international commission of jurists annual report

The ICJ, however, has seen this before. The ICJ4 ICJ Annual Report 2007 Andrei RICHTER, Russia Archive | Annual report. It is important that all these Council of Europeissues remain a top priority and advocacy through In September the ICJ participated in the meetingand with European institutions, governments, policy of the Group of Specialists on Human Rightsand lawmakers needs to continue. In the meantime, there is an urgent need forgovernments to adopt a common, authoritative global statement of the human rights that companies shouldadhere to as a matter of international public policy, even if they are not legally binding. The main aim of this work isto support and enhance the implementation by The ICJ submitted to the Human Rightsstates of their international human rights treaty Committee a second legal submission on severalobligations. The ICJ Vision The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is dedicated to international law and rule of law principles that advance human rights. Such commonstandards would underline the responsibility of governments to ensure business respects human rights andwould constitute a yardstick by which companies could assess their own rules and actions, and by which theycould be assessed in the public domain.Aims and achievements The Panel, launched in 2006, was established to develop the legal and public policy meaning ofIn 2007 the Programme aimed to conclude the the concept of corporate complicity in thework to shape and explore the concept of worst violations of international human rightscorporate complicity in international crimes of and humanitarian law. Following a police siegewhich goes out to nearly 3200 recipients. Perpetrators ofhuman rights violations should be held accountable and brought to justice, victims should have access to remediesand those who come before the law should receive a fair trail and never face the death penalty.Economic, Social and Cultural Consultation and Advocacy at the UNRights Optional Protocol to the InternationalUnder international law, civil, political, economic, Covenant on Economic, Social andCulturalsocial and cultural rights are said to be indivisible, Rights (OP-ICESCR)interrelated and interdependent. CIJ - Comisin Internacional de Juristas The organization has also embarked on an emergency effort to assist Afghanistans judges and prosecutors who sought asylum after the Talibans takeover. Protection of human rights defendersContributions to work at UN In 2007, several MENA Governments continued to target human rights defenders andIn 2007, the ICJ interventions during the 6th lawyers. The(to be completed in 2008); increased awareness Panel is assisted by a Steering Group and aand understanding of the concept of corporate number of expert advisors, including: Amnestycomplicity in international crimes amongst civil International, Human Rights Watch, Rights andsociety and at the United Nations; and a Accountability in Development, Mr. Johnstrengthened community of civil society Morrison of the Business Leaders Initiative onorganisations and experts working in the field of Human Rights, Professor Errol Mendes,corporate complicity in international crimes. lawyers and providing support to local lawyersGibraltar: independence of the judiciary and human rights NGOs.Following the suspension of the Chief Justice ofGibraltar in September 2007, the ICJ wrote to 35the Lieutenant Governor expressing concernthat no reasons had been provided for thesuspension and that there were no substantiatedallegations of misconduct against him. Our Annual Report highlights the ICJ's successes amidst a global pandemic. Gustavo GALLN GIRALDO, Colombia Prof. Antonio CASSESE, ItalyMr Stellan GRDE, Sweden Dato Param CUMARASWAMY, MalaysiaMr Raji SOURANI, Palestine Dr. Dalmo A. Statements and press releases were Geneva diplomatic community.circulated; a letter was addressed to all members The ICJs other major activity on impunity wasof the Council together with Human Rights observation and reporting related to the killingWatch and four national organisations prior to of 17 Action Contre la Faim (ACF) aid workersthe opening of the September 2007 session; theICJ participated in events organised by the 23Government of Sri Lanka during the sessionsICJ Annual Report 2007 It is helping to increase awareness was to raise awareness in Geneva about the rolein the Sri Lankan media about the human rights and limitations of both the CoI and IIGEP ascrisis in the country; it has stimulated some several governments had expressed the view thatimprovements in specific areas by the any action on Sri Lanka should await theGovernment (for example the re-issuing of the outcome of their deliberations. As one of only three NGOsRule of Law