wotlk prot paladin talents icy veins

If you are planning to kite, then just strafe away from the mobs without showing them your back, and kite them around in circles, pouring Consecration on their way to keep aggro, and occasionally allow them to hit you to spend your Holy Shield stacks and keep aggro. They explain basically the same thing you said over the remainder of the article along with their reasoning. Mages are arguably one of the biggest beneficiaries of Dragonflights new skill tree system. Widely considered to be the best tank in Dragonflight by some distance. Once you reach lvl 70, your priority should be reaching Revered with Keepers of Time for great leggings, SP sword, and headpiece enchant thankfully its easy to do since CoT quests are fairly generous with reputation. 1.1. Windwalker is kind of the odd Monk out at the moment, though they will still be very popular outside of raid environments. Protection Paladin Tank Talent Builds and Glyphs - Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Guides - Wowhead Protection Paladin Tank Talent Builds and Glyphs - Wrath of the Lich King Classic By WaltherLeopold Last Updated: 2022/12/24 Changelog Patch: 3.4.1 Favorite: Rating: Table of Contents Guide Navigation Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Prot is the best tank of the expansion by a margin of not even close. Paladin leveling guide 1.2. Most of their guides are like this, they are either bad or lack context which is important and can be misleading. Grab everything that has more stamina, armor, and defense/parry/dodge ratings and forget about intellect and spellpower for a time you need as much protection as possible. The upshot is that theyre still pure damage nightmares that will be instantly familiar to anyone who has spent time with them in recent expansions. And one more thing. Shield spec is obviously useful when you are geared for block chance + block value for a specific encounter with a lot of adds like the Morogrim fight. As already mentioned, Breastplate of the Righteous + Spaulders of the Righteous are great to have for stamina, spellpower, and set bonus they provide. The protection paladin can be one of the strongest tanks for engame wotlk content. Spell Warding is great to have in fights when you have to equip resistance gear in order to further reduce incoming spell damage. So if you are missing out on this magical number even by just 3-5%, you and your healers are up for a tough fight on every raid 25-man boss, because instead of normal attacks the boss will bombard you with crushing blows. Ideally, other players dont have to ask or give advice because you already planned out everything. 1. Theyre also capable of dealing a surprising amount of damage compared to other Dragonflight tanks. Tbh the only thing i care to know about Warriors currently is that if youre fury then youre a useless trolling sandbag waiting for armor pen gear so im not one to judge warrior guides =D. Also, instead of Shield Specialization, you can choose Spell Warding if you feel like you need more protection against magic. If it's a single-target oriented group, keep judging and re-applying SoR for more threat generation on skull-marked target, but also sparingly use Consecration and Holy Shield to build threat on nearby mobs too. A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! If you feel confident in your ability to keep up with their old and new DoT abilities, though, they can do a lot of damage in some key fights. Variation - Vindication Build Notable Talents Notable Talents Divine Strength increases our total strength by 15%. While I will be talking mainly about paladin tanks, warriors and druids may learn something useful too! Speaking about avoidance, contrary to popular belief, you don't need combined 102.4% avoidance to tank heroic dungeons as there are no crushing blows there; in fact, gearing for avoidance may reduce your survivability in heroics because to reach such a high number of combined defense, parry and dodge rating you need to sacrifice stamina, and its not advised for heroics, stamina (or more accurately, effective health) is much more important there. While Shamans may not be one of the biggest overall beneficiaries of the Dragonflight class updates, they are arguably the class that showcases why the new talent tree system is such a fascinating tool. Then the whole part on Expertise is just based on nonsense, you can gem expertise and its stronger per point than other stats below the cap, its also on an absolute tonne of easily available gear. Once you have done that, you can start tanking Hellfire Ramparts without any problems at ~level 59 and get more gear from dungeons, no need to do more quests in case you want to level in dungeons. This topic was automatically closed 60 days after the last reply. Any hit rating above 8% is almost worthless, due to the Heroic Strike bug. Taking both Reckoning and Crusade will noticeably improve your threat generation, especially on the single target. Armor Pen = Agility Those are two of the absolute best World of Warcraft resources available today, and I highly recommend checking them out if youre looking for a detailed breakdown of any class or build. Talent Tree Export Code: BYGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAoAkkgISIESSikINol4AJJRKyBISOQItkSSCBNAC, Talent