Jade Skywalker was disturbed by Anakin Skywalker's anger and threatening behavior, while Jacen saw no problem with the way his grandfather had acted. After crossing the swamp, she reached the Dark Force Temple. The planet sustained moderate surface damage and the Jedi mostly remained in the shelters rather than experience the traumatic atmospheric and seismic disturbances the planet experienced. Once the battle was over and the refugees had been evacuated, the Solos and Skywalkers, including Jade Skywalker, returned to Coruscant with their grave report of the battle, their retreat covered by Bothan Admiral Traest Kre'fey. [52], As part of the preparations, Jade had to deal with a number of dress designers competing for the design of her wedding dress, ranging from a masked dress to a black dress reminiscent of Imperial agents' attire to a minimalist dress that Jade refused to step out of the dressing room in. Shortly afterwards, the group was attacked by drugged Corellian commandos. Their discussion led to a lowering of the barrier between them, to the point where they were in close mental contact. Jade returned to Imperial Center and reported her findings to Palpatine, but also saved General Deerian, whom she believed to be honest, from the fallout of Glovstoak's destruction. He also said that he wrote the character as a foil for Skywalker and the pairing of her and Skywalker was a reversal of Han's and Leia's roles. Later, after her death at the hands of Darth Caedus, Kyle was one of many present at Mara's funeral. [36], While setting up a new base for Karrde's group on Rishi, Jade was accosted by a bounty hunter, Gunner Groth. [13] Some of the Imperial court assumed her to simply be a dancer or one of Palpatine's concubines. Ihre Beziehung zum Imperator fhrte zu einer Rivalitt mit Palpatines eigentlichem Schler Darth Vader, dennoch konnte sie sich als die rechte Hand Palpatines behaupten. [14], Noting the passageway was mined with explosives, Jade used an alien corpse to set off the explosives as a distraction while she worked her way along an overhead crane arm. [15], Jade arrived on the planet Svivren, where she began laying the groundwork for her new mission. Under the alias Merellis, she was a come-up flector for a Caprioril swoop gang. The Skywalkers both opposed using the weapon, as it would represent the slaughter of an entire culture and escalate the war into a further bloodbath. However, her apprenticeship was unfortunately cut short when Katarn left to search the mysterious world of Dromund Kaas. The few times when I have been at leisure, I've been miserable. [67], Due to her upbringing under Darth Sidious, and also to the training she received from the Sith Lord, Mara Jade Skywalker learned how to maintain a calm and collected composure in almost every situation. Despite a sticky and officious greeting from Commander Keten and Moff Kurlen Flennic, they managed to meet with Pellaeon's protg, Captain Arien Yage, who was more welcoming than the Moff and Keten had been. However, Anderson had felt that it seemed obvious for them to fall in love, but did not take his stories in that direction after discussing the matter with Zahn. The Force was boiling.Mara Jade, to Corran Horn, After Katarn forsook the Jedi and the Force and returned to his military career, Jade also participated in a mission from Karrde to track down Jorj Car'das, where she pretended to be involved with Lando Calrissian as a cover for the mission. Star Wars: Mara Jade & 9 Other Girlfriends Fans Forgot Luke Skywalker Had ""No relation. He came under fire after subduing some of the guards with his lightsaber and Jade tossed him her weapon. As it turned out, their entire visit had been orchestrated by the Chiss in order to lure the Vagaari into attacking them, thus allowing them to launch a full-fledged war against them. As an Emperor's Hand, Jade carried out the Emperor's bidding, killing Rebels and corrupt Imperials alike with cold professionalism, even as a young woman. She also helped Skywalker and Omas work out a new plan for the High Council, an advisory council for the Jedi comprising six Jedi and six non-Jedi. The result was the decisive Battle of Ebaq, which Jade Skywalker, Winter Celchu, and Ackbar viewed from Fleet Command back on Mon Calamari. [30], While hiding from Ysanne Isard on Phorliss, in 4 ABY, Mara posed as Baroness Paltonae, to infiltrate a casino owned by Dequc and