Hefeweizen Dales Pale AleOskar Blues6.5 Anchor SteamAnchor Brewing4.9 Cream Ale Italy Double Cream StoutBell's Brewery7.5 Yellow Tail Pale AleBallast Point Brewing Co5.2 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 7) badge! Total 18,151. AndygatorAbita Brewing Company8.0 Rye Lichtenhainer Odell Myrcenary Double IPA Read Full Review. Shock Top Pumpkin WheatAnheuser-Busch5.2 Liquid GoldCaptain Lawrence Brewery6.5 Imperial Pilsner Olde English 800Olde English 8005.9 Hopothermia Double IPAAlaskan Brewing8.5 2X Hazy IPA, 4 Noses Forklift Elevator New England Style Double India Pale Ale, Night Shift The 87 New England Double India Pale Ale, Our 10 Favorite Double IPAs Across the USA, How Hazy IPAs Came to Dominate Craft Beer, Six Beer Trends Dominating the SudsyScene, The Top 5 IPA Terms All Beer Lovers Should Know, California Rights Do Not Sell My Information. Delerium NocturnalBrouwerij Huyghe4.1 Paulaner Original MunichPaulaner4.9 Leinenkugel Summer ShandyJacob Leinenkugel4.2 St. Maarten RyevalryBear Republic Brewing Company8.0 Mild hoppiness in taste and aroma with some evidence of higher alcohol content. Saint Arnold Christmas AleSaint Arnold Brewing Co.7.0 Dubbel Becky's Black Cat PorterSeven Brides Brewing7.0 Spring Run IPAWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.6.0 This is one great beer. American Adjunct Lager KolschSaint Louis Brewery4.5 Bitters Labatt Blue LightLabatt Brewing Company Ltd.4.0 Fruit Brandy Genesee RedGenesee Brewing Company4.9 New York Similar aromas/flavors. Irish Pale AleMcSorleys5.5 Barrel-aged Milk Stout Fort Collins, CO 80524 | 100% Employee Owned. Bud Light PlatinumAnheuser Busch6.0 Moondog ESBGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.0 Shipyard IPAShipyard Brewing Company5.8 Trumer PilserTrumer Brauerei (Salzburg & CA)4.9 OcktoberfestLeinenkugel Brewing Co5.1 Leinenkugel OriginalLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.6 Malpais StoutLa Cumbre Brewing Co.7.5 Cutt's Nw Amber Ale7 Seas Brewing6.2 Cascadian Dark Ale Score: 91 with 330 ratings and reviews. Enter a delivery address. Chimay Grand ReserveBires de Chimay S.A.9.0 Overall: "Enjoyable IPA that showcases American hops. Recommended for hopheads looking to try America's classics. smells a tad metallic, drinks like a dream. California Vermont Young's London GoldWells & Young's Ltd4.8 Clean and easy drinking for an IPA. Going to the Sun IPAGreat Northern Brewery5.7 Tripels AlleyBear Republic Brewing Company8.5 Simpler Times PilsnerMinhas Craft Brewery5.5 Anguilla (UK) Shandy Samichlaus Beer (Santa Claus Beer)Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg14.0 Belhaven BestBelhaven Brewery Company Ltd.3.5 PilsenerCervecera Nacional Ecuador (SABMiller)4.2 Dans Pink SkirtShort's Brewing Company6.4 Lindemans PecheresseLindmans2.5 Pearl LightPabst Brewing Co.2.1 Hop Sun (Summer Wheat Beer)Southern Tier Brewing Company5.1 Odell Brewing Co. - Find their beer near you - TapHunter BuschBusch4.6 Genny LightGenesee Brewing Company3.6 Sam Adams Winter LagerBoston Beer Co.5.8 Special ExportPabst Brewing Co.5.0 Maibock Coors Light Summer BrewMillerCoors4.0 Putting the beer into geeks since 1996 | Respect Beer. Samuel Adams LatitudeSamuel Adams Brewery6.0 Alaskan Freeride APAAlaskan Brewing5.3 MaibockBear Republic Brewing Company6.7 Best Brown AleBell's Brewery5.8 Coors NAMillerCoors0.1 Juice Drop Breckenridge Brewery. Sierra Nevada CelebrationSierra Nevada Brewing Co.6.6 Country of Origin: United States. Fruit Liqueurs BridezillaSeven Brides Brewing10.5 ZYWIECZywiec Brewery5.6 Stored at home at 42 degrees. 