Tree Export Code: BcGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJFkISSSSJtDIaJRkkAAAAAAgiAIJAIikQIJUSolkAAAAAAASA, Talent Tree Export Code: BgGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASEJJpkokkkEJARShiAICCSgkkkkkAolAAAAAAARAA, Talent Tree Export Code: BkGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQkkoUSSSUkWIRgU0ikAAAAAAAAAAAAAoAhIggkQIJJJJHIIplAAAAAAAAA. Honestly, its worth doing some runs in SV and Botanica normal while leveling just to get breastplate and shoulders from this set they are BiS until T4. It's the tank's fault! I frequently have new players in and out of my guildIve found there seems to be this huge controversy between Icy Veins vs. Wowhead for class/spec/rotation/prio/BIS. Figurine of the Colossus good for avoidance set. Cast Avenging Wrath, then Avengers Shield, then Holy Shield, then SoR+judging, SoR again and repeat judging and reapplying SoR and maintaining Holy Shield. I suspect that the reason why some paladin tanks are struggling with gathering their avoidance set is that they are vendoring all the gear they replaced, thinking that they wont need it anymore. Holy Paladins will probably be the most popular choice for those looking for Pally buffs/aura abilities, though Protection Paladins still bring unique immunity skills to the table that make them great tanks in tough moments. A lot of guides talk about how important mitigation is, there are spreadsheets and BiS lists going around, but in reality, for general tanking if an item has more stamina or sockets that yield you more stamina when you put +12 sta gems, you almost always should equip this item (of course, it should be clearly a tanking item, with defense rating or dodge/parry rating on it). Stamina is indeed king, as a lot of guides like to say. When you have about 12k hp self-buffed, gearing for even more stamina is not a good option, because there is a better alternative for a prot paladin and thats getting more spellpower. Im not going to do a list and describe them because you've already seen these lists in other guides, and honestly in-game tooltips are much self-explanatory, so Im just gonna explain how to use them best and why. Holy or prot paladin? - World of Warcraft Forums Priests are in about the same place they were at the end of Shadowlands, which is either good news or no news at all depending on your preferences, skill, and needs. I dont recommend taking Ardent Defender because unfortunately, its becoming quite ineffective when youll start to deal with big hits in heroics. Remember that any kind of group thinking or group decisions will most likely end up badly, PVE content in WoW is just not the place where this kind of thing works. The tricky part here is to get that spellpower tanking gear of course because it is very rare. Holy = Best Healer in WOTLK(Basically spamming just spamming holy light, so wouldnt be that fun for most) SA build is the most useful in a raid environment, but you can still successfully use it heroic dungeons, though since you dont have Avengers Shield youll have to adjust your playstyle a bit. For dungeons though, I recommend getting Libram of Eternal Rest for more AoE threat and damage. At first glance, AD is like an automatic shield wall without a cooldown which should be nice, but the 35% hp threshold for activation and 30% damage reduction makes it pretty bad for taking big hits, or at least not worth the whole 5 talent points. First of all, let's start at the very beginning of our journey tanking normal dungeons at levels 58-60. Curtently leveling a paladin in worlk as a ret (so far loving the class), but thinking of prot or holy as a dual spec. Talent Tree Export Code: B0PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4ACaJAABAAAAAAAAAAgGRKSolEJSi4A5AoJEhkQSSEakEB, Talent Tree Export Code: B4PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIHAaBAJIAAAAAQkIRSSi4ACJJNRaESUEaCJJhECaAAAAAA, Talent Tree Export Code: B8PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBaBJBSQQCRkQiQSSIJJAAAAAQQUEaCJSIhgGAAAAgA. Just be mindful of plate DPS that may be in your group they should have a priority on it. With these lists you should have no problem getting to these 12k hp and 485 defense just make a plan and grab these pieces one by one. In dungeons like Shattered Halls, Shadow Labyrinth, or Old Hillsbrad it might be hard even for a geared tank to just tank and spank mobs in place, soaking all the damage; so here you may want to kite, making thighs a lot easier for yourself and your healer. Do not sell your tanking gear! Adamantine Figurine is great, a lot of defense rating to help reach the defense cap, and a nice on-use bonus. Make sure that you do not show your back to the mobs while running! Playing in any kind of static group of course makes tanking much easier and some pieces of advice might not apply in this case. It also says nothing about the fact that hit is very very weak beyond that point, giving the false idea that the stat is a high priority strong stat in a general sense. While Retribution Paladins arent threatening to reach a top DPS spot anytime soon, they actually benefit quite a lot from Dragonflights skill tree system. Been levelling my prot paladin and having a blast. If someone is underperforming or hinders the run in some way, like constantly pulling the mobs