According to Dom Martene (d. 1739) the practice still existed in the East in his own time (op. The chalice is not to be taken out of the area immediately by the sanctuary to those in the pews. Holy Communion Under Both Kinds. This also seems to imply the usage in some cases of Communion under one kind; and, as a further instance of divergence in this direction from Communion strictly sub utraque, may be mentioned the practice, introduced about this time, of substituting for consecrated wine, in the Communion of the faithful, ordinary wine, into which a few drops of the consecrated wine had been poured. The witnesses to the same effect for the sub-Apostolic and subsequent ages are too numerous, and the fact itself too clearly beyond dispute, to require that the evidence should be cited here. All this entailscontra Jakoubekthat it is not necessary to receive communion in both kinds, because in receiving in one kind, we receive both Christs body and blood, which fulfils John 6.53. The health crisis of COVID-19 gave rise to legitimate concerns about distributing under both species during the pandemic. The diocesan Bishop may establish norms for Communion under both kinds for his own diocese, which are also to be observed in churches of religious and at celebrations with small groups. Communion under both kinds This clearer form of the sacramental sign oers a particular opportunity of deepening the understanding of the mystery in which the faithful take part. In all matters they should follow the guidance of the diocesan bishop ( Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion Under Both Kinds for the Dioceses of the United States of America, NDRHC, no. Communion under Both Kinds - The Catholic Encyclopedia - He is often assisted in this task by liturgical experts on a Liturgical Commission or in an Office for Worship.15. It is highly recommended that at least in the cities and the larger towns, the diocesan Bishop should designate a church building for perpetual adoration (SR, no. In the present article we shall treat the subject under the following heads: I. Catholic Doctrine and Modern Discipline; II. No. x, 52 sq.). On receiving communion in one kind - St Mary Magdalen School of Theology How does this affect the role of the laity at Mass? xiii) as the ancient and canonical rule, was usual under one kind. (3 answers) Closed last year. In the East also, in some churches at least, children, especially suckling infants, communicated under the species of wine alone (see Dom Martene, De Antiq. Alexander of Hales distinguishes the cases saying that the bread is transformed into the body of Christ, whereas the blood is present by association, the soul by conjugation, and the divinity by union (Quaesitones Disputatae antequam esset Frater, ca. XXI, c. i). Communion in one kind requires 'clear and objective reasons' now, says The danger of spilling the Precious Blood and of other forms of irreverence; the inconvenience and delay in administering the chalice to large numbers; the difficulty of reservation for Communion outside of Mass; the not unreasonable objection, on hygienic and other grounds, to promiscuous drinking from the same chalice, which of itself alone would act as a strong deterrent to frequent Communion in the case of a great many otherwise well-disposed people; these and similar weighty and just reasons against the Utraquist practice are more than sufficient to justify the Church in forbidding it. The only surviving example of this privilege is in the case of the deacon and subdeacon officiating in the solemn Mass of the pope. The instruction expands on this by noting that the one who acts thus by giving free reign to his own inclinations, even if he is a Priest, injures the substantial unity of the Roman Rite, which is to be vigorously preserved, and becomes responsible for actions that are in no way consistent with the hunger and thirst for the living God that is experienced by people today. (RS, no.11)5. Communion under one kind is the reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist under the species or appearance of bread alone, or of wine alone, Communion under two or both kinds, the distinct reception under the two or both species, sub utraque specie, at the same time. The communion under both kinds. The Cross Reference: On Communion under both kinds - Blogger The communion under both kinds. : r/OrthodoxChristianity - Reddit Cited in isolation . This is taught implicitly by the Council of Trent (Sess. It will appear, further, from the following historical survey, that the Church has never recognized the existence of such a precept. tells us, and continued to be a feature of anchoretic life as late as the ninth century (see Theodore Studita (d. 826), Ep. The third canon attributed to the Council of Saragossa (380) and the fourteenth canon of the Council of Toledo (400), excommunicating those who do not consume in the church the Eucharist received from the priest (Hefele, Conciliengesch., I, 744; II, 79), were directed against the Priscillianists (who refused to consume any portion of the Eucharistic bread in the church), and do not seem to have been intended to prohibit the practice of reserving a portion for private Communion at home. With all due respect to those at Constance, this is quite hysterical. In the present article we shall treat the subject under the following heads: II. ccxvii, 5, P. L., XXXIII, 984 sq. Who can read the Gospel and deliver a homily at Mass? It had already been adopted by the anchorites, as St. 4, n. 69), and a