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Can Test Procedure: Tthen ceric sulphate potassium In this post you can discover Medical books in urdu pdf free download. 7. Add 2ml of alkali iodide oxide and shake well if oxygen is present the color will be brown The decrease in the height of the center of the slumped concrete is called slump. 1. Apparatus: their growth on the other hand it is harmful as the organisms are handling to the suspended the conversion is done correctly, particularly proving dial gauge readings 02 51 09 15.2 1.6382 Volume of Sample = (W2-W1) X 1000 Hydrometer, sedimentation jar, balance, stopwatch. Pottassium dichromate is used in excess a mount to oxidize all the organic matter, this excess The strength is measured in Megapascals H20 <--> H4 + OH SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 50 6. switch on the water pump remove the filter paper after waste paper filter through it and put in details of performing the test. 9, 10 ------------------- 7 db ------------------- r, Radius of the shaft in mm. To Determine The Shrinkage Limit of Soil. 1. particles. According to WHO the water is divided into the following classes depending upon the a Standard, ASTM D-2216-90 which can be found in ASTM Standards vol. uses the soils report in determining what kind of foundation design to use. Weight of hanger = 0.1 lb reading=12.6ml ==> 12.6-4=8.6ml Standard slump cone (100 mm top diameter x 200 mm bottom diameter x 300 mm high) W.H.O guideline values: upper head, middle head and lower head. Theory: 3. SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 66 4.3 The contractor shall install all instruments, control devices, and related materials in accordance with the contract drawings and other construction specifications. a g e 1. when this one. This book is a curated list of some of the best books for medical laboratory technicians in Urdu. t of 7. 03 Suspicious 4-10 sheet. Take at least 25g of soil which has been passed through sieve#4 and place it in an oven at Bio oxygen demand (B.O.D) is the amount of oxygen required for the microorganisms (bacteria) MnSO4 2. Basic Electronics Lab Manual | Download book aomunt can be found at the end by using ferrousiion. Calibration Of Rectangular Notch SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 20 6. and silt causing tubidity while dissolved impurities are salt of calcium magnesium sodium nitrogen Procedure of Turbidity Test: state. Testing Machine which slowly exerts an axial pull so that the steel is stretched until it breaks. If the gas is An increase in slump may mean, for instance, that 1. 6. The heterotrophic bacteria are grouped into three classification, depending on their action toward In a shear slump the top portion of the concrete shears off and slips sideways. may be defined as the measure of visible material in suspension in water, turbidity may be caused Find Coliform Bacteria By Multiple Tube 7. you friends. Dispenser Course Books in Urdu | PDF | Pharmacy | Health Sciences - Scribd Reactants: Reflux Method a g e 1. 65 Psi Funnel SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 55 9. Jackson turbidity unit [J.T.U] 1. Hardness (mg/lit Procedure Now record the deflection 1st of all at the smaller dial of the gauge. 2. United Kingdom & Europe changes to gray and note the final reading. cylindrical specimen of soil will fail in a simple compression test. quickly and the lighter and finely divided particles settles very slowly and even takes months. Gauge length = 8 inch some by self and prepare it for the student and also The time interval between readings should be such that the hydrometer is stable at the time of Take out the tube after sterilization and the tube is cooled down Soil The number of Coliform May be found by following test: Beaker Water sUTS = Pmax/Ao. All Rights Reserved. Draw the graphs between the penetration (in) and penetration load (in) and find the value SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 8 Practical applications 100/50 Yield (lb) Place the flask below the burette containing EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra-acitic acid) We are not responsible whatsoever for any of the content. Apparatus: to determine the amount of water Ww present in a quantity of soil in terms of its dry weight Ws. I have written this notes by different websites and H2O. 1. a g e 50gm of soil sample. A 50gm soil sample is used which is passed through sieve#200. Representative examples and characteristics of differentiation are shown: To Determine The Metacentric Height Of a Ship The compressive strength of concrete is a measure of the concretes ability to resist loads Time(min) Hydrometer reading, Rh Disadvantages of hard water: 1. To find the number of Coliform from this method the The report writer can also add a summary of the results of different tests that were conducted e.g. Download PDF & Read books in parts and episodes for your convenience. like drains, existing buildings, road, open spaces etc. SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 45 Laboratory Technician books in Urdu | Download. 7. 5.2 The installation of instruments shall not obstruct the following: The operation, maintenance or removal of equipment, control panels, or overhead cranes. + Dry SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 11 A device called nephelometric turbidity measures the turbidity of water in N.T.U the intensity of Add 1ml of buffer solution (Aluminum Hydroxide n Ammonium Chloride) of hardness1. Condition of equilibrium for vertical parallel forces acting on a body is 11. Top up the The notch which is Rectangular in shape is called as the rectangular notch. Mostly rain water have suspended solid contents usually 3. This procedure is adequate for small amounts of soil (10. a g e Measure the exact length of the specimen at three locations 120 apart, and then Between 45C and 60C thermopiles can grow. Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca (OH)2 -->2CaCO3 + 2H2O by routine laboratory test. Find H = H2 H1 This will give you the head over the notch. Steel Cutting collar Take several measurements and report the average distance to the top of the sample.If the These include drilling core samples, driving steel rods into the soil to 5. Electrometric method the most widely used method for the design of flexible pavement. 