ahead of you, its your responsibility to kick that player or leave yourself if you are not a leader of this group and others arent willing to do anything with such a player. Talent Tree Export Code: BAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAk0OAJJplDEARJlkkkIBAAAAAAAAAAASIpxBaJRCiIRQEFRikAE, Talent Tree Export Code: BEQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQDAAAAAAAAkWaJJJSIlgk0okQJAAAAAkkWolkAISSSERBkkQKA, Talent Tree Export Code: BIQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIk0CAAAAAAAAAAAAAISiSESRLSkUSIBoRSkIhESQQpFhkAA. If you act like explained above and add experience and knowledge to that, you are in power to indeed control pretty much everything that happens in a dungeon to a large extent! When right now its actually closer to this. Mark the target you want to die first with skull marker, cast Avengers shield and immediately break LoS, wait until first mobs reach you and pop up Avenging Wrath, use Consecration, then quickly cast Seal of Righteousness and immediately judge in on skull target, cast SoR again and then pop up Holy Shield for additional AoE threat generation. If you have trouble in generating ST threat on long raid fights, you can apply 5 stacks of Seal of Vengeance (Seal of Corruption if you are Blood Elf), judge it, then pop up SoR and attack with it for the duration of SoV debuff on a boss, and when SoV debuff has 1-2 seconds left to expire, quickly switch to SoV to renew it, judge it again, repeat. Still, Vengeance fans will love some of the new build options this expansion offers. Be in charge, call the shots, dont blame other players and youll be surprised with how much smoother the runs become. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Expertise to 26 (remove dodges) Prot paladin gearing : r/wotlk - Reddit I should also quickly cover the topic of dungeon leveling yes, if you are specced in protection its the best way to level since you are getting more XP/hour and getting much better gear in the process than quests could yield, plus you are farming much-needed reputation with various Outland factions which have some nice initial tanking gear. Yes, it is tedious and takes considerably more effort to play compared to any other role, but you are rewarded with more knowledge and confidence, and getting these Wanna tank X heroic? whispers almost every time you log in feels damn nice! Scan this QR code to download the app now. Affliction Warlocks, meanwhile, really shine in single-target situations, though the jury is still very much out on how well theyll be able to compete with other single-target classes as well as other classes that offer a more versatile set of damage skills. Making an SR set is fairly simple just go to AH and search for Shadow protection. Try to get around 200 SR with shadow protection aura on this will be more than enough to make these tough fights MUCH easier. Toughness increases your overall armor from items by 10% while also reducing movement speed impairing effects by 30%. Anyone already familiar with the class should be able to jump right into them in Dragonflight, though all DKs benefit from some fascinating talent tree options that really enhance so many of the things they already did so well. If you cant run Karazhan no worries, the beauty of TBCC is that you always have options! That makes them a solid healing option with some tremendous upside. Tank died? Best Professions for Protection Paladin 1. They took a slight hit to their single-target damage capabilities, but they compensate for that weakness thanks to their expanded, small-pack AoE options. Do not forget that aside from just surviving various damage, your next responsibility is to generate enough threat so your DPS wont need to stop doing damage and ideally dont even have to slow down. Prot is the best tank of the expansion by a margin of not even close. But the problem with the Icy Veins guides is they lead players down roads that are wrong. The majority of you probably already know that aside from being crit immune (which is fairly easy to become) tanks aiming to tank raid bosses also need combined 102.4% avoidance to completely avoid crushing blows (these are the blows that do 150% of normal hit damage and are quite dangerous). Talent Tree Export Code: BYQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgUSpUSSLJQCJFKRJSCBAAAAAA0CQKJQTUgUSSSLwBQSSA, Talent Tree Export Code: BcQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIJJpEJgkEikkQJhAAAAAAAAAAAAAQLCRIBFBkUSSSJASkEA, Talent Tree Export Code: BgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIpJJkkWkUSKARJlgkUCCRSUSJUASSAElkkESA. This has to do with holy paladin playstyle. Protection Paladin offers some of the strongest sustained damage in any PvP situation in the game along with unmatched tankiness and incredibly strong off healing potential. Armor Penetration does eventually become very good, you just cant even get enough right now for it to be strong, its at best slightly better than haste. Ay of you have some experience of which of them seems fun, boring, or challenging? By sacrificing a little stamina, you might get just enough avoidance to finally get to your cap, but you need to keep that ring (and various other pieces) to do that. How do you get these stats? Its obviously still early, but Monks are shaping up to be