administered by a lieutenant in Black Nebula. Despite the aid of the Solos and Karrde, they were unable to defeat the Jedi Master until Jade retrieved Leia Organa Solo's lightsaber and charged C'baoth. Needless to say, Jade Skywalker was incensed. She even allowed Horn to use her Headhunter, though Durron later stole it in his bid to seize the Sun Crusher superweapon. Hiding from his enemies on Ossus, Cade may have experienced drug-induced hallucinations after ingesting several death sticks; visions of Mara Jade and Anakin Skywalker, who then morphed into Darth Vader and warned him of the perils of falling to the dark side, though it is also possible the ghosts of the Skywalkers were quite real and had come to warn Cade. As Palpatine's assassin, she received top-notch training from experts in a variety of fields as well as training in the Force, which was continued by Luke Skywalker years later. First, she went to the auction house where the paintings had been sold, but gleaned little information. Thor Skywalker - YouTube Calling in the rest of the Hand of Judgment, they secured a tapcafe as a hideout until Jade could rescue Ferrouz's family. She appears in the now non-canon Legends series as the wife of Luke Skywalker and mother of Ben Skywalker. [42], After her adventure on Wayland, she would fly a Skipray blastboat on a mission to aid a New Republic courier. Following his unmasking, Anor taunted Jade Skywalker by telling her that he was the one responsible for infecting her with the deadly coomb spore. Jade also came to gradually realize that, that she was being used to inflict a last bit of revenge upon the dead Darth Vader. After the Vagaari re-activated, separated, and took one of the six Dreadnaughts that comprised Outbound Flight back to rendezvous with their main ship, the Skywalkers chased it down in a Delta-12 Skysprite and intercepted the ship. Jade was willing to make allowances using her official position in order to save the lives and careers of people she thought were good, though she had no qualms about using people as tools on her missions. Following her successful mission, she was contacted mentally by Palpatine after she returned to her private Lambda-class shuttle. [29], There was an Alec Pradeux among Palpatine's advisors. "[3], Compared to Princess Leia, Zahn said, "Mara has a sharper and sarcastic manner, and of course, she had to go through the painful realization her service was to an evil cause. Jade Skywalker also was disturbed by reports of gravitic waves coming from a nearby moon, possibly indicating a Yuuzhan Vong starship. [37], While looking for a remote destruct for the facility, Skywalker and Jade found the crazed Jedi Master, who hit them with Force lightning and pitted Skywalker against a clone of himself, armed with his father's lightsaber. Fighting back to back, the two joined minds to battle the droids in perfect coordination, though they had little chance of defeating the two droids. Despite their short time together, Mara trusted Kyle (who had left for the planet Dromund Kass and was subsequently corrupted by the dark side[11]) to not strike her down by deactivating her lightsaber after their fight, leaving her at his mercy. The ship was large enough that it had its own hangar bay which Jade Skywalker used to store a number of craft, including ground craft such as landspeeders, and personal starfighters like Z-95 Headhunters. The first was a magenta-bladed lightsaber she used during her time as an Emperor's Hand but lost during a duel with Lumiya shortly after the Emperor's first death. [62], After the humiliation he had suffered at the hands of Jacen Solo when Jacen had freed Leia and injured him, Tsavong Lah put out a call for the heads of all the Jedi, and many were turned over to the Yuuzhan Vong by Peace Brigade collaborators. She also continued to grow closer to Skywalker and worked alongside him on numerous occasions, including the Almanian Uprising and the Corellian Crisis. [80] Darth Caedus would later worry about the merciless approach that Luke Skywalker would take in a future confrontation now that Skywalker knew that Caedus had slain Jade Skywalker. The contest for Ithor ended when Corran Horn challenged and killed Shai in single combat, but his subordinate brutally destroyed Ithor anyway. Quee, Jacen, Skywalker, Sebatyne, Tekli, and Jade Skywalker joined their minds in a Force Meld to help Jade Skywalker trace the