Programme. ICJ intervened in Iran, Saudi Arabia Independence of Judges and Lawyers (CIJL).and Syria. In South will continue to expand its judges and lawyersAmerica agreements were made with Venezuelan work in the regions.Bar Associations for a series of seminars on the18 ICJ Annual Report 2007 Rue des Buis 3 Guatemala Office: +502 23 60 19 19 The ICJ VisionThe International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is dedicated to international law and rule of lawprinciples that advance human rights.Through a series of highly influential international gatherings of jurists in the 1950s and 1960s in Athens, New Delhi, Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Bangkok and Colombo the ICJ helped toelaborate the rule of law for the modern world.As the human rights achievements of the last century come under increasing threat, the ICJs roleas an advocate for the rule of law is again underscored.The ICJ has a vision of the world in which, through the rule of law, we achieve a just, democraticand peaceful society. Box 1740 Several cases where international human rightsIn the sub-region, Guatemala presents the most serious law needed to be enforced or explained wereand complex situation. Nepal Office: +977 01 5000730/731 Discriminatory national legislation buggery laws in the Commonwealth Caribbean.and practices continue to legitimise human The report has been concluded and the ICJ hasrights violations on grounds of sexual been working with the UWI faculty to lay theorientation and gender identity. Torture, enforced Members of the diplomatic community alsodisappearances, extrajudicial killing and arbitrary joined the meeting.detention have been well documented throughout theconflict in Sri Lanka and impunity for such The meeting made practical decisions in relationviolations has become the norm. With your support we will keep doing the good work that is showcased in this report and will continue working towards our vision of a rule of law that upholds the dignity and human rights of every person everywhere. F +41 (0)22 979 38 01 The oral arguments in this case were orientation, as well as jeopardising HIV/AIDSheard in the US Courts of Appeal for the Ninth prevention work and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,Circuit on or around November 5, 2007 et seq. The ICJ supported, in terminate the mandate of the Group of ExpertsSeptember, the extension of the UN Working on Darfur, Sudan, which was engaged inGroup on Arbitrary Detention. PDF International Commission of Jurists Annual Report 2012 Review mechanism to provide for submissions and discussions focused on key human rightsThe SOGI programme will continue to expand concerns, in interaction with NGOs. They were effective in buildingconfidence among civil society members and The ICJ reviewed the Army Act and submitted aother stakeholders. A plenary session of the Panel was held Institute of Social Sciences, also offered anin Brussels where legal policy questions were opportunity to establish closer ties with the legaldiscussed and the steps required to produce the community in India, in particular the Indian Barglobal report were mapped out. In particular, the use of real case law At the regional level, the ICJ was invited toto illustrate arguments was very well received. There has been encouraging support from key stakeholders in8 the Caribbean, including prominent ICJ Annual Report 2007 The ICJ intervened, jointly with Interights, in theAdvocacy first CIA renditions case to come before theThe ICJ wrote to all foreign ministers in advance European Court of Human Rights, Boumedieneof the EU-US summit held on 30 April, stressing v Bosnia and Herzegovina. The purpose was to assessthe current human rights situation and the status After several meetings with senior officials andof the rule of law in the Occupied Palestinian representatives of the legal community in bothTerritory, and the impact of the siege of Gaza. TheStandards and Mechanisms European Commissions proposals for a draft Framework Decision creating an offence ofCouncil of Europe: Renditions and Secret provocation of terrorism were published inDetentions November. seizure of power resulted in many civilian deaths and serious human rights violations, includingGaza extra-judicial, summary and arbitrary executions. The consultation was hosted by theOffice of the High Commissioner for HumanRights in support of the mandate of the UNSpecial Representative on Business and HumanRights.AdvocacyThroughout 2007, the ICJ continued, inpartnership with other NGOs and internationalhuman rights experts, to contribute to theongoing debate at the international level on theneed for global standards on business and16 Louise DOSWALD-BECK, Switzerland P.N. The Panels report will bepractices of the Burmese