northampton county virginia personal property tax

Jessie R. Graham. undated . Real estate bills are mailed in the name of the property owner as of January 1 each year. agencies. Tax Rates - Northampton County Northampton County calculates the property tax due based on the fair market value of the home or property in question, as determined by the Northampton County Property Tax Assessor. 1801; undated . Isaac Webb 1 tithe 1 . Last modified September 13, 2022. Personal property taxes and real estate taxes are local taxes, which means they're administered by cities, counties, and towns in Virginia. Search Accessibility, About Nelson County Personal Property Tax Records for Southampton County. This map was created by and is the sole property of Northampton County, VA. Any attempt to reproduce or resale of this information is strictly prohibited, except in accordance with a sub-licensing agreement. 1786; 1789 . 1786; 1827 . Folder 5, Box 2 The personal property tax is assessed on all vehicles (cars, buses, mobile homes, trailers, motor homes, motorcycles and trucks) that are garaged, parked or stored within Nelson County. 9 AM - 5 PM, CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report), Rehabilitated Structures - Partial Tax Exemption, Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission, Free Things To See and Do in Northampton County, Look up Recycling and Solid Waste Information, Tax Relief for Elderly/Handicapped and Disabled Veterans, County of Northampton, Virginia | All Rights Reserved |, Motor Vehicle, Limit of One for Qualified Disabled Veterans, pursuant to Code of Virginia 58.1-3506 A (19) & B. **Please Note: . Some FamilySearch centers and affiliate libraries maintain collections of previously loaned microfilms or microfiche. Van Hall, Historian, Microfilm Collection of Tax Records for Virginia Counties and Other Material, A&M 4459. P.O. Homes for sale in Northampton County, VA have a median listing home price of $179,000. Library of Virginia 800 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000 Parking and Directions. For properties considered the primary residence of the taxpayer, a homestead exemption may exist. Land and property tax fragments, Folder 41, Box 1 Usually arranged in alphabetical order by the first letter of the surname within each year. Land tax fragment, 1801-1802 . If youre ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now. Open to the Public: See Our Hours Check for updates or closings Phone: 804-692-3500 TTY/TDD: Use Relay (711) . . Folder 9, Box 2 Property tax fragment, 1784; undated . All investing involves risk, including loss of principal. Letters about property tax corrections, Reel 5055: 1921: Reel 5214: 1922: Reel 5345: 1923: Reel 5442: . 84 Courthouse Square Land tax assessment, Note: This page provides general information about property taxes in Northampton County. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Northampton County is the southern 35 miles of a 70 mile long stretch of the Delmarva Peninsula known as Virginia's Eastern Shore. [emailprotected], Northampton County Administration A Guide to the Land Tax, Personal Property Tax and Miscellaneous Savage (Wm D. James Land) 0,1, Rachel (N) by W. Simkins (H. Wilson Land) 0,1, Rose (N) by Th. Property taxes are collected on a county level, and each county in Virginia has its own method of assessing and collecting taxes. In 1791, the General Assembly passed an act that combined the duties of the Board of Auditors and the Solicitor Reel 320: 1782-1792: Reel 321: 1792-1806: Reel 322: 1807-1821: Reel 323: 1822-1836, Part 1: . It correlates with the land tax record years during the period with the exception of 1826. All cities and counties in Virginia administer a tax on personal property, such as automobiles, as an important and stable revenue source for municipal services ranging from police and fire protection to street maintenance and solid waste collection. Property tax fragments, You can look up the Northampton County Assessor's contact information here (opens in external website). The county gets its name from a former British Secretary of State, the Earl of Chesterfield. Welcome to the County of Northampton online appraisal database! Free Northampton County Property Tax Records Search by Address Library of Virginia 800 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000 Parking and Directions. Northampton County: Personal Property Tax Records, 1782-1801 Dates Creation: 