Chiefs of staff provide support and guidance to key leaders within an organisation, and play a key role in maximising business efficiency and productivity. Brooke Grossman, D-Washington, is new to the Annapolis scene. The Chief of Staff oversees the Executive Office of the President (EOP) of the United States. The CoS would work with the leadership team ahead of these meetings to ensure all necessary pre-work has been completed and the appropriate data is available to create a positive, engaged discussion. We offer insights from respected global advisors and industry leaders, along with profiles of the outstanding achievements of members and fellows. Confident $228,891 /yr Total Pay $151,442 / yr Base Pay + $77,449 / yr Additional Pay $228,891 / yr $172K $319K $133K$419K Most Likely Range Possible Range See More Insights Chief of Staff Career Path A Chief of Staff can root out operational inefficiencies (such as unnecessary manual processes) and help employees become more productive. While not a legally required role, all presidents since Harry S. Truman have appointed a chief of staff. The White House Chief of Staff is an Assistant to the President of the United States. Wes Moore's first official actions involved ethics, service and money. "Companies that structure the position as a rotational role lasting 18 to 36 months are always moving new people into the position and giving more people access to that growth opportunity," Parris writes. A recent article explains it well: As a company grows and becomes more complex, hiring a chief of staff can be a smart move. Strategy and tactics combined, they are the ultimate C-Suite Dream Team. Consulting with the human resources division on employment-related issues. When I am on my one-on-one coaching calls each week (which my EA has scheduled, often rescheduled, and then prepared any documents or notes for me), my Chief of Staff is meeting with potential talent or future business partners for our company. The Lower Shores Sen. Carozza, who served as Republican Gov. Chief of Staff Job Descriptions, Salary, and Interview Questions Her organization provides support to executives in the nonprofit and private sectors, including helping leaders set and align their work with their priorities. And while the person with the title wields a lot of power, they also endure a lot of stress. They act as a legal advisor, sounding board, and guardian to the CEO, and have a deep understanding of daily operations. Still, there are a few common responsibilities of a chief of staff -. Executive teams have plenty on their plates. In 1953, President Eisenhower became the first US president to appoint a political chief staff , and the role has continued in the US ever since. What Is a Chief of Staff and When Do You Need One? Strong interpersonal skills and qualifications are also highly sought after. My goal is to see around corners so that our president and CEO can always say, 'Yes, I was just talking about that yesterday. These include sharing the organizational vision, long-term strategic planning, mentoring their leadership team, and engaging with employees at every level to build morale and alignment. What Skills Are Needed to Become a Successful Chief of Staff? While the exact Chief of Staff job description can vary from one company to the next, some of the most common qualifications and requirements include: Some of the most important qualities human resources teams and executive leaders may look for in a COS candidate include: This can vary from one company to the next. What the White House Chief of Staff Does - Business Insider A Chief of Staff typically has the following responsibilities: Collaborating with executive team members to determine and prioritize business strategies Managing the Chief Executive's schedule, scheduling meetings and planning travel Providing department leaders with recommendations and consultation to improve teamwork Two areas where nonprofit chiefs of staff can play a unique role include board management, and engaging funders and other key stakeholders. So what exactly does a Chief of Staff do? Rather than an identical match of personality traits and technical competencies, they should have complementary attributes that enhance each other's productivity and establish a close rapport. The average salary for a chief of staff in the UK is exceptionally high, at around 72,500 a year, with plenty of potential for large bonuses and other benefits. A COS regularly meets and collaborates with various executives and department heads to unify the organization and move forward the mission. 2023 The Bridgespan Group. While the COS is managing the company, the EA is managing the Executive. Chief of Staff: The Strategic Partner Who Will Revolutionize Your Organization 33 Unique Interview Questions To Shake Up Your Hiring. The tasks performed at levels one and two are not new; what is new is that people who perform them are increasingly receiving the title of chief of staff. She said she's in the process of setting up a formal meeting with Harris to discuss a couple of issues in her district. They manage the needs of the CEO, Executive office, and company, such as overseeing employee satisfaction, recruiting, brand and reputation management, training, communication flow, and maximizing the CEO's reach. Add value to your portfolio with Hunt Club. The Role of a Chief of Staff in the Army: An Expert's Perspective What are the advantages of using technology in operations management? All rights reserved. How to Write a Chief of Staff Job Description What Does a Chief of Staff Do? - Hunt Club The connection between his present