army, are only some published in 2008.examples of how business can become caughtup in abuses and illicit activities. excessive and discriminatory counter-terrorismThe ICJ also condemned the blockade of Gaza measures.following the June 2007 incursions, thecontinued construction of the separation wall in In its press release of 15 December 2007, thethe West Bank, and the refusal to implement the ICJ called on all governments to defend and toAdvisory Opinion of the International Court of protect human rights wherever vigorous action isJustice. It those of Manoj Basnet and Maina Sunuwaris important that both judges and lawyers are involving illegal killing by the army, and otherempowered to carry out their work without cases involving illegal detention and torture byinterference and in line with international army personnel.standards. The report, The EuropeAdministration of Justice in Sudan: the case of Darfurwas published in June 2007. In May, the ICJand secret detention. Tunis Office: +216 71 962 287, Commissioners from Middle East & North Africa, Part Three: from the 1990s into the 21st century, Americas: ICJs presence in Central America, Nepal: Lawyers commit to countering gender stereotyping in the administration of justice, Namibia: Attacking judges for upholding human rights threatens judicial independence and the rule of law, Uganda: The enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023 will foster further stigma, discrimination and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, Tunisia: seminar highlights the countrys independence of the judiciary crisis, Lesotho: Joint submission to the UN Human Rights Committee by ICJ and partners highlights numerous human rights concerns, Chad: Still No Reparations for Hissne Habrs Victims. Kazimierz Maria LANKOSZ, Poland Sir Shridath S. RAMPHAL, GuyanaMs Gladys Veronica LI, Hong Kong Mr. Bertrand RAMCHARAN, GuyanaMr Kathurima MINOTI, Kenya Dr. Joaqun RUIZ-GIMNEZ, SpainMs Karinna MOSKALENKO, Russia Prof. Christian TOMUSCHAT, GermanyProf. The E-Bulletin has proved to be an 12 co-accused who had been charged withimportant information and communication tool treason and terrorism. on the implementation of the existing recommendations and jurisprudence of the10 human rights mechanisms, that a troika of rapporteurs steer the UPR by suggesting cross- cutting human rights issues for their consideration and collating information on ICJ Annual Report 2007 the military camps were free to do so.Throughout this period the ICJ, through its legal Throughout the year, the ICJ observed theclinic, continued to provide access to and advice proceedings in the post-mortem inquest into theon relevant legal resource materials to lawyers, deaths of 78 men in 2004 whilst in transit fromacademics and human rights defenders on Tak Bai district to a military detention facility ininternational law; including international fair trial Pattani province. var part2 = ""; Check Pages 1-50 of International Commission of Jurists Annual Report and . Today, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has released an update to its October 2022 report entitled: "Violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief since the coup d'tat in Myanmar". Judges fromfour jurisdictions in South Asia attended The ICJ engaged in direct advocacy with the(Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka). Nepal Office: +977 01 5000730/731 Abdullahi AN-NAIM, Sudan Justice Lennart GROLL, SwedenJustice Solomy BALUNGI BOSSA, Uganda Prof. Hans-Heinrich JESCHECK, GermanyAmbassador Julio BARBOZA, Argentina Prof. P.J.G. The Panel Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control ofheard evidence and held meetings in both Armed Forces (DCAF) held a two-dayToronto and Ottawa on Canadas counter- workshop on intelligence accountability,terrorism laws, policies and practices since the counter-terrorism and human rights. The ICJ believes that an independent and robust judiciary is essential to this dynamic concept of the rule of law but also considers that a judiciary that acts with impunity and is unaccountable for any rights transgressions committed by the judiciary itself undermines this concept. The ICJ will produce a briefingThe ICJ has kept in close touch with Council of paper on them early in 2008.Europe (CoE) officials and human rightsadvisers of key governments, on the progress of United Nationsthe Secretary Generals proposals for a new The ICJ continued to work closely with the UNcommittee to consider legal reforms and draft Special Rapporteur on the promotion andstandards on issues related to renditions. standard-setting for intelligence services in countering terrorism, and whether and how toThe EJP process has provided ICJ with rich strengthen democratic oversight of theseknowledge