Operating out of the Office of the Dean of Harvard College, this scholarship program extended the opportunity for higher education to qualified students in the Midwest and South on a need-blind basis. In this office, he continued to serve as a mentor to successor Deans, an adviser to the President, and a friend to students. In addition, President Eliot wanted to establish a formal distinction between undergraduate and graduate studies. Charles Preston Whitlock succeeds May as Dean of Harvard College; he serves until 1976. Dean Briggs' concern for the intellectual, mental, physical, and moral welfare of Harvard students was reflected in his ambitious agenda, as well as in the sympathetic tone which he set for the administration of the College and the work of the Administrative Board. The Associate Dean of Harvard College became the Associate Dean of Students; his duties remained the supervision of student organizations and extracurricular activities. A tutoring scandal revealed the growing number of students resorting to outside academic support. The Greenough Era In 1921, Greenough succeeded Yeomans as Dean of Harvard College, serving until 1927. History of Harvard - Harvard University The FAS appointed a committee, including Deans Hurlbut and Briggs, to confer with the CEEB about developing closer relations between the Board and Harvard. Operating out of the Dean's Office, the National Scholarships program, which required Dean Hanford and his Assistants to travel throughout the United States, recruiting candidates and overseeing examinations, led to improved relations between the College in Cambridge and numerous regional alumni groups. Sherri Ann Charleston. Of particular interest is the Special Subject Files subseries, which contains material relating to students who served in the Spanish-American War, Harvard's role overseeing military education programs during World War II, and Harvard's cooperation with the Peace Corps. Other efforts by Fox to strengthen the structure and organization of the office included organizing the Undergraduate Council, which consisted of senior administrative officials in the College, who met weekly with the Dean of the College to share ideas, problems, and set common goals. Comprehensive Plan for the Undergraduate Residential System. Interclub Agreement signed outlining rules final clubs observed regarding canvassing, nominating, and electing new members. In response to student demands to be better informed about the activities of the University and the College administration, Dean May began to issue a series of Occasional Reports, which provided the Harvard community with background information on policies, alerts to changes, and clarifications about the responsibilities of various committees. John U. Monro, who previously served as the Director of the Financial Aid Center, was appointed the new Dean of the College and Robert B. Watson, the Associate Dean of the College was appointed to the re-established post of Dean of Students. In 1947 the Bureau of Supervisors was renamed the Bureau of Study Counsel. Dear Harvard College Students, Now that the academic year has ended, I write to acknowledge your hard work and persistence as you continued your studies remotely this spring. In an effort to address many of the difficulties that resulted from the integration of the Harvard-Radcliffe Housing systems, he proposed the Comprehensive Plan for the Residential System. However, by the late 1880s this body had grown too large to deal effectively with individual cases of discipline and other ordinary administrative activities. As Dean of Students, Leighton had general oversight over the work of the Allston Burr Senior Tutors, served as Chairman of the Administrative Board of Harvard College, and helped to coordinate the activities of the Board of Freshmen Advisers, the Bureau of Study Counsel, the Office of Tests, the Student Placement Office, and Phillips Brooks House. E. H. Wells named Acting Dean of Harvard College. Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports signed an agreement with Yale athletics calling for uniformity in eligibility rules and modification of rules of competition to reduce the risk of injury to student-athletes. Processed under the direction of Andrea Goldstein by Richard Currier, Chris Lubicz-Nawrocki, Jill Snyder, Rachel D'Agostino, and Keith Anderson, April-December 2000. Ephraim W. Gurney appointed to newly created position of Dean of the College Faculty; he serves until 1876. In 1961, with Monro serving as a sponsor and liaison, Harvard College and the Graduate School of Education signed a contract with the newly established U.S. Peace Corps to develop a summer training program to prepare Peace Corps volunteers to teach secondary school in Nigeria. Ernest R. May, a Professor of History, served briefly as Dean from 1969 to 1971. Flier, an endocrinologist and an authority on the molecular causes of obesity and diabetes, is the Caroline Shields Walker Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. In addition, parietal rules were eased, reflecting the changing social climate. Various means were developed to both require and encourage students to strive for academic achievement. V-12 Unit (Harvard University) (UAV 602.2x). He appointed the Committee to Review College Governance to improve the quality of College life by reforming the student-faculty committee system. Office of the Counselor for Veterans established. To relieve the administrative burden on the Dean's Office, two new Assistant Deans, both recent graduates, were appointed. April 9, Forced removal of Deans and seizure of University Hall. By this action, the Faculty greatly weakened the authority of Dean Glimp, the Administrative Board, and the College administration as a whole. Dean Yeomans coordinated the work of the Administrative Board and the War Department, setting up the Students' Army Training Corp and facilitating the enlistment of students. May, FAS adopted a resolution to terminate all ROTC programs by June 30, 1971. FAS voted to implement Core Program beginning with the academic