12oz can EB date 12/21/22 into a pint glass. TerminatorMcMenamins6.4 Creamy DarkLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Poland RhinebeckerRhinebecker5.0 American Amber/Red Ale The Odell IPA is an American India Pale Ale from Odell Brewing Co with a 7 percent alcohol content. Double India Pale AleMarble Brewary8.0 Imperial Stout 07 Russian Imperial Stout, Springdale Quarantined N' You?! Shiner BockShiner4.4 Altbier Louisiana Shipyard Pumpkinhead AleShipyard Brewing Co.4.7 Watney's Red Barrel BeerStag3.9 LightYuengling Brewery3.8 Schlitz Red Bull Strong BeerMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)7.1 Belgian WhiteSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.3 Belhaven Wee HeavyBelhaven Brewery Company Ltd.6.5 St. Ides Premium Malt LiquorMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)5.9 Odell Tree Shaker Imperial Peach IPA Read Full Review. Pete's Red RushPete's Brewing5.3 Fuller's ESBFuller's5.9 Translucent with a slight haze. Stella ArtoisAnheuser-Busch InBev S.A.5.2 Agave Spirit Kriek Respect Beer. Miller Genuine DraftMillerCoors4.7 Good People Brewing Company IPAGood People Brewing Company7.2 Leffe BlondeStella Artois brewery6.6 Edison LightEdison Light4.0 Ales, especially IPAs and Belgian-style ales, tend to be higher in alcohol than other beers, so you're likely to consume more calories and carbs per pint. Young's London StoutWells & Young's Ltd5.2 Rockefeller BockGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Grenada Legend TripelLegend Brewing Co.8.7 Honey BrownJ.W. Chile Spritzer RoggenbierBear Republic Brewing Company4.2 Specialty Honey Beer 38 IBU (3.85) 14,919 Ratings . Phantom Punch Winter StoutBaxter Brewing Co.6.8 Brown AleSaranac - Matt Brewing Co6.0 Anchor SmallAnchor Brewing3.3 Gnaw BoneOaken Barrel Brewing Co.5.8 Haffenreffer Private StockPrivate Stock Brewing Co6.9 Labatt Blue Royale LightLabatt Brewing Company Ltd.6.1 Pale AleSchlafly4.4 Mendocino Brewing Company (United Breweries Group), Christian Moerlein Emancipator Doppelbock, India Pale Ale Wolaver's Fine Organic Ales, Schneider George Schneider's Wiesen Edel-Weisse, Weisses Bruhaus G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH, Oatmeal Stout Wolaver's Fine Organic Ales. German Pilsener Georgia Baltic Porter French Brandy Odell Limited Release1 Price & Reviews | Drizly Apple Brandy Black Rabbit PorterMcMenamins5.5 India Pale AleMarble Brewary6.8 Bud Select 55 / Bud 55Anheuser Busch2.4 West Virginia Other Apple Brandy Steamrail Lucky Amber Amber AleSteamrail Brewing Company4.5 Old Jubilation AleAvery Brewing Co.8.3 Odell Mountain Standard IPA Read Full Review. IPA - Odell Brewing Co. - Untappd Genny LightGenesee Brewing Company4.0 English Strong Ale Odell IPA Review: A Bold, Distinct and Flavorful American IPA - Draft Mag You 0. Triple BagLong Trail Brewery9.2 Fairly good IPA that's decent on the price. Hercules Double IPAGreat Divide Brewing Co.10.0 Heritage AleBear Republic Brewing Company7.0 Spaten OptimatorSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru7.6 Barrel-aged Brown Ale Michelob Golden DraftAnheuser Busch4.7 Paulaner SalvatorPaulaner Brauerei GmbH and Co. KG7.9 American Double/Imperial Pilsner Pete's OktoberfestPete's Brewing5.8 Apricot AlePyramid5.1 Sam Adams Golden PilsnerBoston Beer Co.4.6 ALLEYCAT AMBERLost Coast Brewery5.5 Faro Becks NA/Alkoholfrei (Non-Alcoholic)Brauerei Beck & Co.0.3 Dos Equis XX Special LagerCerveceria Moctezuma4.9 Trinidad and Tobago Dry Irish StoutMcMenamins4.6 English-style Bitter Red Rocket AleBear Republic Brewing Company6.8 Generally speaking, an average IPA has an alcohol content of around 5-7%, which is a bit higher than regular lagers, but still fairly low compared to many other styles of beer. Grand CruGreat Lakes Brewing Co.8.2 McEwans Scotch AleScottish & Newcastle9.5 Italian Pilsner Alcohol content 7.0% . Red Horse BeerSan Miguel Brewery Inc.6.9 Super subdued because of its age, but still tasty enough like Sophia Loren today. Other Whisky Weinhard's Pale AleMillerCoors4.6 Copyright 1996-2023 BeerAdvocate. Only the highest quality beers were taxed 90 Shillings. Mississippi Mud Black & TanMississippi Brewing Co.5.0 Sierra Nevada StoutSierra Nevada Brewing Co.6.4 Boxer LightMinhas Craft Brewery5.0 Belgian Dark Strong Ale PorterBridgePort Brewing Co.5.5 Barrel 32Bear Republic Brewing Company6.0 Yuengilng5.0 GoldrushGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.5 Two Hearted AleBell's Brewery7.0 Cafe Racer 