South Carolina has six representatives, and so has Maine; South Carolina has eight presidential electors, and so has Maine. The Proviso men, of course were for letting her in, but the Senate, always true to the other side would not consent to her admission. Peoria City Hall Contact Information. But had it, in any reference to the carrying of slavery into NEW COUNTRIES? It is not climate, then, that will keep slavery out of these territories. Take I-74 East to I-474 East. This demonstrates the absurdity of attempting to deduce a prospective principle from the Missouri Compromise line. Thenceforward, for sixty-one years, and until in 1848, the last scrap of this territory came into the Union as the State of Wisconsin, all parties acted in quiet obedience to this ordinance. It is not contended, I believe, that any such command has ever been given in express terms. I do not say the contrary. Marshall County Marshall County Courthouse 122 N Prairie St P.O. If he grows rich and retires from business, you still remember him, and still keep up the ban of non-intercourse upon him and his family. Contact Us. To desert such ground, because of any company, is to be less than a whig---less than a man---less than an American. These points all needed adjustment; and they were all held up, perhaps wisely to make them help to adjust one another. No less absurd than it would be to say that because I may have refused to build an addition to my house, I thereby have decided to destroy the existing house! Upon this understanding each got votes, which it could have got in no other way. When Congress was about adjourning that session, President Polk asked them to place two millions of dollars under his control, to be used by him in the recess, if found practicable and expedient, in negociating a treaty of peace with Mexico, and acquiring some part of her territory. The law which forbids the bringing of slaves from Africa; and that which has so long forbid the taking them to Nebraska, can hardly be distinguished on any moral principle; and the repeal of the former could find quite as plausible excuses as that of the latter. Peoria, IL | Official Website Under all the circumstances perhaps this was not wrong. I was in the lower House that term. his love of justice. It is this fact, that gives to the measures their true character; and it is the universal knowledge of this fact, that has given them the name of compromise so expressive of that true character. Quick Links. Through all this, bowie-knives and six-shooters are seen plainly enough; but never a glimpse of the ballot-box. Let it not be said I am contending for the establishment of political and social equality between the whites and blacks. I personally know that this has not been left undone, because it was unthought of. White Pages - Find People In | Addresses In ignorance of his legal emancipation, he is kept chopping, splitting and plowing. But when I am told I must leave it altogether to OTHER PEOPLE to say whether new partners are to be bred up and brought into the firm, on the same degrading terms against me. This same generation of men, and mostly the same individuals of the generation, who declared this principle---who declared independence---who fought the war of the revolution through---who afterwards made the constitution under which we still live---these same men passed the ordinance of '87, declaring that slavery should never go to the north-west territory. The Proviso men in the House, including myself, voted it down, because by implication, it gave up the Southern part to slavery, while we were bent on having it all free. Fellow countrymen---Americans south, as well as north, shall we make no effort to arrest this? The "Wilmot Proviso" or the principle of it, was constantly coming up in some shape or other, and I think I may venture to say I voted for it at least forty times; during the short term I was there. Veterans Affairs Departments Nearby Between 1810 and 1820 the number of slaves in Missouri INCREASED 7,211; while in Illinois, in the same ten years, they DECREASED 51. That is a mistake, in point of fact. Contact Information. Emergency Phone: 911. Equal justice to the south, it is said, requires us to consent to the extending of slavery to new countries. This new acquisition lay directly West of our old purchase from France, and extended west to the Pacific ocean---and was so situated that if the Missouri line should be extended straight West, the new country would be divided by such extended line, leaving some North and some South of it. This bill contained no repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Allow ALL the governed an equal voice in the government, and that, and that only is self government. Thus each white man in South Carolina is more than the double of any man in Maine. The councils of that genius seem to have prevailed, the Missouri compromise was repealed; and here we are, in the midst of a new slavery agitation, such, I think, as we have never seen before. This was a division of Oregon, organizing the northern part, as the territory of Washington. Locate the correct postal codes for Peoria, Illinois (United States) in the list above by clicking the destination region you are sending to. That is to say, inasmuch as you do not object to my taking my hog to Nebraska, therefore I must not object to you taking your slave. And, really, what is to be the result of this? The University of Chicago is consistently ranked as one of the worlds top ten universities, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is often ranked among the best engineering schools in the world and the U.S. The same advantage, but not to the same extent, is held by all the citizens of the slave States, over those of the free; and it is an absolute truth, without