1782-1801 Language English Collapse All Physical Storage Information Box: 2, Reel: 11 (Microform) Repository Details Repository Details Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository Contact: 1549 University Ave. P.O. In Virginia, Northampton County is ranked 13th of 133 counties in Treasurer & Tax Collector Offices per capita, and 32nd of . Property tax fragment, List of tithes and taxable property, List of transferences and resurveys, Folder 14, Box 2 West Virginia and Regional History Center. Retail licenses for 1833 in Order Book #39 are also listed as such. 1783-1786; 1795 . Located southwest of Washington, D.C., Fairfax County has some of the most expensive homes in the country. The citys average effective property tax rate is 1.17%, among the 20 highest in Virginia. likely found loose inside of land tax and personal property tax volumes. You will be provided with a property tax appeal form, on which you will provide the tax assessor's current appraisal of your property as well as your proposed appraisal and a description of why you believe your appraisal is more accurate. 00000 . P.O. Situated along the Atlantic Ocean in the southeast corner of the state, Virginia Beach has property tax rates slightly higher than the state average. Folder 19, Box 1 return to Personal Property Tax Records. Folder 3, Box 2 In the Perform a free Northampton County, VA public property records search, including property appraisals, unclaimed property, ownership searches, lookups, tax records, titles, deeds, and liens. Generally, catalog entries are written in the same language as the original record they describe. View this catalog record in WorldCat for other possible copy locations. 1784-1785 . The average effective property tax in the county is 1.14%. Future tax rates are set by theBoard of Supervisors during the budget process. Homeowners in the state of Virginia pay property tax rates that are well below the national average of 1.07%. The vehicle must be owned or leased by an individual and NOT used for business purposes. 244], Jacob Drighouse free Nego 1 tithe [frame 245], William Francis free Nego 1 tithe [frame 246], Jacob Holland free Nego 1 tithe [frame 248], Mark Moses 1 tithe 1 tithe 16-21, 1 horse, Daniel Pool free Nego 1 tithe [frame 252], York Stepney freed by Jno Scarbrough 1 tithe [frame 255], Jacob Tompson free Nego 1 tithe [frame 256], John Bevans (free Negro) 1 tithe [frame 264, Isaac Becket (free Negro) 1 tithe [frame 265], Nathan Drighouse (free Negro) 1 tithe [frame 266], Solomon Liverpool 1 tithe, 1 tithe 16-21, 3 horses, Levin Morris (free Negro) 1 tithe [frame 270], Sias Pool (free Negro) 1 tithe [frame 271], Sam Sisco (free Negro) 1 tithe [frame 272], Jerom Weeks (free Negro) 1 tithe 3 horses [frame 274], Daniel Weeks (free Negro) 1 tithe 1 horse, Abel (freed by Charles Stockly 1 tithe [frame 281], John Bevans (Negro 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 282], Solomon Contience (Negro 1 tithe [frame 284], Nathan Drickhouse Junr (Negro 1 tithe 1 horse, Isaac freed by Joshua Turner 1 tithe 1 horse, James freed by T. Kendall 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 288], Jacob fred by Jno Rispess 1 tithe 3 horses, Sias Pool (Negro 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 291], Sam (freed by T. Parramore Jnr 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 293], Solomon (belonging to G. Kendall 1 tithe 3 horses, James Weaks (Negro 1 tithe, 1 tithe 16-21, 3 horses, Isaiah Carter 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 306], Nathan Drighouse Jr Negro 1 tithe 2 horses, Joshua Hampleton Negro 1 tithe [frame 309], Solomon Liverpool Negro 1 tithe, 2 tithes 16-21, 5 horses [frame 311], Stephen Sob freed by J. Upshur [frame 314], Ephraim Stephens 1 tithe 1 tithe 16-21, 1 slave over 16, 4 horses, Littleton Stephens Negro 1 tithe [frame 315], James Weaks Negro 2 tithes 3 horses [frame 317], John Bevans Nego 1 tithe 2 horses [frame 324], Peter Beckett Sr " 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 325], Solomon Liverpool 1 tithe, 3 tithes 16-21, 6 horses, Jacob Tompson Nego 1 tithe on Mrs Dowty's land, John Bevans Nego 1 tithe 2 horses [frame 345], Edmund Nutts Nego 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 353], James Weak N 1 tithe 1 slave over 16 [frame 357], John Bevans N 1 tithe 2 horses [frame 364], Adah Becket a Nego 1 tithe 16-21 [frame 365], James Weak N 1 tithe 3 tithes 16-21, 3 horses, Babel Weak " 1 tithe 1 slave over 16 1 horse [frame 379], Nathan Drighous 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 389], Thomas Francis Mulatto 1 tithe [frame 390], Jacob Morris 1 tithe 5 horses [frame 391], Levin Morris 1 tithe 5 horses [frame 394], Solomon Liverpool 1 tithe 3 tithes 16-21, 4 horses, Charles Liverpool son of Solomon 1 tithe 1 horse, Frank Sample 1 tithe 2 horses [frame 397], Babel Weeks 1 tithe 1 slave over 16, 1 horse, Frank Carter freed by Parramore [frame 408], Frank Carter freed by L. Tazewell 1 tithe, Nathan Drighous 1 tithe 3 horses [frame 409], Thomas Francis Mulatto 1 tithe [frame 410], Abel & James Jacob Nego 1 tithe Smith Island. Visit our YouTube Channel JUST GENEALOGY at Lists give the name of person taxed or tithed, type and amount of taxable property, amount of tax, and the county statistics. Folder 13, Box 1 Real Estate Assistant 1786-1787; undated . PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 153A-176 and 160A-269, that Northampton County (the "County") has received an offer to purchase certain real property, together with all improvements, located in Roanoke Township, Northampton County, North Carolina, containing 1.00 acres, more or less, bearing No. They are calculated per $100 of assessed value. Buy Northampton County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Lists 1821-1850 by Allen B Hamilton online at Alibris. If you have questions about how property taxes can affect your overall financial plans, a financial advisor in Virginia Beach can help you out. Northampton County Virginia History and Genealogy Land assessment book, Remember to have your property's Tax ID Number or Parcel Number available when you call! Box 336 against which those of the treasurer were checked. 66], Daniel Weeks 1 tithe 1 slave over 16, 4 slaves 12-16, 1 horse, Spencer Beckett (Mulatto) 1 tithe [frame 73], Johnson Drighouse (ditto) 1 tithe 1 horse, George Morris " 1 tithe, 1 horse 3 cattle, John Stephens 1 tithe, 1 tithe 16-21, 2 horses, 3 cattle, John Stephens Mulatto 1 tithe 1 tithe 16-21, 3 horses [frame 82], Adam free Negro 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 84], Solomon Liverpool 1 tithe 1 slave over 16, 2 horses, Spencer Becket (Mulatto) 1 tithe [frame 94], Jim emancipated by T. Parramore [frame 96], Solomon Liverpool 1 tithe 2 horses [frame 102], Reuben Read 1 tithe 1 slave over 16 [frame 103], Ephraim Stephens 1 tithe 4 horses [frame 104], Ephraim Stephens 1 tithe 2 horses [frame 118], James, Elias: Jas Carter (Mulatto) [frame 125], Ephraim Stephens 1 tithe 2 horse [frame 133], James alias James Carter Mulatto 1 tithe [frame 140], Wm Gardener (Mulatto) 1 tithe [frame 154], James alias James Carter Mulatto 1 tithe [frame [frame 155], Abraham Morris (Mulatta) Tax Free 1 tithe 1 horse, Abraham Weeks (Mulatto) 1 tithe [frame 157], Levin Web (free Negro) 1 tithe [frame 158], Ephraim Stephens 1 tithe 1 tithe 16-31, 3 horses, Daniel Weeks 1 tithe 1 slave over 16, 3 horses, James alias James Carter Mulatto 1 tithe [frame 182], George Morris M 1 tithe 1 slave over 16, 4 horses, Geo Matthews (free Negro) 1 tithe [frame 183], Samuel Bevans 1 tithe 1 slave over 16, 2 horses [frame 190], Solomon, Thomas, James Liverpool freed by J. Stratton, Anderson Pool free Negro 1 tithe [frame 197], Bable Stott free Nego 1 tithe [frame 198], Peter Toyer blacksmith 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 200], Joshua Becket free Negro 1 tithe [frame 205], Samuel Beavans free No 1 tithe [frame 206], Jacob Drighouse free Nego 1 tithe [frame 208], John Francis free Nego 1 tithe [frame 209], William Johnson free Nego 1 tithe [frame 212], Solomon Liverpool 1 tithe 3 horses [frame 213], Bable Stott free Nego 1 tithe [frame 216], Bingham, Southy free Nego 1 tithe [frame 224], Becket, Abraham free Nego 1 tithe [frame 225], Geo Harmon 1 tithe 1 slave over 16, 1 horse [frame 228], Solomon Liverpool 1 tithe 1 tithe 16-21, 4 horses [frame 230], Abraham Morris free Nego 1 tithe [frame 231], Daniel Pool free Nego 1 tithe [frame 232], John Stephens free Nego 1 tithe [frame 234], Peter Toyer blacksmith 1 tithe 1 tithe 16-21, 1 horse, John Bevans free Nego 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 242], Southy Bingham 1 tithe 1 horse [frame 243], Isaac Church free Negro 1 tithe [frame 244], Nathan Drighouse free Negro 1 tithe 1 slave over 16, 2 horses [frame

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northampton county virginia personal property tax