And Jesus gives them the Lord's Prayer. Does God answer prayers? God, by his Holy Spirit, moved in the heart of Jesus his Son, so that Jesus would pray this prayer; and then God answered it, because God the Father and Jesus the Son walk in perfect fellowship. What's the difference between Christ's kingdom and paradise? When you register, youll get unlimited access to our website and a free subscription to our email newsletter for daily updates with a smart, Catholic take on faith and culture from, Pope Francis embraces Lidia Maksymowicz, who was sent to the Birkenau concentration camp when she was 3, during his general audience in the San Damaso Courtyard of the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican May 26, 2021. And prayer was the vehicle by which Jesus aligned himself with the Father. What happens in the future, then,does depend on what we do and pray in the present. Brittany Rusthas a passion to see people impacted by the power of Gods Word and His abundant grace through writing and speaking. After all, if its going to happen anyway, what possible difference can your prayers or mine make? 7:11). Find out about Bible & Theology events at TGC23. To receive these remarks and more in your inbox every week, sign up for Americas daily newsletter. For those God foreknew he . He knows. He humbled and removed Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar, the mightiest ruler of his era. Our prayers dont mean that we cleverly get outside the sovereignty of God and pull some levers from a region beyond Gods control, and then God has to respond. It is true God has determined all outcomes, but God has also determined the means by which those outcomes will take place. If miracles. See something we missed? Why Do We Pray if God Ultimately Decides the Outcome? Second, as Christians, praying is an expression of life. Why could he not just do what he wants anyway, and leave us out of it? Furthermore, when we run into any obstacle, may we always turn to God first rather than a friend or spouse. She is the founder of Truth and Grace Ministries, Truth x Grace Women, and is the author of five books. Reflection for Saturday of the Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time, by J.D. How to Pray When it Feels Like God Isn't Listening - Crosswalk We welcome any information that will help us improve the factual accuracy of this piece. In the drop-off line at school, on our way to work, while were doing the dishes, and when we have a moment to breathe, may our thoughts turn towards God. Jesus endured for the "joy set before him" (Heb. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. What is the difference between the brain and the soul? It isn't that we didn't pray enough with the right words and behaviors so God will answer. 12:9). We can think about the plagues in Egypt and how many of them either came or were lifted in response to the prayers of Moses. If God is in Control, Why Should We Pray? Article Images Copyright , Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care. Prayer and Free Will - STR Answer (1 of 60): You're right, God doesn't interfere. If God is not sovereign were praying to a God who is not able to do something about our situation. Prayer is more about changing us than changing God. Think of Yemen, think of Syria, countries that have been at war for years, for years, ravaged by wars, and we pray, but they do not come to an end. First, God does not always respond to our desires, and he frequently allows circumstances we wish he would not. But having real faith. Yes, they can. It may not be a "no," or God not accepting our prayers. Dr. Help TGC bring biblical wisdom to the confusing issues across the world by making a gift to our international work. "Answering a prayer doesn't follow a general rule like the laws of . For example, 2 Corinthians 1:20 tells us, "For all the promises of God in him are Yes, and in him Amen, to the glory of God through us" (NKJV). The theology of the Cross draws our attention to the sheer unreliability of experience as a guide to the presence and activity of God. In the farming community of Dirt Town Valley, family friends grapple with a difficult truth: One ancestor was enslaved by another. 4:21), and function as a sign to confirm his message (Matt. Also do I have to pray for my life to get better for him to help it get better? God also cannot contradict himself. Please visit ourmembership pageto learn how you can invest in our work by subscribing to the magazine or making a donation. Reddit, Inc. 2023. So, when I heard that the battle is won in prayer, I battled hard. In His perfect timing and place, God answers our prayers for His glory! Jesus, before the faith of His poor, of His people, is won over; He feels special tenderness before that faith. 