Cassio leaving, he finally figures out his plan to destroy Othello. In the play of Othello, Othellos character changes dramatically from act one to act four. It is interesting to see the breakdown in Othellos language towards the end of the play, as a result of Iagos control.

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how is iago responsible for othello's downfall