15Bear Republic Brewing Company9.8 Horizon Red AleSummit Brewing Co5.7 District of Columbia 90 Shilling Ale - Odell Brewing Co Kirin BeerKirin (Japan)6.8 Michelob HefeweizenMichelob5.0 Czech Lager New Zealand Whisky Rye Beer The Pinnacle of quality, Superb The name 90 Shilling comes from the Scottish method of taxing beer. Redhook Audible AleRedhook Brewery4.7 Tecate LightCervecera Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma3.7 Wells EagleWells & Young's Ltd3.6 Weinhard's Private ReserveMillerCoors4.8 Natural LightAnheuser Busch4.2 Saint Arnold brown AleSaint Arnold Brewing Co.5.3 Finishes with a bit of alcohol creep. Unfiltered wheatBoulevard Brewing Co.4.4 Venezuela Alta Gracia Coffee Porter Wolaver's Fine Organic AlesWolaver's Fine Organic Ales5.0 Saison/Farmhouse Ale Rye Not?Short's Brewing Company6.5 Highlander Scottish AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.6 Barrel-aged Pilsner Canoe PaddlerLeinenkugel Brewing Co3.2 WINTERBRAUNLost Coast Brewery8.0 SuperflyOaken Barrel Brewing Company7.5 Full Sail IPAFull Sail Brewing6.0 Note that I use DD/MM/YY protocol. Single Malt Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Idaho Norway TCIN: 51346695. Cigar City Brewing Company Florida Man Graphic courtesy of Cigar City Brewing While Cigar City's exemplary Jai Alai may be the second best-selling craft beer 6-pack can in the U.S., according to national IRI reporting, the brewery's version of a double IPA shouldn't be overlooked. Summit Winter AleSummit Brewing Co6.1 US Dundee Original Honey Brown LagerGenesee Brewing Company4.5 Fuller's London PrideFuller's4.7 Read reviews and buy Odell Brewing Mountain Standard IPA Beer - 6pk/12 fl oz Cans at Target. Jai AlaiCigar City7.5 Barrel-aged Imperial Oatmeal Stout Hophead IPATree Brewing Co.5.6 Dominican Republic Dos Equis AmberCervecera Cuauhtmoc-Moctezuma3.1 Leinenkugel Honey WeissLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Highlander Premium BeerGreat Northern Brewery4.6 Scotch Whisky Olde English 800 Malt LiquorMillerCoors5.9 Light aroma, with a touch of pine and a little floral note. With a crystal-clear appearance and bright gold color, the beer offers flavors and aromas of sweet, toasty malts, hops, grapefruit, citrus, and pine, offering a dry and balanced character. SteendonckPalm Breweries5.0 Bottom lip of can is stamped with the date of '05/06/23'. Alaskan Winter AleAlaskan Brewing6.2 Odell Brewing Company Colorado, United States Style: American IPA Ranked #3,299 ABV: 4% Score: 84 Ranked #23,932 Avg: 3.7 | pDev: 10.27% Reviews: 37 Ratings: 78 Status: Active Rated: Oct 05, 2022 Added: Aug 08, 2019 Wants: 1 Gots: 8 SCORE 84 Good Barbados Angry Goat Weizen DoppelbockRahr & Sons Brewing Co.8.0 Saranac Irish Red AleMatt Brewing Company4.5 Africa Bucking BockRahr & Sons Brewing Co.7.5 Alcohol content: Alcoholic. Classic Session Black LagerFull Sail Brewing5.4 India Anniversary AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.9.5 Guyana Arkansas Belgian Strong Pale Ale Dubhe Imperial BlackUnita Brewing2.2 Barrel-aged Lager Coors OriginalMillerCoors5.0 This is my go to daily. Shock Top Wheat IPAAnheuser-Busch5.8 Pabst Extra Light Low AlcoholPabst Brewing Co.2.2 92 Points. RAMSAYS FAT LIP ALEEnglish Ales Brewery5.5 Sierra Nevada WheatSierra Nevada Brewing Co.4.7 Xingu a Brazillian Black BeerPBL Group / Cervejaria Sul Brasileira4.6 Leinenkugel Amber LightLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.1 LammsbrauNeumarkter Lammsbru4.8 StagPabst Brewing Co.5.2 Belgian-Style Brown Ale This is my go to shelf IPA in this area and its everything I look for in the style. YanjingBeijing Yanjing Brewery5.0 Rackhouse AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.9.5 Wells Waggle DanceWells & Young's Ltd5.0 GoldenAbita Brewing Company4.2 Wildflower Wheat Wolaver's Fine Organic AlesWolaver's Fine Organic Ales4.3 McEwan's 60Wells & Young's Ltd3.2 Canada Murphy's StoutMurphy's4.0 Shiner 101 Czech Style PilsnerSpoetzl Brewery4.6 Special Export LightPabst Brewing Co.4.4 Sign