rna ligase in transcription

The RNA pellet was washed with 70% ethanol and suspended in 10L of nuclease free water. Landweber, L. F. & Pokrovskaya, I. D. Emergence of a dual-catalytic RNA with metal-specific cleavage and ligase activities: The spandrels of RNA evolution. Nature 402, 323325 (1999). Here, we will review current protocols for RNA circularization and discuss future prospects in the field. At the same time, the function of circRNA as ncRNA is also important. Although PIE method has realized accurate linear RNA precursor ligation (Rausch et al., 2021), the structure of the linear RNA precursor still has a marked effect on circRNA synthesis yield. IP samples were washed in CLIP wash buffer and 1X RNA Ligase buffer (50 mM Tris-Cl pH 7.5 RT, 10 mM MgCl 2]. The mixture was heated to 95C for 1min, then cooled to 37C (0.1C/s), kept at 37C for 10min, and finally cooled to 4C. As a result, the intermediate will contain a 5-OH and a 2, 3-cyclic phosphate to produce the target circRNA (Figure 4C). Separately, 6L of 4reaction buffers (EPPS 200mM pH 8.5, 40, 100, or 200mM MgCl2, 5% RNase inhibitor) were prepared. Subha Ranjan Das, Carnegie Mellon University, United States. Holdt L. M., Kohlmaier A., Teupser D. (2018). The reaction was performed at 65C for 30min followed by heat inactivation at 85C for 5min. We discovered a small catalytic core comprising a three-nucleotide motif located opposite to the ligation junction. Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing is a common post-transcriptional modification catalyzed by adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADAR) enzymes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.ADARs edit double-stranded RNA . Meganck R. M., Liu J., Hale A. E., Simon K. E., Fanous M. M., Vincent H. A., et al. Perspect. Researchers are more interested in the biosynthesis of circRNAs, which includes enzymatic ligation and ribozyme method. The reads were sorted by the barcode and checked for the complete constant sequences. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. This method realized RNA ligation through a regular group I intron self-splicing reaction, including two transesterifications at defined splice sites (Figure 4A). Pitt and Ferr-DAmar compared the structures of ligase ribozymes that yield 25 and 35 linkages and observed that the conformations of the nucleotides near the ligation junction determines the regioselectivity21. Jschke, A. Pitt, J. N. & Ferr-DAmar, A. R. Structure-guided engineering of the regioselectivity of RNA ligase ribozymes. (A) EcircRNAs are the major circRNAs and are mainly produced by a process called backsplicing in vivo. Rodnina, M. V., Beringer, M. & Wintermeyer, W. How ribosomes make peptide bonds. 4, a003608 (2012). Mutschler, H. et al. With the development of high-throughput sequencing technology and computational analysis, Salzman et al. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. In total, 100,392 reads were obtained. For the only two crystalized RNA ligase ribozymes, . Circular mRNA Can Direct Translation of Extremely Long Repeating-Sequence Proteins, RNA Self-Processing: Formation of Cyclic Species and Concatemers from a Small Engineered RNA, Synthesis and Engineering of Circular RNAs, Group I Permuted Intron-Exon (PIE) Sequences Self-Splice to Produce Circular Exons. The reaction products were sampled at different time points and analyzed by PAGE. 1c). Circular RNA CircFndc3b Modulates Cardiac Repair after Myocardial Infarction via FUS/VEGF-A axis. Z. This method can achieve efficient RNA cyclization at high concentrations with T4 Rnl 2, but it is still affected by different RNA sequences. Therefore, further optimization of current reaction components and conditions may be required based on scaled-up production systems. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal T4 DNA Ligase can ligate other substrates with reduced efficiency, including: nicks containing mismatches and 1 or 2 nt gaps; dsDNA fragments with blunt ends and single-base overhangs . In 2013, the function of circRNAs as the miRNA sponge was reported (Hansen et al., 2013a; Memczak et al., 2013). Proc. The cDNA bridge can prevent the linear RNA precursor from folding into an unsuitable structure. RNA circularization strategies in vivo and in vitro - PMC Rev. Ligase, an enzyme that uses ATP to form bonds, is used in recombinant DNA cloning to join restriction endonuclease fragments that have annealed.The ligase commonly used is T4 DNA ligase, which was first isolated from E. coli that were infected with the lytic bacteriophage T4. Therefore, researchers only knew the existence of circRNAs, but had no further understanding of theirs functions or impacts, and circRNAs did not receive much attention. Huang Q., Guo H., Wang S., Ma Y., Chen H., Li H., et al. Although R18 is a general RNA polymerase, its activity is both sequence-dependent and limited to transcribing stretches of RNA up to 14 nucleotides (nt) long on a favorable RNA template . (2015). & Lee, B. J. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. With the help of RNA splint, T4 RNA ligase 2 can also realize the ligation of ends of ssRNA. Group II introns method can enable more accurate linear RNA precursor ligation, but the mechanism remains unclear in vitro. Starke S., Jost I., Rossbach O., Schneider T., Schreiner S., Hung L.-H., et al. The reads that contained the expected constant sequences were used to extract the randomized 7 or 8 bases. We decided to search for even smaller catalytic motifs by selecting for ligation activity of a partially randomized ribozyme library depicted in Fig. Full-length RNA profiling reveals pervasive bidirectional transcription Therefore, it is likely that the N8-1 motif places the 2-OH group of the substrate in a favorable orientation to attack the phosphorus atom in the 5-triphosphate group of the ribozyme. Trends Genet. Enzymatic ligations are realized by catalytic reactions of several enzymes from the bacteriophage T4, including T4 DNA ligase (T4 Dnl), T4 RNA ligase 1 (T4 Rnl 1), and T4 RNA ligase 2 (T4 Rnl 2). Opin. (2012). Hansen T. B., Jensen T. I., Clausen B. H., Bramsen J. PCR amplification of the cDNAs using appropriate primers selectively amplifies the ligated sequences. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Yohei Yokobayashi. This method uses a DNA hairpin as a primer for reverse transcriptase for synthesis of a . Same as T4 Rnl 1, T4 Rnl 2 also suffers from low efficiency for large RNA molecules and side reactions. In this method, small circRNAs can be produced from long repeating RNAs transcribed by RNA polymerase through a rolling circle mechanism in vitro (Diegelman and Kool, 1998). Secondary structure prediction of the most abundant variant (N8-1) in the presence of T7Psub using NUPACK15 results in an extended stem-loop, single-stranded GGA, followed by a WatsonCrick interaction with the 3-end of T7Psub (Fig. MiSeq analysis was performed essentially as described above (Lib-N7/8). tRNA ligase is required for regulated mRNA splicing in the unfolded protein response The accumulation of unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) triggers an intracellular signaling pathway, the unfolded protein response (UPR), that leads to increased transcription of genes encoding ER-resident proteins. The first guanosine was not varied due to the requirement of T7 RNA polymerase used to generate the ribozyme variants. 1b. Hansen T. B., Kjems J., Damgaard C. K. (2013b). After that, more circRNAs were found in mammalian cells (Cocquerelle et al., 1992; Capel et al., 1993; Zaphiropoulos, 1996; Zaphiropoulos, 1997; Surono et al., 1999). Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. At appropriate time points (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8h), 4L from the reaction solution was collected and mixed with 9L stop solution on ice. Y.N. Cocquerelle C., Daubersies P., Majrus M. A., Kerckaert J. P., Bailleul B. The ligated and unligated RNA strands are first reverse transcribed (RT) to cDNAs and then amplified by PCR. Hairpin ribozyme (HPR) can produce circRNAs through rolling circle reaction and the self-splicing reaction from circular single-strand DNA template (Diegelman and Kool, 1998; Kazakov et al., 2006; Dallas et al., 2008; Petkovic and Mller, 2013). With the help of RNA splint, T4 RNA ligase 2 can also realize the ligation of ends of ssRNA. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the cyclization reaction conditions and control the linear RNA precursor concentration to reduce the occurrence of such side reactions. According to the components of circRNAs, circRNAs are classified as exonic (ecircRNA), exon-intron (EIcircRNA), or intronic (ciRNA) (He et al., 2021; Tao et al., 2021). The yields were measured after 4h reaction at 42C in the presence of 25mM MgCl2. Therefore, enzymatic strategy is the primary linear RNA synthesis method at present. Flores R., Grubb D., Elleuch A., Nohales M.-., Delgado S., Gago S. (2011). The Circular RNA circSKA3 Binds Integrin 1 to Induce Invadopodium Formation Enhancing Breast Cancer Invasion, Enzymic Oligoribonucleotide Synthesis with T4 RNA Ligase. Circular RNAs as Therapeutic Agents and Targets. The RNA libraries were stored at -80C until use. Some Yeast Mitochondrial RNAs Are Circular. Ekland, E. H., Szostak, J. W. & Bartel, D. P. Structurally complex and highly active RNA ligases derived from random RNA sequences. However, RNA splints cannot be used to ligate short RNA precursors, because the splint-precursor complex is sterically unstable when the length of linear RNA precursor is shorter than 30 nucleotides. Structural insights into RNA bridging between HIV-1 Vif and - Nature 10, a034801 (2018). Molecules 22, 678 (2017). Artificial ribozymes and deoxyribozymes. (2013). Chen H., Cheng K., Liu X., An R., Komiyama M., Liang X. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. A Novel Circular RNA, circXPO1, Promotes Lung Adenocarcinoma Progression by Interacting with IGF2BP1, Detecting and Characterizing Circular RNAs. Before For example, DNA ligase can join two complementary fragments of nucleic acid by forming phosphodiester bonds, and . Trends Biochem. The discovery revived great interest in circRNA research, and relative research was growing exponentially. Therefore, different T4 ligases need to be selected according to the secondary structure of the linear RNA precursor. The lower bands marked by a star are from the loading dye used. S1). The bases at positions +1 through +3 are critical for . Mikheeva S., Hakim-Zargar M., Carlson D., Jarrell K. (1997). Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, (c) Ligation junctions of N8-1, a4-20, and J4 ribozymes. One-round selection and sequencing was performed as described above. Besides, RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) may also help the cyclization of RNA. The Hepatitis delta () Virus Possesses a Circular RNA. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. Sanger H. L., Klotz G., Riesner D., Gross H. J., Kleinschmidt A. K. (1976). Sequence similarity of the other highly enriched sequences suggests that they also fold into similar structures. 21, 111119 (2005). Among them, ecircRNAs are the major circRNAs and are mainly produced by a process called backsplicing in vivo (Schindewolf et al., 1996; Salzman et al., 2012; Jeck et al., 2013; Memczak et al., 2013; Guo et al., 2014; Barrett et al., 2015; Starke et al., 2015; Szabo et al., 2015). Only those sequences that yielded quality score of 20 or greater in all randomized positions were retained and counted for analysis. (2014). tRNA(Lys3): the primer tRNA for reverse transcription in HIV-1 We probed the regioselectivity of N8-1-catalyzed ligation by digesting the ligation product using a deoxyribozyme (DNAzyme) 817. (2015). The confirmation of the abundance, function, and stability of circRNAs laid the foundation of circRNAs research. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-35584-9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-35584-9. The critical point of mutation and rational design is to improve the binding efficiency of ligase to substrate RNA and the selectivity of cyclic products. The oligo DNAs and RNAs were purchased from Sigma-Genosys or Eurofins with cartridge purification. The ligated RNA was recovered and processed for sequencing as described above. These methods produced circRNAs by ligating the ends of linear RNA precursor, which would be covered later (Figure 2B). CAS With the growing application of circRNAs, the synthesis of circRNAs with chemically modified or unnatural nucleotides is also difficult to be solved. Reinventing the Wheel: Synthetic Circular RNAs for Mammalian Cell Engineering. Therefore, this method needs a complementary DNA (cDNA) template or bridge to achieve RNA ligation. (2017). Thermo Scientific T4 RNA Ligase catalyzes the ATP-dependent intra- and intermolecular formation of phosphodiester bonds between 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini of oligonucleotides, single-stranded RNA and DNA. Extant RNA catalysts, or ribozymes, such as group I introns4,5, self-cleaving ribozymes6,7,8,9, and the functional RNA core of the ribosome machinery10, are viewed as evidence that RNAs are capable of catalyzing important biological reactions. U. S. A. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. In addition, the addition of GMP to the IVT reaction mixture is also proved to be useful for phosphorylating the transcript at its 5 end (Abe et al., 2018). Specifically, the reactions were performed in 10L volume using 200ng of the DNA template. Du W. W., Yang W., Li X., Fang L., Wu N., Li F., et al. Ligase-mediated RNA detection should provide a useful mechanism for sensitive and accurate detection and distinction of RNA sequence variants. Am. Kramer M. C., Liang D., Tatomer D. C., Gold B., March Z. M., Cherry S., et al. Due to the introduction of exogenous exon sequences, the final circRNA sequence will be different from the original linear RNA precursor sequence, which may negatively affect the validation of some circRNA functions. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is also proved to promote the extensive translation of circRNAs (Yang et al., 2017). Circular Transcripts of the Testis-Determining Gene Sry in Adult Mouse Testis, Initiation of Protein Synthesis by the Eukaryotic Translational Apparatus on Circular RNAs. Besides, intermolecular end joining (oligomerization) is also a serious side reaction, which cannot be completely suppressed (Petkovic and Mller, 2018). Chen Y. G., Kim M. V., Chen X., Batista P. J., Aoyama S., Wilusz J. E., et al. (1992). Natl. Acad. 11, 321326 (2001). With 10mM MgCl2,~18% of FAM-T7Psub reacted after 8h in a linear fashion (kobs=2.3102h1) (Fig. Kazakov S. A., Balatskaya S. V., Johnston B. H. (2006). Similar to the T4 Dnl ligation reaction, significant RNA secondary structure at the ends of linear RNA precursor can greatly reduce the ligation efficiency of T4 Rnl 1. Jimenez, R. M., Polanco, J. (B) T4 RNA ligase 1 catalyzes the nucleophilic attack of the 3-OH terminus onto the activated 5-terminus to form a covalent 5, 3-phosphodiester bond. The RNA world hypothesis proposes that at an early phase of prebiotic evolution, RNA played the role of both a carrier of genetic information and catalysts of various reactions that are needed. However, the RNA ligation efficiency reduces with large RNA molecules (Costello et al., 2020). The Central Dogma of Molecular BiologyDNA makes RNA makes proteins The process by which DNA is copied to RNA is called transcription, and that by which RNA is used to produce proteins is called translation. Haugen, P., Simon, D. M. & Bhattacharya, D. The natural history of group I introns. Elution buffer (30mM TrisHCl pH 7.5, 30mM NaCl) was added to the crushed gel to extract the RNA at 4C while shaking at 600rpm for 4h (ATTO WSC-2630, Power BLOCK Shaker). Tao M., Zheng M., Xu Y., Ma S., Zhang W., Ju S. (2021). It is worth noting that T4 Rnl 1 has different preferences for the nucleotides of the 5-terminus and 3-terminus: A > G C > U for the 3-terminal nucleotide acceptor, and pC > pU > pA > pG for the 5-terminal nucleotide donor (England and Uhlenbeck, 1978; McLaughlin et al., 1982; Petkovic and Mller, 2015; Mller and Appel, 2017). Ligase - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics These side reactions will decrease the yield of target circRNAs and increase the difficulty of product purification. Genet. Y.N. (1974). Wilson, T. J. Viroids Are Single-Stranded Covalently Closed Circular RNA Molecules Existing as Highly Base-Paired Rod-like Structures, Circular RNAs: A Novel Class of Functional RNA Molecules with a Therapeutic Perspective. Wang P. L., Bao Y., Yee M.-C., Barrett S. P., Hogan G. J., Olsen M. N., et al. Identification of HuR Target Circular RNAs Uncovers Suppression of PABPN1 Translation by CircPABPN1. With the continuous development of circRNA study, circRNA has also played an important role in medical applications, including circRNA vaccines and gene therapy. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help , RNA circularization involves the intramolecular formation of a 3, 5-phosphodiester bond, requiring close proximity of the 3- and 5-terminus of the linear precursor. Ligation probes were synthesized on an ABI . Rev. Precipitate the RNA with 3 M NaOAc (pH 5.2) and isopropyl alcohol in the presence of 20 g glycogen. (2017). The purified ligation products were converted to cDNAs using a reverse transcriptase. At the same time, the cost of current circRNAs production is still a concern for researchers. Natl. Circular RNAs Are Abundant, Conserved, and Associated with ALU Repeats. The advantage of chemical synthesis is that the 5 monophosphate can be directly introduced during the synthesis process for future cyclization. (1993). Acad. (2020). Extensive Translation of Circular RNAs Driven by N6-Methyladenosine. While selection has played a critical role in the discoveries of these small catalytic motifs, additional deliberate efforts are essential for identification of slow but minimal catalytic cores. Perspect. Nesbitt S. M., Erlacher H. A., Fedor M. J. Circular RNA Biogenesis Can Proceed through an Exon-Containing Lariat Precursor, Direct Comparison of Nick-Joining Activity of the Nucleic Acid Ligases from Bacteriophage T4. In very small RNA like the mature miRNA, or in fragmented mRNA, the size and/or sequence diversity of the ligation substrates reduce the likelihood of strong secondary structures, though even here bias can arise [ 6, 7 ]. In vitro Transcription for RNA Synthesis | NEB RNA Substrate Specificity and Structure-Guided Mutational Analysis of Bacteriophage T4 RNA Ligase 2. Szabo L., Morey R., Palpant N. J., Wang P. L., Afari N., Jiang C., et al. Compared with traditional linear RNA, circRNA is a 3-5 covalently closed ring (Holdt et al., 2018) and does not need 5-cap or 3-poly(A) tails to keep it stable (Petkovic and Mller, 2015). The library DNA templates were transcribed into RNA libraries using ScriptMax Thermo T7 RNA Polymerase Kit (Toyobo) according to the manufacturers instructions.

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rna ligase in transcription