one of Dragonflights best overall classes. The biggest disparity being expertise, where the author reckons its limited on early gear and as such fussing over it too much can hinder you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Introduction Protection Paladins have access to Blessing of Sanctuary , as well as any of the other main blessings. First of all, I should explain right now how our avoidance works to dissipate the mystery of sudden and unexplainable prot paladin deaths while they tank raid bosses. @SilverTuna014, Matthew Byrd is a freelance writer and entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn. I've been tanking since day one of TBC Classic, pugging multiple heroic dungeons every day once I've been able to, and also did some pug raiding. With the amount of damage youll be taking in heroics these 4.2k hp (lets assume you have 12k hp, so 4.2k are 35% of 12k) may be shredded down in a second even with 30% damage reduction, or worse, some mobs may hit you for 5k and more, and in these cases, talent wont activate at all this is what's called a leapfrogging, when damage is so high it jumps over activation threshold, rendering the talent useless. Haste However, once you become decently geared (meaning you dont have as many problems with surviving incoming damage), you should opt for more threat-focused builds. Since I'm regularly seeing posts on this subreddit regarding various tanking problems, e.g. Once you arrive at the start of the dungeon, quickly buff the group and ask for mage table/health stones if they are available. Imagine that you are pulling your usual pack of mobs. Every or almost every dungeon has a quest or multiple quests that award really really really good blue quality tanking gear. If you are in a guild, you can do Karazhan runs as an OT, and as funny as it is, the first half of Karazhan is easier than any heroic dungeon you need just 11k HP and 490 defense for it which is fairly easy to get, and gear upgrades you can get there are enormous. The important thing here is that if youre tanking raid bosses, you should maintain Holy Shield on yourself at all times to keep your 102.4% avoidance required to tank raid bosses. Please note that everything thats written below mostly applies to tanking in pugs. Reddit, Inc. 2023. Yes, I know that sounds like an overstatement, but hear me out. It has a structured list of all useful quest rewards with the best ones being highlighted on the first page, a list of dungeon/faction rewards on the second page, and epic item drops from heroic on the third page. Most likely there will be some green items with SR on them, just grab the ones that provide the highest resistance regardless of armor grade (even cloth fits it doesnt matter, spell damage ignores armor anyway). Tank pulled the mobs too early. At the moment, Outlaw Rogue appears to lead the pack in terms of PvE options. You may need to do some quests for the rep to get to revered, but try to do it at 70, itll be much easier. But the problem with the Icy Veins guides is they lead players down roads that are wrong. 1. There are just times when youll want different things from your Shamans, and the new skill trees allow Shamans to tune themselves slightly to meet those needs. But if not, no need to worry there are still plenty of options like quest rewards that provide some nice pieces, for example, Myrmidon's Headdress or Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard. UPDATE 21.09.2021: Reviewed and improved the guide! If you'll see mistakes and incorrections, please do not hesitate to write about them and I'll update the post! Doing these simple things is enough to make it clear that you are not some clown in shiny armor that decided to spice up his boring evening by speccing to prot and try to tank all of a sudden, it tells your group that you actually care about the outcome of the run and you are at least somewhat experienced. They're tough, have insane aoe threat, can passively just not die and have spectacular utility which boosts the entire raid and makes the whole raid take less damage. Talent Tree Export Code: BEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQEAAAAAAAlkARJtkQTkiESJgWyBS0kgkSSikElUSSQhSA, Talent Tree Export Code: BIEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0iSIpIpcgIJBNJJSChEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQSSSKJQSUSRkEiSA, Talent Tree Export Code: BYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgIAiokWSikDAJJppkkElAAAAAAAIEJJplAJRJNRSUiSA. While Restoration Shamans still excel in situations where their chain heal abilities are called for, they can also now spec into some single-target healing boosts when needed. For example, Andormus Tear, a seemingly weak quest reward ring from Caverns of Time, adds 3.27% avoidance not counting the defense rating it has, and thats a HUGE number for a ring slot! That dynamic doesnt change in Dragonflight. Maybe it's a bit late when P2 is right behind the corner, but there should be always a surplus of new/returning players when a new phase starts so I hope this will be useful for them! Ardent Defender is great when you face a lot of hits over a small period of time, like during phase 2 of Prince Malchezaar fight, so if you face problems there, speccing into AD might be a good idea. Talent Tree Export Code: BkQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQSSSiEi00IItkkEpBAAAAakAAAAAAAJiCJJSkkk0ECAA, Talent Tree Export Code: BoQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggkEJSg0SLCSLJJkWAAAAAQLSSSIBSIRiUSLJyBIAAAAAAA, Talent Tree Export Code: BsQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgEkEJSg00ig0SSCpEtIBRigDk0gEAAAAAAAAAAAAhkUSC. All rights reserved. The most difficult thing here is to cast just enough abilities to have a solid threat lead, and no more. But its well worth the effort because you could really tell the difference between tanking with 250 SP or 500 SP when you try it! and our Hey Fury can do well on cleave, Loatheb and Thaddius! Healer died (even if he was standing directly in front of the mobs in melee range)? If you like PvP, then go holy, you can heal heal with pretty much the same loadout , Otherwise, I find both prot tanking and holy healing quite fun and since both are pretty damn OP, I dont have issue swapping for either . Also, plate gear with SP on it usually also has intellect, which is nice to have too. In other words, Warlocks really shine in situations where someone messes up the numbers and accidentally gives them access to some absurd single-target and AoE abilities. The Protection Pally is the best PVE Off Tank in the game and with wrath of the lich king classic coming you can the talents the rotation and the best in slot gear all in once place!MERCH: https://cutt.ly/bTCeImmSubscribe at https://cutt.ly/hTCenzPJoin our discord! If youll inspire confidence and affirm that with actions, people wont feel that way and will continue the run. April 7, 2016 Waldamer Member There is another threat about Paladin Tanks on the forum but it's not that good for understanding the basics from new players that choose to play as a Paladin Tank. It also works when joining or creating groups if you joined or gathered a group that doesnt have access to some crucial mechanics like CC, AoE, or slows, e.g. Sorry if it has. There are so many hpaladins and less healers needed these days for naxx. So far I have been suing AH boe blues that are upgrades from my kara gear. What gives? You will absolutely need it for two bosses Pandemonius in Mana Tombs and Zereketh the Unbound in the Arcatraz. Paladins arent at the top of any particular category at the moment, though Holy and Protection Paladins are both viable options. Most wanted spec of pala. Enhancement Shamans seem to be the better DPS option at the moment, though that is obviously subject to change once future updates hit. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. While Dragonflights Evokers are certainly capable, neither Evoker spec is dominating the game at the moment. Hit (above 8%). Best Protection Paladin Talent Tree Builds - Dragonflight 10.0.7 - Wowhead Best Protection Paladin Talent Tree Builds - Dragonflight 10.0.7 By Lincoln Last Updated: 2023/03/24 Changelog Patch: 10.0.7 Table of Contents Rating: 3.9/5 ( 28 Votes) Guide Navigation Rating: 3.9/5 ( 28 Votes) Tags: PvE Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month This is just one aspect of the Icy Veins guide, there are issues with the entire thing. Destruction Warlocks, for instance, seem to offer the most DPS potential, but the straightforward nature of their kit means that theyre best thought of as pure damage dealers (even with the new skill tree options). Holy Priest appears to be the better overall healing option at the moment, though there is something to be said for the ways that Discipline Priests can protect against big bursts of incoming damage and generally take a more proactive approach to group content. Hey Fury can do well on cleave, Loatheb and Thaddius! you took a rogue, warrior, and ret paladin to Shattered Halls heroic well, its you who agreed to join or gathered such group. If youre interested in doing some pretty crazy DPS numbers, pick Hunters with confidence and figure out your favorite subclass from there as the expansion goes on. The best is subjective term. Reddit, Inc. 2023. The talent build listed above takes a lot of the major bonuses from Retribution . Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion. For heroics, you need around 12k HP with Blessing of Kings on you and 485 defense minimum so you wont get critical hits from 72 lvl bosses in heroics. It is very easy to go oom, especially without spellpower/intellect gear just use Consecration like 4 times on cooldown, and youre done. Historically, Warlocks have been at their best when theyve been straight-up broken. Usually done by a streamer or some person from one of the higher end parsing/speedruning guilds so milage may vary. The whole thing is poorly written and misleading to people who arent in the know. I should also mention that tanking Outland dungeons assumes that you have specced into some variation of protection spec. So again, thank you again for reading such a long guide, hope it was worth your time! If you boosted your character and have communal gear, it may be a bit lacking for tanking first Outland dungeons and I recommend doing some initial quests in Hellfire Peninsula to get some upgrades. Thanks to everyone who read to this point! A must-have talent considering how many bonuses we gain from Strength alone!

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wotlk prot paladin talents icy veins