10 Steps to Healing from Spiritual Trauma, 10 Things You Should Consider before You Drink Alcohol, 10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Wife, How God Fills in the Gaps for Homeschool Moms, 7 Surprising Habits for Joyful Spiritual Growth, Mimi's Place: Learning the Rules of Being a Grandmother, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, And on the last day, He solves everything. So in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6, Jesus' disciples go to their master and they say, "Lord, teach us to pray." Hang on to the truth that He will meet you. We have recently relaunched the commenting experience at Americaand are aimingfor a more focused commenting experience with better moderation by opening comments on a select number of articles each day. Its amazing how many of the major events of the bible occur in response to prayer. We can't do it without youAmerica Media relies on generous support from our readers. Cookie Notice Evil is never the lord of the last day, no: the penultimate, the moment when the night is darkest, just before the dawn. As an emperor over many conquered peoples, Nebuchadnezzar "executed whom-ever he wished" (Daniel 5:18-19). Francisco Moreno/Unsplash. And then he does what he wants to do, and has chosen to do; butmost wonderfullyhe has chosen to do itonly when we pray for it. He is our Shepherd: guiding us, providing for us and protecting us . It may be there that he does his greatest workalbeit unseen to us. 15 and Num. . Yes. Doesnt that make prayer a waste of time? Similarly, if God has determined that Sally will decide to follow Christ in 2017,then he has also determined the births of the people who will share the gospel with her and the prayers offered on her behalf. While the world looks for proof in signs and wonders, we should never forget that "the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. some people pray to God but tragedies happen to them, so it seems strange that he doesn't do anything, Scan this QR code to download the app now. But for a time, Jairus had to walk in the dark, with only the flame of faith. Since then, Ive learned so much about prayer. I'm encouraged through that story that while Hannah just wanted a baby, God wanted to give her a legacy. And if we know that he hears uswhatever we askwe know that we have what we asked of him" (1 John 5:14-15). God's love is at the root of all hope and, when we truly love someone, we will do anything for them. Does God need our help, love, and praise? And one way that people talk about this question is to ask, Does prayer change God's mind? May my faith grow! God is active and present in his world, quite independently of whether we experience him as being so. One of the most common: if God ultimately decides the outcome, why should I pray? It puts us on guard against the risk of not living an authentic experience of faith, but of transforming the relationship with God into something magical. Your god is evil because He's supposed to be able to feed all the starving children in the world, and He doesn't. Even if He did exist, I wouldn't want to believe in Him because he is pure evil." [/x_blockquote] The question of why God doesn't feed starving kids around the world is a valid one. Won't heaven's joy be spoiled by our awareness of unsaved loved ones in hell? He holds a PhD in philosophy from Florida State University and graduate degrees in theology and anthropology. So when he says in his Word that he causes all things to work together for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28), he will do just that. He will take care of what you put into his hands. Obviously he is suggesting that because Job has gone through this time of torment, with these awful boils breaking out upon him, it is evident that his evil too is coming into the open. He and his wife Jennifer have three children. It could just mean something great is . Because that belongs to God alone, and it is the day when all human longings for salvation will be fulfilled. It is the ability for us humans to make our own choices. Is it unscriptural for a Christian to be cremated? It is a prayer of questions only, as we know, but the first ones we utter are all on Gods side. Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! The reason being, God has already determined His plans and because He doesnt change, nor do His plans. But that couldnt be further from the truth! An underlying theme of the entire novel is based on the violence and randomness of nature, the fairness of this randomness (reduced to a coin toss), and the inescapability of it no matter what we believe or what acts we have committed in life. Sometimes, God opens the floodgates and we are shocked at His overflow of blessing. But God did not grant our request! Sam Storms puts it well:We must never presume God will grant us apart from prayer what he has ordained to grant us only by means of prayer.. 2735). So, we pray because God is changing us, hes changing things, and hes changing the course of events. All rights reserved. Why am I being asked to create an account? It seemed like Jesus was ignoring her! The reason being, God has already determined His plans and because He doesn't change, nor do His plans. I have won! The evil one is the lord of the penultimate day: on the last is the Resurrection. The more you trust him, the less you will doubt, worry, fear, or give up. When you feel like the Lord isnt hearing your prayers, take heart and emulate this womans example by: Like the Canaanite woman who kept lifting her request, we also need to keep praying! Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. And Other Questions About God's Goodness, Power and the Way He Works in the Worldby Christopher Ash. And the Apostle Paul reminds us that we do not even know what it is appropriate to ask for (cf. Mindy Answer Dear Mindy, I'm so sorry to hear of your family's difficulties. The life context of the question is all too familiar. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As C. S. Lewis explains: The event [in question] has already been decidedin a sense it was decided before all worlds.But one of the things taken into account in deciding it, and therefore one of the things that really cause it to happen, may be this very prayer that we are now offering. The answer is that it's not going to happen "anyway"; it is going to happen in one particular way. Think of the Canaanite woman who begs Jesus for her daughter. What role does baptism play in faith and salvation? God or grift? God has chosen to do what he wills to do in answer to the prayers of Christs people, when we ask for what he wants. Why a Loving God Allows Suffering | United Church of God Pope Francis announced today that he will hold a consistory on Sept. 30 to create 21 new cardinals, 18 of them electors with the right to vote in the next conclave. As with the Cross, our darkest hour may be God's finest moment. God has chosen to work in answer to his peoples prayers. Peter understood this as it applied to suffering: "So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good" (1 Pet. We have all been touched by situations where God did not heal despite the faithful prayers of his people. We see that at times Jesus response is immediate, whereas in some other cases it is delayed: It seems that God does not answer. Share your feedback here. When you are in the long haul of waiting and you aren't getting a yes, will you trust that what you might think is a no might really be his wait? Our prayers do not change Gods will or challenge his control; but they draw us into loving fellowship with him in his wonderful government of the world. and our We, too, need humble ourselves before the Lord. Some things have happened only because theywere prayed for; they would not have happened if they were not prayed for. It seems to be the end, but instead Jesus says to the father: Do not fear, only believe (Mk 5:36). If you have a message for the author, we will do our best to pass it along. J.C. Ryle used to say that we know that physical life is there because we are breathing. 1:18). Isn't this why Habakkuk cried, "O Lord, I have heard the report of you, and your work, O Lord, do I fear. So prayer becomes a platform for communion with the triune God. We ask readers to log in so that we can recognize you as a registered user and give you unrestricted access to our website. He plans the destinationand the entire journey to get there. If All Religions Are True, Then God Is Cruel. Hold him to his word and you have hope to hold onto, as well. There are at least three or four key answers to this question. prayer - Is praying futile given that God respects our Free Will and is Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, Administrative Assistant for Edmundite Campus Ministry, COME FORTH: The Promise of Jesuss Greatest Miracle, Pope Francis will create 21 new cardinals on Sept. 30, including U.S. nuncio, You cant go wrong if you lead with mercy. Can We Expect God to Forgive Unbelievers Who 'Don't Know What They're Doing'? More ordinarily, God works in and through the prayers and the actions of his people. One of the most common questions that people have in church is, If God is sovereign, why should we pray? The idea seems to be that if God is sovereign, knows everything, is all powerful, and is all wise then surely, he doesnt need our prayers. Then when He finally did give her attention, He appeared to be less than immediately sympathetic. brothegaminghero 2 yr. ago But in theory could they not affect the cheese to awnser your prayer ShackintheWood 2 yr. ago 1.When waiting on God, I need to bring the hard questions to God rather than letting the hard questions drive me from God. Yet God repeatedly chooses to veil the ways in which he exercises those rights. He is our refuge and our strength, and a help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). We express our dependence upon God. Q: Why doesn't God intervene, answer our prayers, work a miracle? It's also common for people to pray for intervention even if they don't believe that their prayers can meaningfully influence God's decisions, since for a lot of people prayer is just a kind of release, a comforting expression of anxieties and a way to commune with the divine for its own sake. 3:2). 