host of later writers. The Council of Basle granted (1433) the use of the chalice to the Calixtines of Bohemia under certain conditions, the chief of which was the acknowledgment of Christs integral presence under either kind. Patapios, H. (2002). Eccl. Mutatis mutandis the species of wine. The third edition of the Missale Romanum was published by the authority of Pope John Paul II in 2002 and is now being implemented by Bishops throughout the world.3. [1] Good questions both. Also, it is not necessary to offer the Precious Blood, though it is recommended. XXI, c. iii). Created in January 1984, the Diocese of Colorado Springs serves a territory that spans 10 central and eastern counties of Colorado. Communion under both kinds - Wikiwand Communion under both kinds in Christianity is the reception under both "species" of the Eucharist. Eucharistia (Paris, 1897), I; HEUSER in Kirchenlex., III, 723 sqq. The Remnant Newspaper - Communion Under Both Kinds? The Church teaches that "by reason of sign value, sharing in both Eucharistic species reflects more fully the sacred realities that the Liturgy . (1) Under this head the following points are to be noted: (a) In reference to the Eucharist as a sacrifice, the Communion, under both kinds, of the celebrating priest belongs at least to the integrity, and, according to some theologians, to the essence, of the sacrificial rite, and may not, therefore, be omitted without violating the sacrificial precept of Christ: Do this for a commemoration of me (Luke, xxii, 19). According to the Ordo Romanus Primus, which in its present form dates from the ninth century, this usage was followed at the pontifical Mass in Rome (see Mabillon, P. L., LXXVIII, 875, 882, 903). This sacrilega simulatio on the part of the heretics would have been impossible, unless it was customary at the time for at least some of the faithful to receive under one kind alone. This practice eventually fell out of use for numerous reasons by the 12th century (Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion Under Both Kinds, 17-18). On this account, receiving communion in both kindsand drink his bloodis necessary for salvation. cit., p. 341 sq.). The Holy See extended this permission in 1984 to Sunday Masses in the U.S., when it approved the bishops directory, This Holy and Living Sacrifice: Directory for the Celebration and Reception of Communion under Both Kinds. ii, a. For the sake of caution and respect for life, I am requesting that we do not offer communion under both species until further notice. When more than one chalice is needed for the distribution of Holy Communion under both kinds, several smaller chalices may be placed on the altar at the preparation of the gifts. In the 2004 instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum states, So that the fullness of the sign may be made more clearly evident to the faithful in the course of the Eucharistic banquet, lay members of Christs faithful, too, are admitted to Communion under both kinds. An instruction is a document of a Roman Congregation which provides guidance on how to properly implement the Churchs law. cit.) Perhaps your pastor is expressing concern for the reverence with which Communion should be received or for preserving the understanding that Christ is fully present under both forms. As health concerns have abated and after having received a number of inquiries and requests, now is an opportune time to allow pastors to reimplement this practice in their parishes. During the time between the Solemnity of All Saints, Nov. 1, and the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 27, all pastors in the Diocese of Colorado Springs may choose to re-introduce the distribution of communion under both kinds. We will reply to you as quickly as we can. The Council's decision to restore Holy Communion under both kinds at the bishop's discretion took expression in the first edition of the Missale Romanum and enjoys an even more generous application in the third typical edition of the Missale Romanum: Holy Communion has a more complete form as a sign when it is received under both kinds. The instruction notes that lay persons rightly and laudably (RS 43) serve in a variety of ministries at Mass, such as acolyte, lector, sacristan, cantor, etc Like all ministries, lay ministries should be the subject of careful preparation and catechesis.17. Therefore, it is wise to be cautious. In the Eucharist grace is symbolized as a spiritual refection or aliment, after the analogy of corporal nourishment; and this signification is admittedly expressed with greater clearness in the distinct reception of both species than in Communion under one kind. It was condemned once more by the Council of Clermont (1095) under the presidency of Urban II, but with the limitation nisi per necessitatem et per cautelam (Mansi, XX, 818). Tertullian refers to this private domestic Communion as a commonplace in Christian life, and makes it the basis of an argument, addressed to his wife, against second marriage with an infidel in case of his own death: Non sciet maritus quid secreto ante omnem cibum gustes, et si sciverit esse panem, non ilium credet esse qui dicitur? (Ad Uxor., c. v, P. L., I, 1296). 