and contacts that will enable it to agencies.step up interventions on laws and policies inindividual countries. The ICJ local and international experts attended.intervention was focused on respect ofinternational law and international human rights The ICJ facilitated attendance at the 6th sessionstandards while combating terrorist threats. Following a statement by ICJ-Poland,the ICJ wrote to the Polish President bringing to relation to the Russian Federation and the CIS,his attention the international standards that the ICJ will focus on the administration ofapply to such appointments, and calling forfurther explanations to be provided to the justice, including the independence of judges andcandidates. Legal interventions were prepared in relation toThe Eminent Jurists Panel on Terrorism, cases in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Norway, RussiaCounter-Terrorism and Human Rights and Uganda. Planning for 2008 and beyondRaising awareness of the work of the PanelThroughout 2007 the ICJ worked hard to raise The report of the Expert Legal Panel onawareness of the Panel process and to consult Corporate Complicity in International Crimeswith stakeholders on the subject of the Panels will be published in 2008. ongoing violations. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS, Geneva (expressed in CHF)BALANCE SHEET AT 31 DECEMBER 2007(with 2006 comparative figures) NOTES 2007 2006ASSETS 415'126 650'959 557'478 563'395CURRENT ASSETS 642'738 587'521 3 32'585 65'085Cash and Cash EquivalentsTime Deposits 8'304 46'128ReceivablesPublication stockPrepayments Total Current Assets 1'656'231 1'913'088FIXED ASSET 2d/4 71'744 84'876 2d/4 39'556 52'129Office, Computer Equipment and Software, netLeased Office Equipment, net 57'085 50'884Rent Deposit Total Fixed Assets 168'385 187'889 TOTAL 1'824'616 2'100'977LIABILITIES 129'005 203'189 285'367 330'480CURRENT LIABILITIES 140'918 712'992 252'868Payables 0AccrualsContributions Received in the Year Carried ForwardContributions Received in Advance for Next Year Total Current Liabilities 808'158 1'246'661LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: 5 41'348 53'152 483'414 470'111Lease LiabilityLong Term Contributions Received in Advance 524'762 523'263 Total Long-term LiabilitiesRESERVES: 2f 491'696 331'053General Reserve 1'824'616 2'100'977 TOTAL 1 On December 21, 2007, the Court ruled in favour of theEverywhere in the world whatever the cultural applicants and in deference to argumentsor religious environment, human rights presented by the ICJ in its amicus brief.violations are perpetuated on the grounds ofreal or perceived sexual orientation or gender The ICJ secured the services of a member of theidentity, including some of the most University of the West Indies (UWI) Lawegregious human rights violations such as Faculty to prepare a legal opinion on the bestextrajudicial executions, torture and arbitrary forum for a constitutional law challenge todetention. The Lanka.impact has been significant as this is possibly theonly case in which the Government has been Thailandforced to account for its potential involvementand the failures of the criminal justice system. PDF International Commission of Jurists Annual Report 2014 CIJ - Commission Internationale de Juristes ICJ proposals for reform of the TreatyThe ICJ believes that human rights discourse Bodiescannot be subordinated to consensus at almostany cost and that the Council should exercise Report on the need for Treaty Bodiesvision on a number of thematic issues. Abstract - The Human Rightseffectiveness of the system. This publication provides an overview of the violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief perpetrated in the period between [] The organization responded to this with remarkable resilience and resourcefulness, having completed 79% of the planned activities in 40 countries and reaching 5,239 participants through training and capacity-building initiatives. Theorganisations, the ICJ has helped individuals and ICJ advocated intensively on the shortcomingsfamilies who have suffered human rights abuses of the revised Disappearance Bill. At the same time, the war on terror Committee of the European Parliament onhas led to expansion of the role and powers of Alleged use of European Countries for theintelligence services in Europe and elsewhere with Transportation and Illegal Detention ofinadequate accountability. led by the Ecumenical Water Network. Countries covered were Egypt,the public hearings, or conducted high-level Jordan, Syria and Yemen. calling for changes to Syrian foreign policy Publicationsregarding neighbouring Lebanon. ICJ Annual Report 2014 now online - International Commission of Jurists Government of Sri Lanka calling for respect for human rights and humanitarian law. Report