the samaritan woman summary

Having been married five times, the probability arises she was not all that young, maybe middle age or older, thus past her childbearing years. Interestingly the people listened to her, became curious, and decided to investigate the matter for themselves. In Samaritan tradition, Mount Gerizim is held to be the highest, oldest, and most central mountain in the world. Today, many states have Good Samaritan laws that make it easier for citizens to help others without incurring unnecessary liability. The Samaritan womans encounter with Jesus at Jacobs well changed her life. This caused a great division between the two groups, and consequently tensions were high and contact with one another avoided. That took tremendous courage. What you just said is quite true. Many in both groups missed who Jesus was because of self-interest and preconceived ideas as to what and who this Messiah was about. It is His story on how He finds us, redeems us, and gives our life value, because we are His. This well was located about a half mile from the city of Sychar in Samaria. The best value in digital Bible study. Samaritan Woman at the Well - Lessons From Her Interaction with Jesus read more, Scripture: Amen Worship would no longer center in temples like those of Mount Zion and Mount Gerizim. Change). Rather, on the contrary, He commends her for telling the truth. (John 2:25). (1 Kgs. The group that did intermarry and were now being called Samaritans, accepted parts of the Jewish faith and intermingled them in with their pagan religions. John 4: 16-19 says: He said,Go, call your husband and come back. We also know from an understanding of the cultural and historical traditions of that time that women used to draw water in groups in the morning and it was often a social occasion. It is located within the West Bank. John 4:4-9, Denomination: She asked Jesus a series of questions when he asked for a drink: How can you ask me for a drink? They left the town andmade their way to Him.John 4:30. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Samaritan, member of a community, now nearly extinct, that claims to be related by blood to those Israelites of ancient Samaria who were not deported by the Assyrian conquerors of the kingdom of Israel in 722 bce.The Samaritans call themselves Bene Yisrael ("Children of Israel"), or Shamerim ("Observant Ones"), for their sole norm of religious observance is the Pentateuch (first five . Review: The Samaritan Woman's Story | Bob on Books Was this possibly the Moses like prophet they had so longed for. Why is it that some people can go through life without sensing a need for a personal relationship with God? Jesus and His disciples had left Judea and traveled north toward Galilee. Does the Samaritan woman refuse Jesus' request for a drink of water? Jacobs well was located on the property originally owned by Jacob. Some baby girls were exposed and left to die. You are the Jesus said to her: You are right when you say that you do not have a husband. Next, Jesusis revealed as a prophet. The Samaritans believed only in the first five books of the Scriptures or what is called the Books of Moses, the Torah (Hebrew) or Pentateuch (Greek), meaning five books. The Samaritan womans name or age is not revealed in the story of her meeting with Jesus. If one is looking for love in all the wrong places, or possibly even in all the right places, Jesus proves He is the only Person where true love and acceptance come from. But no one asked, What do you want? or Why are you talking with her?. What kind of people are able to spread the Gospel? To understand the meaning of Jesus conversation with the Samaritan woman,we must knowsome background. A Samaritan Woman Meets Her Messiah 4 Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John 2 (though Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples), 3 He left Judea and departed again to Galilee. It is our duty to reach out to those who have need for what we have recieved. 39Many of the Samaritans from that town(AK) believed in him because of the womans testimony, He told me everything I ever did.(AL) 40So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. There appears to be a great deal of heartache in this womans life, whether by choice or by circumstance. By the time Jesus met the woman at the well, the Jews and Samarians had been bitter enemies for hundreds of years. United Methodist. The Real Encounter (4:7-26) For Jesus to speak to this woman, much less ask for something as personal as a drink from her container, would not have been something thought of, and certainly not asked for. A deeper understanding of people in the Bible. Life had been tough for the woman. Ive always portrayed the woman as of questionable repute, having gone through a string of marriages and living with a man who is not her legal husband. The Samaritan Woman: New Life in Christ April 16, 2021 The story of the Samaritan woman, also known as the woman at the well, draws our attention to the central themes of the Gospel. Please leave any suggestions at the bottom of this page. Literary fiction, poetry, first editions, classics Communication Strategies for Bridging Differences, "In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't." In Lets see that the Gospel flows from ordinary people who have had an encounter with Jesus. below are the testimony of the Samaritan woman. Holiness. This is where Abraham took Isaac to sacrifice him to the Lord. The more you talk to him, the more his understanding grows until he sees the full truth: Jesus is the Messiah. They survived through the time of Jesus, and even, in limited numbers, to the present day. She argues that how we tell these stories does color our views of women in the