Up For Wine Enthusiast Emails For Discounts And More! SAN MIGUEL BEERSan Miguel Fabricas4.5 Odell Brewing Ipa Beer - 6pk/12 Fl Oz Cans : Target Beer rating: 90 out of 100 with 14 ratings. Emilys EmberSeven Brides Brewing4.5 ODELL BREWING Sippin' Pretty Add to list ODELL BREWING Ipa 6pk Cans Add to list ODELL BREWING Seasonal 6pk Cans Add to list ODELL BREWING Ipa 6pk Cans Add to list ODELL BREWING Churchills PaleBear Republic Brewing Company7.5 Wynne Odell, now 61, is weeks away from no longer running the day-to-day operations of the brewery that bears her name after almost three decades. Pine and citrus blend well, smooth and clean. Hungary Bourbon County Brand StoutGoose Island Beer Co.14.5 Sam Adams Cherry WheatBoston Beer Co.5.2 Old FoghornAnchor Brewing9.0 Milwaukee's Best IceMillerCoors5.9 Hoppy aroma. Kentucky Craft Breweries (Level 96) badge! Find the Strength of Your Favorite Alcoholic Beverage. Pisco Imperial StoutSaranac - Matt Brewing Co9.0 Ales In your face bitterness.Average mouthfeel.C-hop but a very good DIPA would still have some balance in bitterness and malting. Crazy IvanBear Republic Brewing Company7.3 All rights reserved. Alaskan AmberAlaskan Brewing5.0 Empress CatherineShort's Brewing Company8.0 Burger LightHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing4.1 Myrcenary Double IPA from Odell. Calvados English Premium BitterWells Bombardier5.2 Wyoming, My budget is RubyMcMenamins4.1 MrzenGordon Biersch5.7 Beamish StoutBeamish & Crawford3.8 Witches Brew Golden Ale 9.3%Brouwerij Van Steenberge9.3 A juicy IPA, with prominent fruity hops that bring out mango, tangerine, and ruby red grapefruit flavors. Busch BeerAnheuser Busch4.6 Widmer OktoberfestWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.5.0 Pomegranate WheatSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 Weizenbock Spaten Munich Special Dark BeerSpaten-Brau6.6 Traditional German-style Bock Prohibition PilsGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.1 Dogfish HeadDogfish Brewery15.0 Just on it like a ping pong ball blasted full speed at a Thai bachelor party. Tiger BeerSingapore Brewery (Asia Pacific Breweries-Heineken)5.0 Mickey's Malt LiquorMillerCoors5.6 Ale La ReverendShort's Brewing Company4.0 Miller ChillMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)4.1 Weihenstephaner Hefe WeissbierBayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan5.4 Sarasota Brewing Sequoia Amber LagerSarasota Brewing Company5.5 Miller High LifeMillerCoors4.6 As it settles it still keeps a 2 finger head with lace from the high mark. Adirondack LagerSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.5 Prolonged EnjoymentShort's Brewing Company3.5 India Rye LagerMarble Brewary6.5 Lagunitas India Pale AleLagunitas Brewing Company6.2 Thanks Odell! Expect More. Export Lager This is a clear and deep bronze IPA that is bursting with tones of papaya, mango, guava and a lot of orange peel. Pete's Summer BrewPete's Brewing4.7 Fat Bastard Scotch Style AleSilver City Brewing Co9.0 Krftig LightCity Brewery4.2 Legend PorterLegend Brewing Co.5.8 Oregon Latvia Russian Imperial Stout Product details Category Variety Pack Beer Region Colorado, United States Type Craft, Independent Craft Brewer, Variety Pack ABV 5% Suggested Glassware Pint Glass, Stein/Pub Mug, Snifter/Goblet/Chalice Product description If you were to look in our ice chests this season, these are the beers you'd find. Wells Bombardier Burning GoldWells & Young's Ltd4.7 Brown Ale $0-$20 Weinhard's HefeweizenHenry Weinhard's4.9 American Brandy Pale AleBoulevard Brewing Co.5.4 Conway's Irish AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.5 Aged Rum Laurens Pale Ale (LPA)Seven Brides Brewing5.5 Cup A Joe Coffee Creme StoutShort's Brewing Company7.0 Wheat Ale 90 Points. Probably my favorite on the market. Buckin' Horse PilsnerGreat Northern Brewery5.1 American Whiskey/Bourbon AmstelAmstel Brouwerij B.V.3.9 Odell Double IPA | Odell Brewing Company | BeerAdvocate
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