of the International Court of Justice 1 August 2020-31 July 2021 General Assembly Official Records Seventy-sixth Session Supplement No. A database wasworking on the rights of sexual minorities and established to analyse the data collected duringviolations on the grounds of sexual orientation, the survey.filed a case in the Supreme Court asking a for aspecial order to stop abuses and to formulate Practitioners Guide on the Independenceprotection policy and law. ReformThe ICJ and the UN Treaty The report assesses the Treaty Bodies systemMonitoring Bodies with regard to its efficiency, difficulties and the diversity of functions and mandates of theThe current Treaty Bodies system faces a number various bodies. In June 2007, the ICJ and Human Rights WatchICJ Annual Report 2007 issued a joint press release urging the Interim Government of Nepal to take immediate steps to end impunity by implementing the landmark 19 The ICJ raised the possibility of a in March 2007, the ICJ co-organised a side-eventmodified, compromise version which would with the International Federation of Humanestablish a committee without an immediate Rights Leagues (FIDH) and Human Rightsmandate to draft new standards. Pakistani refugees and with Pro-Public on writ petitions. Foreseentransnational corporations and other business activities include briefings, seminars and jointenterprises. Box 1740 in the Committees concluding observations.European Union: Incitement to Terrorism The ICJ intervened in the first cycle of the newIn February the ICJ contributed to a Human Rights Councils Universal Periodicconsultation hosted by the European Review, raising counter-terrorism related issuesCommission on incitement to terrorism. New Annual Report tells you what the ICJ did in 2019 to protect human In 2019 the ICJ has continued its work in defense of the rule of law and human rights but there is no doubt that this has been a challenging year and that more challenges, predictable and unpredictable, await us in the years ahead. The ICJ has issued its Annual Report 2014, which offers a concise summary of the work carried out by the ICJ over the last year. However, the Council considered the follow-up mechanism insufficientagreed only the broad scope of national reports to secure the implementation of the resolutionto the UPR, which limited the reports` focus on by the Government of Myanmar. He met withnot available for sustained work in the rest of members of the ICJ Network in Kenya in orderAfrica in 2007. The research demonstrates how recent The ICJ affirmed that the 4th Genevainvestigatory bodies and courts set up by the Convention cannot be interpreted in such a waygovernment to address human rights violations as to dilute the protection that it clearly providesin Darfur have not delivered justice. Johannesburg Office: +27 11 024 82 68 Participants encouraged the ICJ to German territory.continue working in this area noting the lack ofspecific international standards or guidelines. law and standards in their work. Over 2 days, participantsThe ICJ also witnessed the devastating discussed institutional and legal aspects of thehumanitarian crisis in the refugee camps they independence of the judiciary and the role ofvisited. Despite of having committed human rights violations.significant assistance from the international community The content of the obligation to either prosecuteand the presence of a United Nations monitoring or extradite those accused of genocide, as well asmission, much-needed reforms to ensure Guatemalas the principle of universal jurisdiction, werecompliance with its international obligations have only explained.been achieved in part. There is political interference in court In late 2006, the ICJ initiated an Expert Legalproceedings as well as in judicial appointments and Inquiry into Possible Violations of Internationaldismissals. Rue des Buis 3 P.O. Box 1740 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland. Manfred NOWAK, Austria Dr. Jos ZALAQUETT, ChileProf. ICJ newsletter by International Commission of Jurists (1952- ) ( ) Der Rechtsstaatsbegriff in den Verffentlichungen der . AUDITORS REPORTICJ Annual Report 2007 39 AfricaNepalThe ICJ supported lawyers of Advocacy Forum The ICJ conducted a five-day mission toon international standards and on strategies for Zimbabwe in June 2007 to investigate the factsdealing with numbers of cases on disappearance and law surrounding the reports of recentand impunity as well as on Public Interest arrests, detention and beating of lawyers.Litigation, First Information Reports and other Limited activities were also carried out in Kenyalegal measures, as well as providing training for and Uganda.

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international commission of jurists annual report