presenthow we honor their worth and their voices. This Samaritan woman is known in the Church as St. Photini, which means "the enlightened one." Through the Savior's conversation with her, Photini became an evangelist who boldly shared the good news, even to her Samaritan neighbors who were surely used to viewing her in anything but spiritual terms. In successive chapters in the first part of the book she traces this through the early fathers (Tertullian, Origen, and John Chrysostom), Reformation Protestantism from Calvin (who identified her as an adultress) to Clare Lucas Balfour and Moody (who saw the woman as a prostitute, though an effective evangelist), and the present. Both Jews and Samaritans were hostile toward the cultural and religious practices and places of worship of others (Luke 9:53). She had nothing but a story, and even it was not her story. . This was the shortest route, but not the most popular one, simply because of the long, standing hatred the Jews and Samaritans had for one another. I ignored the immediate context of Jesus conversation with Nicodemus. In the end, many Samaritans in that city believed in him because of the womans testimony (John 4:39). 52When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, Yesterday, at one in the afternoon, the fever left him.. Why do I, why do we, not tell the story this way? - Romans 1:16 Samaritan woman at the well - Wikipedia When we come to the scene inJohn 4, at a well in Samaria at noon, there are invisible lines in the sand;unknown to modern readers but well known to Johns first audience. 9 Then the Samaritan woman said to Him, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, who am a Samaritan woman?" For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. We see Him showing kindness to Gentiles, and here (in John chapter 4) to Samaritans, who were ----------3. 2 Corinthians 10: 3 Meaning With Full Explanation KJV, Meaning of Communion in the Bible: See benefits of taking holy communion, Let the Dead Bury the Dead: Luke 16:20 Meaning, 30 Verses assuring God Will Provide in the Bible, What Are The Works Of The Flesh: Galatians 5: 19-21, 10 Reasons To Believe In God And Why We Can And Should Believe In Jesus, John 3:16 meaning and explanation of For God so loved the world, What Is Spiritual Blindness: meaning and explanation, The Parable of the Sower Meaning and Explanation, God is love Verses Bible study of 1 John 4:7-9, Story Of Moses In The Bible The Birth Story, John 3:16 Fundamental Truths Affirmed and Bible Study, 38 scriptures for a sound mind and how to get a sound mind, God the Father the son and the holy spirit meaning and bible verses, you have not because you ask not Meaning KJV, 25 Powerful Call to worship scriptures to start a worship service, 10 prayer points for divine protection with bible verse, 52 warfare Prayer for business breakthrough and success, 30 Funeral Prayers: A guide to giving the perfect opening prayer, 25 powerful calls to worship prayers and declarations, 10 Prayer points for children with bible verses, 7 Bible Characters Who Heard Gods Voice and Did His Will, The Amazing 7 Spirits of Goddescribed in Isaiah 11:1-3 KJV, 2 Powerful Bill Winston Morning prayers and confession, 35 Morning Prayers to Inspire and Start Your Day with God, 14 Christian Scholarships for International Students: Bridging Opportunities and Faith, What Does Flying in a Dream Mean Spiritually With Scriptures. The Samaritan woman in John 4:1-29 reveals this truth about us: that we are blind to our own need until the Anointed one opens our eyes. Jesus reveals her past and she meets the Messiah. The Samaritan woman listens with open attention to Jesus as he asks him questions about his faith and hope. As he told the other Samaritans, He told me everything I did (v. 39). Jesus took this opportunity to reveal his true identity ( John 4:26 ): They considered themselves faithful to their Jewish heritage and would have nothing to do with the Samaritans, considering them as unclean. Jesus said to him, I am the one who speaks to you. He was to be a prophet. He told her to go and get her husband, suggesting He knew her condition and her circumstances. Study Guide for John 4 by David Guzik - Blue Letter Bible I. The fact that she was drawing water by herself at noon probably indicates that shewas a social outcast. The mountain, to this day, is the center of the Samaritan religion. Finally, we seeJesus revealed as the Messiah. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." The woman said to him, "I know that Messiah is coming" (who is called Christ). But this is the thing about Jesus: He is not afraid to cross lines. Over the years Ive given countless talks and led numerous Bible studies on this passage. (D) 6Jacobs well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at He will break through all circumstances to reconcile all people back to Himself that are willing to come to Him. If the brother next in line was already married, he could take her as a concubine, thus she would not be a fully legal wife. Although her name was never revealed, we know that she was a Samaritan woman, belonging to a race that the Jews did not associate with, as the Scripture explains. Narrated inJohn 4: 1-42, it describes howJesus, traveling through Samaria on hisway to Galilee, sat by a well in the city of Sychar. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. When he comes, he will explain everything to us., 26Then Jesus declared, I, the one speaking to youI am he.