disturbance as she flew the Shadow towards its source, the Widowmaker following behind. Not long afterward, Quee and Jacen had a flash of insight and refined their search to include captured moons instead of just planets and found mention of the living planet. "[13], An editor has performed a search and found that, Mara Jade (right) and Luke Skywalker with their son Ben Skywalker, omit significant information about the subject, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, "Mara Jade Creator Hasn't Been Asked To Approve, "George Lucas Was Terrible At Predicting The Future Of Star Wars", "Disney and Random House announce relaunch of, "Top 50 Star Wars Expanded Universe Characters", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mara_Jade&oldid=1163640386, This page was last edited on 5 July 2023, at 21:34. Having confirmed her suspicions of his treason, she managed to sneak into his office, following a Rebel Alliance ambassador named Vestin Axlon. At Kavan, Jade Skywalker appeared as a Force ghost to Ben showing hair was involved and mouthing the words "I love you." Soon thereafter, the three viewed the hologram of Padm's final moments, which steeled Skywalker for battle and influenced him to reject Vergere's teachings. Thanks to the timely intervention of Skywalker's recently arrived friends Lando Calrissian, Han Solo, and some of Karrde's men, they defeated the stormtroopers, and Solo, Calrissian, and Skywalker left Myrkr. He continued by stating that even if the New Republic were able to defend and hold the planet Rodia, that the Corellian Run would still be cut off. Jade Skywalker loaded Skywalker onto the Falcon and took off in pursuit, with Harrar, Veila, and Hamner accompanying her on the ship and Jagged Fel flying escort. [85], Jade Skywalker's descendants would all be raised on the Skywalker family histories in which she featured prominently. The aliens had already seized control of the Chaf Envoy and were making their way around the derelict. "[60], Though Han was worried that the tears may be a veiled weapon, he nonetheless provided them to the Jedi who proceeded to perform experiments on themwhat they found initially shocked, and then gave hope to the Jedi. [55] Jade Sabre required a single pilot to operate, but the ship was designed to carry up to fifteen passengers and up to 100 metric tons of cargo. [9], Before the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, she accompanied Ambassador Leia Organa Solo and Jaina Solo on their diplomatic mission to the planet of Rhommamool, which at the time was waging a civil war with its sister planet, Osarian. Jade asked Skywalker to kill her rather than let C'baoth take over her mind, but the Jedi promised that whatever she would face in the stronghold, she wouldn't face it alone. Omas would later go on to win the election, becoming the new Chief of State. While Han, Leia, and Nom Anor went in search of Jacen and Jaina, who had themselves gone after Shimrra's familiar Onimi, Jade Skywalker and Veila brought Skywalker back down to the lower levels and out from the citadel. The officer assigned to her was Captain Strok, and together, he and Jade planned a raid on the building next to Dequc's, but Strok was unaware that the raid was a distraction planned by Jade. Discomfited, they realized they had been misled by Abeloth. [31] Lumiya, sent by Ysanne Isard, found her and tried to bring her back to Isard, but Jade refused. [2][71] Upon her death, Skywalker was devastated by the loss of his wife, and, clouded by grief, struck down Lumiya after believing her to be Jade Skywalker's killer. In the Return of the Jedi radio drama, C-3PO speaks with Arica, voiced by Samantha Bennett. [106] Jade Skywalker was also the winner of a Wizards of the Coast trading-card game "You Make The Card Contest," where users voted on which Expanded Universe character to make into a trading card for the Star Wars Miniatures game. Throughout her life Mara used three lightsabers. Jade Skywalker decided not to induce labor at that time and she also determined to not take any more tears for the final month of her pregnancy. The cube revealed the insurrection plans of the Sacorrian Triad and the Human League, headed by Han Solo's cousin Thrackan Sal-Solo, to blackmail the New Republic by destroying a number of stars using a superweapon. After the mission, they returned to Coruscant.
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