role and his past one registers with Harris too. They're in charge of hiring decisions of candidates that report directly to the CEO. All of those aspects describe the states new governor, Wes Moore. Soft skills are just as important as experience and qualifications when taking on a role with such high levels of responsibility. While they are expected to report to the CEO, they are also granted more autonomy than executive assistants in terms of making decisions, delegating, and putting plans into action. A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a professional responsible for providing financial advice, guidance, and assistance to individuals, businesses, and organizations. Working closely with the CFO and with the assistance of the finance team, Chiefs of Staff can also manage income and expense reports. Chief of Staff Job Description [Updated for 2023] - Indeed As Tyler Parris notes in his book, Chief of Staff: The Strategic Partner Who Will Revolutionize Your Organization: "To help [a leader] make and execute great decisions, the chief of staff serves as analyst and decision-framer on one hand and project manager, change agent, and coach on the other. The COS is expected to stay up-to-date on all workforce matters that include employee progress, hiring plans, and new initiatives. I'm so grateful for this capacity to help steward the organization.". Locating and investigating the potential for company expansion. This can mean helping with decision-making, being a sounding board, acting as a trusted advisor, and sometimes shooting the breeze just to take a break. Here are the three main functions that a CoS should perform for you and your team to help fuel the triad of people, plan, and team. A Chief of Staff also compiles reports on all aspects of a business, interprets them, and provides accurate and up-to-date reports at board meetings. The exact roles and responsibilities of a Chief of Staff might not be the same between two different companies. What Does a Chief of Staff Do? Quite the opposite. Their role is to build customer relationships and meet their, An executive housekeeper is a highly specialized role that requires a unique set of skills. For example, visionary leaders will need chiefs of staff with strategic focus and operational efficiency to ensure they make the most of a limited and valuable resource: their time. What Is the Role of the White House Chief of Staff? - dummies The first component is supporting the CEO. What Does a Chief of Staff Do and Is It an Executive Level Position? Following the Freddie Gray uprising, Baltimore Corps had this novel idea that you can support people at the time from West Baltimore who have ideas about how to move forward, said Brittany Young, a native Baltimorean who received the Corps inaugural award and a $10,000 planning grant to start her own non-profit in the city. As a chief of staff, it is your responsibility to take as much as you can off of your manager's plate so he or she can focus their energy where they add unique value - that is, on the things that only he or she can do. That same organizational skill that he used in his former position, said Sen. Mary Beth Carozza, R-Lower Shore, a former chief of staff for two members of the U.S. Congress, he can now basically transfer to his position as a chief of staff.. A Comprehensive Guide, How to Keep Your Staff Motivated and Engaged. These can include bonuses, pension schemes and holiday allowance, amongst other things. What I do know is that I am able to focus on my 20% (sharing the vision and mission, leading the team, and making important decisions) because I have my COS and EA behind me. This information helps executive teams make better-informed decisions that can affect the overall growth and success of the company. Senior management prepares candidates for the role of chief of staff by developing their communication, organisation and leadership skills, as well as counselling them on how to build relationships with both internal personnel and external stakeholders. More:Moore calls for gap service year after high school. "Individuals come out of the role ready to fill leadership positions that they previously couldn't have," he continues, "because they learn so much about the business, enjoy numerous and deep relationships with people in powerful positions, and earn what some call a 'mini-MBA' through on-the-job training. An Expert's Guide. A Chief of Staff (COS) plays a critical role in a companys leadership and executive team. Leaders often feel like their time is both too limited and too easily wasted. Harris said the governor will make a final decision on the secretary of service this week. Finding the right candidate can be quite challenging with this job description. Minimum of a bachelor's degree, ideally in a business-related field, such as Business Administration. What Skills Do You Need to Become a Chief of Staff? Each day, the CEO must spend many hours juggling competing demands, such as supervising staff, attending meetings, and communicating with clients, partners, and investors, among other responsibilities. What Does a Chief of Staff Do? Job Description and Duties Got invited for an interview to work as an analyst for their "Chief of Staff (Private Banking)" team, but the description is extremely vague and google isn't helping. These meetings should be used to track all goals, KPIs, and the progress of key initiatives, as well as any agreed-upon shifts in strategy or direction. The Chief of Staff A quarterly professional journal. What Does a Chief of Staff Do for a CEO? They create order out of chaos by identifying systems and processes in need of adjustment. Chiefs of staff and CEOs should also map out objectives for the first 90 days of the role and determine how to divide priorities and allocate time on a daily and weekly basis. The title chief of staff (or head of staff) identifies the leader of a complex organization such as the armed forces, institution, or body of persons and it also may identify a principal staff officer (PSO), who is the coordinator of the supporting staff or a primary aide-de-camp to an important individual, such as a president, or a senior milit. Upholding productivity on work-related tasks. 