10 Steps to Healing from Spiritual Trauma, 10 Things You Should Consider before You Drink Alcohol, 10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Wife, How God Fills in the Gaps for Homeschool Moms, 7 Surprising Habits for Joyful Spiritual Growth, Mimi's Place: Learning the Rules of Being a Grandmother, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Are some people lost "just a little bit" in the same way that others are saved "only as through fire"? Why doesn't God help kids who are being abused? - Ask Gramps He hears your prayers, he sees your tears, and he can be trusted with your heart. I won't go into details but I feel I am losing faith in God, if I want God to intervene do I need to pray for it? And the answer is, no. God will intervene however, when His children ask Him to. Why doesn't God Intervene? | Job 20 - 26 | How is it that not all prayers for the salvation of others are answered? Mk 5: 21-33). If you look at the scriptures you see over and over again that its God using prayer as his vehicle and as his means to bring his purposes, which are perfect. : Christianity 7 Posted by 10 years ago Help me understand why God doesn't intervene? I am terrified to think that God doesn't intervene in our lives So prayer is a command that we're to obey. To say we dont need to pray because God has determined all outcomes is as ridiculous as saying we dont need to take medicine, work for a living, or look for a spouse because God has determined all outcomes. There are events that will not happen, souls that will not be saved, and relationships that will not be restored unless wepray for them. That our first inclination should be to talk to Him. But instead he gave us the gift of prayer, and encouraged us to use it. No, it tells usthat if we ask anything according to [Gods] will, he hears us(1 John 5 v 14). On the Internet you can find thousands of testimonials to the many ways that God works in our lives today. why do you pray to God if he doesn't intervene : r/religion - Reddit But Holy Saturday is not the final chapter, because on the third day, Sunday, is the Resurrection. My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. It seems that the Father does not listen to Him. So some people then will wonder, Well, then what's the point of prayer? Prayer has great power, but its completely possible youre missing its value in your life. We pray because God commands us to pray ( Philippians 4:6-7 ). In the book god says that bad things happen because he gave us freewill and that he tries to spin bad things to make good out of them but that there is no greater purpose for the bad things that happen. 115:3). From my own desert experiences, I know human words cant fix the places in our heart that ache for understanding or connection with the Lord. 50:1 Ps. First he chose to work in answer to Jesus prayers. God is a refuge for our sorrows, prayers, and requests that we can't take anywhere else. 12:2), and God's grace allows us to do the same. In addition, to change His mind would mean that God's original. We can see SOME of the reasons God doesn't always intervene. Thats what he desires from you and mea life all for Him. And Other Questions About God's Goodness, Power and the Way He Works in the World, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. But where is the love? Very often, the penultimate is very hard, because human sufferings are hard. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. (Romans 8:28-32). Experience declared that God was absent from Calvary, only to have its verdict humiliatingly overturned on the third day.". I guess he could. Sometimes all the external circumstances make it seem as though God isnt paying attention to our plight or that He doesnt really even care all that much. Why a Post-Christian World Needs Pastor-Theologians, Indiana Jones: Fading Magic in a Secular Age, Heresy at the Heart of Derek Webbs Boys Will Be Girls, Past Lives: Mature Wisdom in an Indie Romance, Marriage Is Better for Your Adult Kids Than You May Think, How to Dismiss an Employee in a Church or Ministry. Let us look back a little: How many times have we asked for a grace, a miracle, lets say, and nothing has happened. The Canaanite woman declared that she would be content with crumbs, because even Gods crumbs were more than enough. If your understanding of Gods providence leads you to pray less, then you need to rethink your understanding of Gods providence. As I wrote my book, When God Sees Your Tears, I was encouraged by the story of Hannah in the Bible who wanted a baby so badly she offered to give him back to God if he would just give her a son. 4 Prayers for God to Move the Mountain of Depression in Your Life, Where Was God When That Happened? Humble yourselves, therefore, under Gods mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. I had never prayed before the moment I prayed for salvation. The sufficiency of God's grace is found in that we can endure suffering just as Jesus endured the Cross! Remember this well. It's possible he has something even better for you than you have thought to request. Its a question of obedience when we engage in the practice of praying. Reason no. So, why do we pray? The world is a confusing place right now. Why Bother To Pray If It Doesn't Work! | Done with Religion Its important to distinguish between determinism and fatalism. Cindi McMenamin is a national speaker and award-winning writer who helps women find strength for the soul. In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy" (Hab. While they might sound like similar questions, they are indeed two very different ones.
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