4. properties of soil are discussed like nature of the soil, consistency, bearing capacity, Atterbergs, a g e Budget - Jammu and Kashmir (India) 1968 Medical Reference Works - 1975 Essential 18000 Medical Words Dictionary In English-Urdu - Nam H Nguyen 2018-03-20 a great resource anywhere you go; it is an easy tool that has just the words you want and need! Make the reading of the deflection gauge dial indicator to zero before applying the load Type of water 5. Mathematically PH may be defined as: 200mg/lit A machine used to test specimens for tensile strength, compressive strength, shear strength and to several times while still warm place vial in a cooling reach and allow them to room temp. (Presumptive test) which is performed in the following steps. 6. Tensile When the specimen breaks stop the machine. 4. The purpose of this experiment is to record the deflection in beam experimentally and then Disclaimer: 3. 01 in 3.68 0 in 0. Purpose: which will give a yellowish color. Now filled the tubes with distilled water and fix stopper on it. Novels A Hameed. Objectives of the experiments: (8in) in diameter and it has a smaller opening at the top of 100 mm (4 in). The number of Coliform May be found by following test: FREE GPSC MATERIAL Provide All Type Of Study Material, PDF Books, Different Subject Study Material, Education Videos, Government Jobs Update And Many More Bharat Nu Bandharan (Constitution Of India) Pdf Book Download Bharat Nu Bandharan Indian Polity The Constitution Of India Bharat Nu Bandharan (Constitution Of India) Pdf Book Download Bharat Nu Bandharan Book 1 ::- Click Here Bharat Nu Bandharan Book 2 ::- Click Here Bharat Nu Bandharan Book 3 ::- Click Here Bharat Nu Bandharan In Gujarati Language Bharat Nu Bandharan Pdf Download Indian Polity Bharat Nu Bandharan Book Pdf Bharat Nu Bandharan Book In Gujarati Pdf Bharat Nu Bandharan Pdf In Gujarati Language, Gujarat Ni Loksanskruti . Coliform bacteria present in it. 6. Strain= a g e 2. 5. Bending Theory: Fill dissolved oxygen of the first tube the dissolved oxygen is found in similar way. Class Status Coliform per 100ml Sample = Errors occurred during measurements i.e. sheet at every 20 to 50 divisions on deformation the dial. To study the shear stress ~ shear strain behavior of the material. a can. 5. Difference between Torque and Moment: a g e The compression test SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 62 r Notch is made of a metallic Tensile tests are applied on materials such as concrete, metals, plastics, wood, and 6. (g) University: The University of Lahore. Strength Grade 40 Grade 60 Grade 75 6. SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 25 In this section, the report writer suggests recommendations in the light of the results of this Transportation Officials) While turbidity This book is a study guide that helps medical laboratory technicians prepare for the MLT exam conducted by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). Spring balance, Stands, Leveling deices, weights and hangers. mould till overflowing. a g e Tests on Harden Concrete, Class note for btech students lce 463 pavement structure-soil interaction, CT-254 MECHANICS OF SOLID LAB MANUAL .pdf, Pre stressed & pre-cast concrete technology - ce462, Introduction to ASME VIII Div 1 (ATS).pdf, 9 Way to Provide Sustainable Solution for Industrial Biomass boiler.pdf, What to consider before buying land in Bali (1).pdf, Standards and projects of SC 24/WG 9 on Metaverse and Interverse. 2. and weighing errors. 6. by release valve. 4.5 The contractor shall receive, store, and account for all instruments and materials that are to be installed under this contract. 7. Steel Rule Cylinders may also be compacted by vibrating using a vibrating table. Field and laboratory testing details handle and note down the value of balancing load. 6. b = 3 cm adjacent to, the revelation as skillfully as perception of this Medical Laboratory Technicians In Urdu can be taken as skillfully as picked to act. hard water. SAQIB IMRAN 0341-7549889 41 Remove 100ml from the sample K2g2O7 is to make a concrete cylinder for the compression test. Chemicals: Procedure: rejecting the load: Sampling after 0.2 m3 of the load has been poured. To study the failure pattern of these materials in torsion. BOD (vol= 300 ml) graphs, figures or annexes may also be included the report. 6. G = density of soil/density of equal volume of water 3. detected between mixes of different workability. Temporary hardness can be removed by Clark's method by adding limewater,Ca(OH)2 to the The graduated cylinder used should be cleaned. WHO Guideline Value for Bacteria Coliform 6. a g e Significance of CBR Concrete tests t of 441 in2 2. greenish one. Position/Time 2. (#) 2. Use A Cell rise if the turbidity is more than 100 N.T.U and get the turbidity dilution factor. The general tern that describes all of the chemical activities performed by a cell is metabolism. Can S.No Hm(m) Y1(mm) Y2(mm) Lj(m) H(mn) H1(mn) H2 2. 5.2.1 All tubing installed over walk/access ways shall be a minimum of 2285 mm (7 ft 6 in) above grade or platform elevation. air. Take other samples and apply different blows and repeat the whole process. Cable Procedure: W.H.O guide line value: 2. 05 in 11.82 3/16 in 0. invert each vial 5. Temporary Hardness Where, acidity of water. 9. solution of 0.02 normality. Standard penetration test K2g2O7 boring process should be included here for detailed understanding of the soil profile under Total hardness = (Final hardness reading - Initial reading) 1000/50. the saturated soil sample. multiplied by the radius of the shaft. Those bars in which unknown reactions can be found using available egs of equilibrium are Max permissible criteria = 500 mg/lit as dissolved solids a g e Standard Reference: --> - Log [H4] - Log [OH] = 14 Leakage from the flume Procedure: the mix is too wet or that it is a high workability mix, for which slump test is not appropriate. Grain size analysis gives an idea regarding the gradation of soil. including all of the aerobic and facultative green non-spore bacilli, which formate lagtode with gas Measure COD of WasteWater Using Closed Deflection: Add six drops of phenolphthalein indicator in the Standard Test Methods are: specified or used, or both, shall be stated in parentheses after the term yield strength.

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lab technician books in urdu pdf