2023 All Rights Reserved. This is done in partnership with HR teams and hiring managers and may include anything from screening higher-level candidates before an interview to outlining the hiring process and even drafting job descriptions. But they also mirror components of the man organizing his administration as chief of staff. Six Key Functions of an Effective Chief of Staff, Hiring a chief of staff: The new department runs more than $4 million more than the previous governor spent on an office overseeing volunteerism. What started in 2013 as an insight to connect mission-driven professionals with positions that would scale their social justice impact in the city through training and professional development, received a new impetus after a young Black man was killed while in police custody in 2015. Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 3 min read If you enjoy managing projects, problem-solving, advising your boss, and overseeing multiple departments, the chief of staff job might be right for you. The chief of staff hires and manages employees in the office of the CEO. Like Harris, Hagerstown Del. Schedules were adjusted. What to know, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Leaders in their own right, chiefs of staff serve as complementary partners to the leaders they work with, which include chief executive officers (CEOs), presidents, and vice presidents. While slinging the Gazette newspaper might show his Maryland bona fides, his most recent position as president and CEO of Baltimore Corps, a social enterprise organization that he founded in 2013, shows what he might be able to do for the state from Annapolis. In addition to being the gatekeeper of the CEO's schedule, the CoS will also do the upfront legwork to ensure the CEO is prepped ahead of each engagement. This role offers a unique experience with the chief of staff not only able to interact and work with important figures but ultimately playing a part in shaping the companys future. ", Their organizations need more efficient systems and processes. They are also commonly known as Chief Executive Assistants because they plan, coordinate, and implement key strategies on the behalf of executive leaders in the organization. The job of a chief of staff often includes taking notes during meetings and attending events on behalf of the executives. Ability to get things done: Great chiefs of staff are results-driven and meet adversity with tenacity. Lead annual strategic planning process for the company by acting as a project manager and ensuring alignment with the CEO and leadership team. Ive had a Chief of Staff (COS) for several years and the most common question I get is what does she do? Were very much in startup phase of this government, said the chief of staff, during a March 22 phone interview, a few months into the job, and so that is very familiar to me from my Baltimore Corps days.. Work with leaders to set strategic priorities: Chiefs of staff help identify areas where leaders should direct their focus as well as metrics for success. Hail To The Chief! Learn What a Chief of Staff Does in 2023 - SnackNation Below, well dive further into what a Chief of Staff position entails so you can leverage these insights to scale your business strategically. The roles include executive assistants, speechwriters, project . ", Alison Washabaugh, Chief of Staff, Year Up. Some of the industries that employ chiefs of staff include: Chief of staff roles are usually accessible to senior managers and executives with several years of experience working in the industry. Specifically, a COS will carry out strategies and goals set forth by the CEO in day-to-day operations, reporting back to the CEO regularly. We are looking for an exceptionally skilled Chief of Staff to support our CEO at a critical time in the companys expansion. It is important for the executive director to think aloud with their chief of staff so that they can learn about the executive director's thought processes. Depending on the structure, size, and complexity of your organization, it might be the same person. To accomplish the organizations goals, chiefs of staff communicate with various divisions and foster ties between the CEO and stakeholders. A refreshed look at leadership from the desk of CEO and chief content officer Stephanie Mehta, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Who is the US Chief of Staff? Depending on the complexity, geographical reach, and culture of the organization, the team should be able to fully implement a CEO management system and new set of staff behaviors within four to eight months. How much does a Chief of Staff make? Their tasks are numerous but generally include meeting with the board to develop policies and strategies, setting company budgets and acting as the public face of the company. This article looks at the role in-depth, highlighting potential responsibilities of a chief of staff, the benefits or having one, and several attributes of chiefs of staff that lead to success.