(Y), 27Just then his disciples returned(Z) and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. He was not referring to her physical need of water that would only sustain her for a short period of time, thus leading her continually to the well. He is the Living Water that she needs, the spring of life. "Books are humanity in print." Give Me a drink, Jesus saidto her, for His disciples hadgone into town to buy food.John 4:7b. However, the recorded conversation she has with Jesus at the well is the longest dialogue He has with anyone in Scripture. The untold lesson from the Samaritan woman - OUR GOD IS WITH US It all began with an encounter at Jacobs well between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. He is the inexhaustible source of peace, joy, love, self-control, truth, hope, and satisfaction (Galatians 5:22-23). She was not hopping from the bed of one husband to another. 41 And because of his words many more became believers. When she discovers his identity as the Messiah, she puts down her pitcher of water, just as the disciples left their nets, and becomes an effective evangelist for her community. 4 Lessons From The Samaritan Woman At The Well - The Wise Believer She did not have a big Bible, a 4-step track, or a PhD in Theology, as great as all these might be. Jesus speaking to a woman alone was forbidden and violated all proprieties of the day. Jesus had to pass through Samaria While the text does not reveal whether his tone was sarcastic, rhetorical, or sincere, many scholars suspect that he was probably joking. Unless coming from upper classes, girls were taught to manage the household and all its taskscooking, cleaning, family businesses, farms and gardens, and specialized trades. "Jesus ignores the centuries-old hostility between Jew and Samaritan, rides roughshod over the battlements of an entrenched gender-divide, and actually engages this woman in conversation." Women were married young and kept in the restricted space of the home to protect paternity. Samaria had been taken captive by the Assyrians in 722 BC. She is the one who tells the men to come meet Jesus. Congregational, Viewing Jesus' compassion and love for a the Samaritan Women we are invited to match that compassion and love for all people that Jesus has shown, Grace and Peace to you from God the Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Jesus offers the woman living water. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit an. Sir, the woman replied, I seethat You are a prophet. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. Philippians2:9-11says: Therefore, God exalted him to the utmost and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth may bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Summary: Challenges the view of the Samaritan woman as a sexual sinner, considering how this has been read in the church, and the realities of the life of women and marriage that points to a very different reading. 37Thus the saying One sows and another reaps(AJ) is true. She models a way to do this with conviction about what she has learned in the past. She did not have to clean up before the meeting could take place. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.. This Bible study from John 4 explores what the story of the Samaritan womanat the wellcan teach us today. Mount Gerizim is one of the highest peaks in the West Bank, rising 2890 feet above sea level. Nor do the people in town shun her when she testifies about Jesus. For Him to speak to this woman, much less ask for a drink from her jug, would have been highly out of the ordinary. Sunrise was the time which the other women in the village went to draw water and gossip. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Robert C Trube and Bob on Books with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Jesus is the living water we need. This king would remove the Roman rule they were currently under. (John 4:9). And it will save everyone who believes. Jesus never avoided conflict, and He certainly did not look down on people who were different. Roman time began at 12:00 PM which would make the sixth hour at 6:00 PM. As the story progresses, we learn that this Samaritan woman comes to the well regularly at this time of day ( John 4:15 ).). Closing - The Samaritan Woman Shows - The Virtual Preacher Through this statement, He shows her that His word is true. In the Jewish and Samaritan culture, divorce could only be initiated by the husband. Sychar is the Old Testament town of Shechem and the modern-day town of Askar. (John 4:4-43) 4 Now when Jesus[ a] learned that the Pharisees had heard, "Jesus is making and baptizing more disciples than John" 2 (although it was not Jesus himself but his disciples who baptized), 3 he left Judea and started back to Galilee. 4 And he had to pass through Samaria. Possibly a woman with a reputation, she had either made for herself or because of circumstances that had befallen her over time. Not so with the Samaritans as they were looking for a prophet, not a king. - Philippians 4:8, thoughts of a preacher, minister, and aspiring theologian, There ain't no other God hiding behind the back of Jesus Christ. I ignored the betrothal practices (that played into Mary and Josephs story) and made her a loose woman living in sin. Answer The story of the nameless Samaritan woman at the well, recorded only in the Gospel of John, is a revealing one, full of many truths and powerful lessons for us today. It is feasible that all were not divorces that caused her to be available for marrying again. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth(v. 21-24). The Samaritan in Jesus' story comes upon the Jew injured by robbers along a well-known trading route. (Deut. Start for FREE. To meet her spiritual need Jesus had to reveal her sin nature and sin choices, thus her need for His cleansing and her salvation. Type: Series Where: GNBC 3-26-23 That the Messiah had not yet come. His actions invite us to stay connected to Jesus and ask questions about our faith to come to a more complete understanding of it. John 4 NIV - Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman - Bible Gateway To fetch water, the women of the town generally came in groups for safety sake. Here, wearied with His journey, he seats Himself, while the disciples go into the town to buy food. The Samaritan temple was destroyed the 21st of Kislev, 128 BC, but the mountain continued to be the holy place of the Samaritans. After Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, she seemed amazed at how Jesus knew such truths about her. We know that this is a command for all Christians in each successive generation. Yet when Jesus revealed Himself to her, He tried to show her that He was the endless water for which she was so thirsty (John 7:38). An hour is coming refers to His death. Two other things are important to note in the passage. Mount Ebal forms the northern side and is 230 feet taller than Mount Gerizim. Samaria was the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Also, in this culture was war, famine, disease, or injury whereas men did not always live long lives, dying young and unexpectedly. She could have been abandoned, divorced against her will but out of her hands, or widowed. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman. John 4 NRSVUE - Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - Now - Bible Gateway Political repercussions, such as a revolt, would have possibly happened among the Jewish populations. Then Jesus declared what he had not made public in many circles: He is the Messiah (v. 26). What He meant was, that through Himself, salvation would come, as He was the Seed of Abraham. (AF) 35Dont you have a saying, Its still four months until harvest? Independent/Bible, This is the first of a 3 part series on What Can I Learn From A Reject? She felt comfortable enough not only to talk to Jesus but also to ask direct questions. Enduring Word Bible Commentary John Chapter 4 Jews calculated time from sunrise, approximately 6:00 AM, which would make the time around noon. (Deut. 53Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, Your son will live. So he and his whole household(AT) believed. 3 Lessons from the Well | Cru When He comes, He willexplain everything to us.John 4:25. What is remarkable is the way all of this is revealed, and the way she seemed to see through His parables and glimpse the truth behind His words when many others, including Jewish scholars and experts, could not. Representing the lowest of the low a female in a society where women are both demeaned and disregarded, a race traditionally despised by Jews, and living in shame as a social outcast she not only has a holy encounter with Christ but also receives eternal salvation. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2022. 31Meanwhile his disciples urged him, Rabbi,(AC) eat something., 32But he said to them, I have food to eat(AD) that you know nothing about., 33Then his disciples said to each other, Could someone have brought him food?, 34My food, said Jesus, is to do the will(AE) of him who sent me and to finish his work. She immediately ran to the village and shared her experience with the towns folk. He knows our desires and yet He still pursues and loves us (Romans 3:23). Jesus told her, Believe Me,woman, an hour is comingwhen you will worship theFather neither on thismountain nor in Jerusalem.John 4:21. And best of all, Jesus not only accepts her, but he also accepts us. SAMARITAN WOMAN - Commentary On The Samaritan Woman By The Well (R) 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know;(S) we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. The scenes open with Jesus in the act of performing miracles before leaving Jerusalem with His disciples. IMAGINE: Going from being the most ostracized to the most popular girl in town, just by going to a well for water. The Samaritan Woman's Story, Caryn A. Reeder. This Bible lesson for children is based on John 4:5-39, the story of the Samaritan Woman talking to Jesus. The Samaritans were of mixed ethnicity and religion;They were not Jews, but they practiced elements of Judaism and worshiped Yahweh along with other gods. He met her just as she was. Just as we see in other stories, like when he welcomes the children (Luke 18: 15-17) or heals the demon-possessed daughter of a Canaanite woman(Matthew 15: 21-28), Jesus accepts everything. She would no longer have to run the risk of embarrassment bumping into the women of the town. - John 4:24-26. They refused to have anything to do with this dreaded clan of people. John 4 ESV - Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - Bible Gateway 3So he left Judea(B) and went back once more to Galilee. read more, Scripture: Title: Independence Day: Jesus Encounters a Samaritan Woman Script: Jn. You are right when you say you have no husband. She is far more engaged, and far more intelligently so than Nicodemus, continuing to question and learn, and she is the first to know that he is the Messiah. John 4 NLT - Jesus and the Samaritan Woman - Jesus - Bible Gateway John 4:5-5:42, Denomination: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Jesus extended grace to the Samaritan woman, which changed her. Her testimony was short and to the point. Jesus was a Jewish man. C. From what Jesus shared with them, Many more became believers (v. 41). Intro When we put our faith and trust in Him as the Living Water, we can count on the fact that the well will never run dry (Psalm 37:4). Jesus not only saw the value of her life but gave her life value as she is still spoken of to this day. 5 Eventually he came to the Samaritan village of Sychar, near the

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the samaritan woman summary