year 1979-1980. (UAV 609.xx), Records from the Administrative Board of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges (UAIII 10.40.xx), United States. Delmar Leighton named first Dean of Students. Construction begins on first two Houses. And that's the truth. Pusey undertook the Program for Harvard College, a major fundraising campaign that financially strengthened all aspects of College life for students, faculty, and administrators. Hoekstra is currently the C. Y. Chan Professor of Arts and Sciences and Alexander Agassiz . Protests and disruptions on campus continued, including the fall 1969 attacks on the Center for International Affairs. The U. S. Department of Justice launched an antitrust investigation of Harvard University and seven other Ivy institutions for possible collusion in setting tuition and salaries. Under Hurlbut's leadership, the Administrative Board began to place more students on academic probation; students intending to become candidates for degrees with distinction record their names with the Dean's Office, earning greater discretion in the ordering of their courses; and CEEB papers and examination books are accepted for admission to Harvard College. The College operated on a year-round basis, Dean Hanford suspended intercollegiate athletics, and the College ranks swelled with thousands of enlisted men, officers, and students enrolled in special military training and education programs. Dean Hurlbut assigned Wells charge of the Freshman class. Dean Rosovsky accepted Fox's changes to the Housing system and helped to implement the Plan in the 1977-1978 academic year. Harvard University posted a letter Thursday signed by President Lawrence Bacow, the university's senior leadership, and deans responding to the Supreme Court's landmark . Hopi Hoekstra named next FAS dean - Harvard Gazette Throughout the history of the Office, the Dean of Harvard College has been concerned with the academic, mental, physical, and moral welfare of undergraduates, the enforcement of College rules, defining the rights and responsibilities of students, raising academic standards, widening admissions, providing for students' financial needs, developing the intellectual and social life of the Houses, the oversight of intercollegiate athletics, handling student demonstrations, improving relations between Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, and reorganizing the administrative structure of the College to improve operations and services to students and faculty alike. The Faculty Council replaced the Committee on Educational Policy and acted as a steering committee of the Faculty. The Freshman class was placed under the charge of a committee of Faculty advisers who reviewed course selection and offered academic and personal counsel. He appointed an Assistant Dean of Harvard College with special responsibilities for coeducation, demonstrating his own and the College's commitment to the full integration of women. To Enhance the Quality of Our Common Life: Discussion and Recommendations Concerning Race, Diversity and the College Experiences, The Development of Harvard University Since the Inauguration of President Eliot, 1869-1929. Fox in the spring of 1980. Harvard University Archives. The Leighton Era Effective July 1, 1952, the Office of the Dean of Harvard College was abolished. Extension of elective system to freshman year. In the years leading up to World War II, Hanford ensured that the Harvard campus remained open to the free exchange of ideas among various student organizations supporting isolationist or military action policies. In addition, under Fox's leadership, the Office of the Dean acted as an advocate for student concerns, calling on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the President for University-wide policies addressing such issues as sexual harassment, women's rights, racism and race relations on campus, and gay rights. In November 1950, a subcommittee of the Faculty Committee on Educational Policy, headed by Dean Bender, submitted a report on advising that recommended supervision of upperclass advising be transferred from the Dean's Office to the Houses. Board of Freshman Advisers was reorganized and established as a committee with a chairman.Seniors who were candidates for distinction in fields that required a general examination were allowed to reduce requirements for the B.A. for Honorable Service in the War on undergraduates, who owing to service in the military were unable to complete their entire College course. Privileges of Dean's List extended to freshmen and to men in Group III of Rank List, regardless of whether or not they were candidates for distinction. In addition to his duties as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Briggs is chosen President of Radcliffe College, serving until 1923. The report, which came out against establishing a Third World Center on campus also addressed the state of race relations on campus and the cultural, social, and educational needs of minority students, and led Dean Fox to facilitate the creation of the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations. As a result, the curriculum grew to reflect a diverse spectrum of knowledge, enrollment increased, and the Graduate Department was established in 1872. Army. The transition from secondary school to College was further eased in 1914 with the opening of the Freshmen dormitories. Records of the Dean of Harvard College, 1889-1995, UAIII 5.33. The purpose of the Foundation was to address issues of race relations and improve racial understanding in the Harvard community through direct interaction and collaboration among faculty, administrators, and students. Most of the responsibilities of the Office of the Dean of the College were divided between two new deanships: the Dean of Students and the Dean of Admissions and Financial Aids. Based on the recommendation of the Committee on Instruction, a reading period for exams goes into effect in January. In addition, new positions of Allston Burr Senior Tutors become, in effect, Deans of the Houses, including Non-Resident