12, also De Comm. However, it is really the restoration of the practice of the church during the first 11 centuries when, in both the East and West, the Eucharist was ordinarily received under both species. The chalice may never be picked up by the [EMHC or] communicant for self-communication (except in the case of concelebrating bishops or priests), nor may the chalice be passed from one communicant to another. The Bishops of the United States have decided that the norm for receiving Holy Communion is standing, but that those who kneel to receive Holy Communion should not be denied the Sacrament.13. ; DALGAIRNS, The Holy Communion (Dublin. The instruction prohibits the use of flagons or other such vessels from which the precious Blood is poured. Verses 23-26 and 29 clearly specify receiving both species. Fraternally in Christ,Most Reverend Gregory M. AymondBishop of Austin. In the United States, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops gave permission to distribute the Eucharist under both kinds during weekday Masses in 1970, and this was extended to Sundays in 1978. Holy Communion Under One or Both Species? | The Fatima Center The pouring of the Precious Blood down the sacrarium or onto the ground is prohibited in the strongest of terms, while the instruction notes that whatever remains of the Precious Blood after Holy Communion is consumed by the priest or other ministers, and the extra consecrated hosts are to be reserved in the tabernacle.26. (Incidentally, Hus does not make the John 6.53 argument. What procedure is to be followed when more than one chalice is needed for the distribution of Holy Communion under both kinds? The assertion seems mostly to have been a reaction against those Bohemian reformers who argued for lay communion under both kinds, a view called utraquism (from the Latin for both kinds). take and drink." The distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful under both kinds was thus the norm for more than a . However, he is wrong. 4. Is it acceptable to genuflect before receiving Communion? Does the instruction change the Offertory Procession? e. Whenever Mass is celebrated outside of a church building (gymnasium, nursing home, campground, etc.). Does Pope Francis recommend giving communion under both kinds to the laity? 223)14. Who in a diocese decides what is appropriate liturgical practice? Westminster: Communion under both kinds to be permitted again. Arguing on the lines indicated, these theologians hold that per se Communion under both kinds confers more grace than Communion under one kind, and admit that the modern discipline of the Church withdraws this opportunity of more abundant grace from the faithful. That those detected in this simulatio are ordered by St. Leo to be excluded altogether from Communion, implies no reprobation on the merits of Communion under one kind; and the same is true of the decree attributed by Gratian to Pope Gelasius, aut integra sacramenta percipiant, aut ab integris arceantur (De Consec., D. II, c. xii, P. L., CLXXXVII, 1736). Nothing is lost, the Church insists, in receiving communion in one kind only. Westminster: Communion under both kinds to be permitted again No. When recourse is had to Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, especially in the distribution of Holy Communion under both kinds . cit., I, ix). I have been in conversation with members of the State of Texas Health Department. This obligation the Church has rigorously observed. There shall always be a minister of the chalice, whether an ordinary or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion (Norms, 44). No. It is to be observed that neither council introduced any new legislation on the subject; both were content with declaring that the existing custom had already acquired the force of law. What does it say about altar girls? Are there specific concerns that are being addressed? Resumption of Communion Under Both Kinds The document addresses a wide range of abuses, or violations of liturgical law in regard to the celebration of Mass and the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. cxxv, 20, P. L., XXII, 1085) speaks of St. Exuperius of Toulouse, qui corpus Domini canistro vimineo, sanguinem portat in vitro , but this example of a private devotional practice, which is also exceptional in its way, throws no light on the usage of Communion for the sick. Without attempting to sketch the history of the discussion, we will state here very briefly the ultimate form which the question has assumed and the opposing answers that have been given. It is abundantly clear from this brief survey of disciplinary variations during the first twelve centuries that the Church never regarded Communion under both kinds as a matter of Divine precept. sous une espece; BENEDICT XIV, De Sacrosancto Missce Sacritcio, II, c. xxii, n. 18, sq. XII inter opuscula; BELLARMINE, De Sacram. Preparation of Chalices for Holy Communion Under Both Kinds [The case of the divinity of Christ is slightly different, and no counterfactual is offered here. calumnies; 33, P. L., CXLIII, 957 sq.). There can be question here only of the species of bread, and the same is true of the two stories told by St. Cyprian: the one of a man who, before Communion, had attended an idolatrous function, and on retiring from the altar and opening his hand, in which he had taken and carried the Sacred Species, found nothing in it but ashes; the other of a woman who cum arcam suam, in qua Domini sanctum fuit, manibus indignis tentasset aperire, igne inde surgente deterrita est (De Lapsis, 26, P. L., IV, 486). It is to be noted, finally, that the sick who could not consume the Host were allowed to receive under the species of wine alone (Council of Toledo, 675, can. by Matthew Plese June 2, 2020 44 shares 8 minute read No comments 44 Shares 44 What Is Holy Communion?