an exception, that there is no voter in any slave State, but who has more legal power in the government, than any voter in any free State. Physical Address View Map 600 SW Adams Street Peoria, IL 61602. We ought to elect a House of Representatives which will vote its restoration. By still another rapid move, Texas, claiming a boundary much further West, than when we parted with her in 1819, was brought back to the United States, and admitted into the Union as a slave state. No sir, the Nebraska bill finds no model in the acts of '50 or the Washington act. In the course of his reply, Senator Douglas remarked, in substance, that he had always considered this government was made for the white people and not for the negroes. One year after the adoption of the first State constitution the whole number of them was---what do you think? Now it is perceived from the reading of this, that there is nothing express upon the subject; but that the authority is sought to be implied merely, for the general provision of "all rightful subjects of legislation." The whole nation is interested that the best use shall be made of these territories. In this shape the bill passed both branches of congress, and became a law. It is kindly provided that of all those who come into the world, only a small percentage are natural tyrants. Illinois Neurological Institute (INI) - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 200 E Pennsylvania Ave. Peoria, IL 61603 Phone: (309) 624-4000 Maps & Directions. Those nearest the scene, are all in favor of the extension. I extend the principles to communities of men, as well as to individuals. The southern part, except a portion heretofore mentioned, afterwards did come in with slavery, as the State of Arkansas. they WOULD not do. Now the relation of masters and slaves is, PRO TANTO, a total violation of this principle. Thus, with the author of the Declaration of Independence, the policy of prohibiting slavery in new territory originated. To my judgment, it is equally free from every thing from which such repeal can be legally implied; but however this may be, are men now to be entrapped by a legal implication, extracted from covert language, introduced perhaps, for the very purpose of entrapping them? All Rights Reserved. This was far the best part of all they had struggled for by the Wilmot Proviso. Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and City Council . |. An intention to extend the law is not only not mentioned in the law, but is not mentioned in any contemporaneous history. MAKE A RIGHT. The doctrine of self government is right---absolutely and eternally right---but it has no just application, as here attempted. APD. If that ordinance did not keep it out of Illinois, what was it that made the difference between Illinois and Missouri? Why does everybody call them a compromise? In both you are national and nothing less than national. I should scarcely wish so strong a prohibition against slavery in Nebraska. The north got the western boundary of Texas, thence further back eastward than the south desired; but, in turn, they gave Texas ten millions of dollars, with which to pay her old debts. Another fact showing the specific character of the Missouri law---showing that it intended no more than it expressed---showing that the line was not intended as a universal dividing line between free and slave territory, present and prospective---north of which slavery could never go---is the fact that by that very law, Missouri came in as a slave state, north of the line. Contact Us. I love the sentiments of those old-time men; and shall be most happy to abide by their opinions. In due course, Iowa, came in as a free State, and Minnesota was given a territorial government, without removing the slavery restriction. We thereby reinstate the spirit of concession and compromise---that spirit which has never failed us in past perils, and which may be safely trusted for all the future. He came to his own, and his own received him not, and Lo! Ownership: Voluntary non-profit - Private. Peoria City, IL Map & Directions - MapQuest It lies at the very foundation of their sense of justice; and it cannot be trifled with. This I deny also. Whether slavery shall go into Nebraska, or other new territories, is not a matter of exclusive concern to the people who may go there. Peoria City Map. The South clamored for a more efficient fugitive slave law. If it was intended to be modelled after the Utah and New Mexico acts, as Judge Douglas, insists, why was it not inserted in it, as in them, that Washington was to come in with or without slavery as she may choose at the adoption of her constitution? The earliest Congress, under the constitution, took the same view of slavery. Illinois < Peoria. I sincerely wish every man could read this law quite through, carefully watching every sentence, and every line, for a repeal of the ordinance of '87 or any thing equivalent to it. It created a great flutter; but it stuck like wax, was voted into the bill, and the bill passed with it through the House. You must remove this restriction too, from the sacred right of self-government. The slaves do not vote; they are only counted and so used, as to swell the influence of the white people's votes. View map of Peoria City Hall, and get driving directions from your location. After an angry and dangerous controversy, the parties made friends by dividing the bone of contention. We shall have so saved it, that the succeeding millions of free happy people, the world over, shall rise up, and call us blessed, to the latest generations. I meant not to resist the admission of Utah and New Mexico, even should they ask to come in as slave States. Will not the first drop of blood so shed, be the real knell of the Union? You do not recognize