Student Center. The FAS voted to delegate to the Administrative Boards of the three departments in its charge ordinary administrative, disciplinary, and guidance responsibilities. To meet these students' academic and personal guidance needs, an additional Assistant Dean was appointed, and departments added more tutors as well. Supreme Court rejects affirmative action, ending use of race as factor The 1971 Amendment effected a number of significant changes in educational and managerial arrangements, and included the integration of the House system. The Corporation approves the 1971 decision to divide the administrative and educational concerns of the College, and the post of Associate Dean of the Faculty for Undergraduate Education is officially established. Bok instituted a major reorganization of the University's central administration, which improved the lines of communication among Faculty, administrators, students, alumni, and the neighboring community and continued the process of restoring the faith of the Harvard community in University institutions. College regulations revised to make them easier to understand and apply. The Dean of Harvard College remains chairman of the Board. 175.6 cubic feet (527 boxes), ___General Subject Files, 1902-1995 (bulk), 1894-1995 (inclusive). Decentralization of the College administration. Robert I. Rotberg. In addition, the report suggested that the residential Houses should have a more central role in the educational life of Harvard's undergraduates. The Assistant Dean of Harvard College in charge of records is named the secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives. Although the presence of these structures were in violation of the College Rules, Dean Jewett as chair of the Administrative Board, decided to allow them to stand because they encouraged free expression. Records of the Dean of Harvard College, 1889-1995 - Harvard University In an effort to better meet the information needs of students and parents regarding various aspects of College life, Dean Jewett published the Administrative Board of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges and Student-Faculty Judicial Board User's Guide. The records cover such topics as the enforcement of College Rules, disciplinary matters, the relationship of the Dean to students, parents, faculty, and fellow administrators, the organization of the administrative structure of Harvard College, the role of the Houses in College life, the College's response to campus and national crisis, and the Deans' concern for the academic, mental, moral, and physical welfare of students. President creates Committee on Ethics, and charges it to look into the question of the institutional effects of the College on the development in students of character and concern for the interests of others and to look at ways in which the College environment might be strengthened to further this development. The Plan called for the elimination of four-year Houses, the placement of all freshmen in or adjacent to Harvard Yard, a reduction in the number of upperclassmen forced to live outside their Houses, an upgrade to facilities in the Radcliffe Quadrangle, and extended hours at the Harvard Union. The 1994. FAS established Student-Faculty Advisory Council. Under President Eliot the College Faculty fostered the growth of the elective system and the development of graduate instruction. Greenough strengthened the advisory role of tutors and made clear through the disciplinary actions of the Administrative Board the distinction between cramming and dishonest work and coaching and guidance. Students intending to become candidates for degrees with distinctions begin to record their names at the office of the Dean of Harvard College; this is the origin of the Dean's List. Tutorial instruction begins in the Division of History, Government, and Economics. A. Lawrence Lowell succeeds Eliot as President; he serves until 1933. In the spring of 1995, Dean Jewett, with the support of Dean Knowles, Dean of the College elect Lewis, and a majority of House Masters, announced that the modifications to the House assignment system, which he had proposed almost eight years earlier, would be implemented in full that coming fall. The responsibilities of the Office of the Regent were redefined following the reorganization of the administration of the College. Harvard police had to be called in to clear the scene. Students still choose roommates and blocking groups, but they are assigned to the Houses by a random lottery assignment system. The Committee on Rights and Responsibilities, the successor to the Committee of Fifteen, now had statutory permission to hear and decide cases calling for the discipline of students who violated the University's Interim Statement on Rights and Responsibilities. System of grades substituted for the percentage scale of marking. The Whitlock Era In 1971, Dean May was appointed the Acting Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and was succeeded as Dean of the College by Charles Preston Whitlock, who had previously served as vice chairman of the Administrative Board. The Dean of Students Office (DSO) is dedicated to building an inclusive residential and social community where all students can feel welcome and supported at Harvard College. Fox made it a priority to reassert the authority and influence of the Office of the Dean. Peter J. Gomes who chaired the Committee. From 1989 to 1995 students list four House choices but can no longer rank their order of preference. Watson assumed the burden of work having to do with the Houses, the parietal board and student activities. He has made it a priority to achieve greater consistency in the training and knowledge of House Masters and Senior Tutors. Access to student and personnel records is restricted for 80 years. Rather than relying on a single assistant dean to grant awards, all decisions are now made by the Committee on Scholarships and Other Aids, providing for greater uniformity of action and centralization of policy.
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