him as a friend, or even as an honest man. Our republican robe is soiled, and trailed in the dust. On the contrary if you are opposed to the principle---intend to give it no such endorsement---let no wheedling, no sophistry, divert you from throwing a direct vote against it. I insist, that whether I shall be a whole man, or only, the half of one, in comparison with others, is a question in which I am somewhat concerned; and one which no other man can have a sacred right of deciding for me. I say this is the leading principle---the sheet anchor of American republicanism. He finds them already slaves in the hands of their black captors, and he honestly buys them at the rate of about a red cotton handkerchief a head. Interactive map of zip codes in the US, Peoria (IL). you are still right. . The south got a provision that New Mexico and Utah, when admitted as States, may come in with or without slavery as they may then choose; and the north got the slave-trade abolished in the District of Columbia. Thus their free negroes more than balance ours; and their advantage over us, in consequence of their slaves, still remains as I stated it. But this is not all. He is more than the double of any one of us in this crowd. This is good old whig ground. As to what was to be done with the remaining part south of the line, nothing was said; but perhaps the fair implication was, that it should come in with slavery if it should so choose. In spite of the Ordinance of '87, a few negroes were brought into Illinois, and held in a state of quasi slavery; not enough, however to carry a vote of the people in favor of the institution when they came to form a constitution. The restriction of slavery by the Missouri Compromise directly applies to it; in fact, was first made, and has since been maintained, expressly for it. I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world---enables the enemies of free institutions, with plausibility, to taunt us as hypocrites---causes the real friends of freedom to doubt our sincerity, and especially because it forces so many really good men amongst ourselves into an open war with the very fundamental principles of civil liberty---criticising the Declaration of Independence, and insisting that there is no right principle of action but self-interest. Your children must not play with his; they may rollick freely with the little negroes, but not with the "slave-dealer's children". These principles can not stand together. If they have no connection, why are they always spoken of in connection? When we make new acquaintances, [acquisitions?] In his view, the question of whether a new country shall be slave or free, is a matter of as utter indifference, as it is whether his neighbor shall plant his farm with tobacco, or stock it with horned cattle. But, say they, because the public had demanded, or rather commanded the repeal, the repeal was to accompany the organization, whenever that should occur. And in this aspect, it could not but produce agitation. Take the particular case. In both you stand on middle ground and hold the ship level and steady. Its friends however, were still determined to find some way to restrain slavery from getting into the new country. And world-class training and development that empowers service technicians to become the best in the industry. Address: 100 Tractor Dr East Peoria, IL, 61611 United States See other locations Phone: ? If he is not a man, why in that case, he who is a man may, as a matter of self-government, do just as he pleases with him. Senator Douglas sometimes says the Missouri line itself was, in principle, only an extension of the line of the ordinance of '87---that is to say, an extension of the Ohio river. Source: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler. AT the framing and adoption of the constitution, they forbore to so much as mention the word "slave" or "slavery" in the whole instrument. Our Senator also objects that those who oppose him in this measure do not entirely agree with one another. To my mind, Nebraska has no such adaptation. Another point on the Washington act. IDHS: Office Locator - Illinois Department of Human Services But, going back a little, in point of time, our war with Mexico broke out in 1846. It directly applied to Iowa, Minnesota, and to the present bone of contention, Kansas and Nebraska. The most conclusive argument, however, that, while voting for the Wilmot Proviso, and while voting against the EXTENSION of the Missouri line, we never thought of disturbing the original Missouri Compromise, is found in the facts, that there was then, and still is, an unorganized tract of fine country, nearly as large as the state of Missouri, lying immediately west of Arkansas, and south of the Missouri Compromise line; and that we never attempted to prohibit slavery as to it. Less than this our fathers COULD not do; and NOW [MORE?] And if they shall think, as I do, that the extension of slavery endangers them, more than any, or all other causes, how recreant to themselves, if they submit the question, and with it, the fate of their country, to a mere hand-full of men, bent only on temporary self-interest. Thus this was just as clearly a slavery question as any of the others. ZIP Codes for PEORIA, Illinois 61601, 61602, 61603, 61604, 61605, 61606, 61607, 61610, 61611, 61612, 61613, 61614, 61615, 61616, 61625, 61629, 61630, 61633, 61634, 61635, 61636, 61637, 61638, 61639, 61641, 61643, 61650, 61651, 61652, 61653, 61654, 61655, 61656 This list contains only 5-digit ZIP codes. Updated: Jul. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes: Illinois is the 6th most populated state in the U.S. with a total population of over 12 million residents and 4.8 million households.
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